His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 603: Don't be afraid

Lu Wanyu called her name uncomfortably, but she was indifferent, like a robot, and suddenly threw Lu Wanyu towards the wall.

Immediately afterwards, several people rushed in, trying to calm her down, but she was beaten by her for three or two seconds, and she fell to the ground.

She was about to go out, but suddenly clutching her chest, her expression in pain.

In the next second, she went crazy and lost her sanity.

"Today's Misty is no longer the Misty we know. She is like a robot manipulated by humans. We don't even know who we are."

"Know the reason?" Feng Xian's face was solemn.

Qian Ru solemnly said: "It was initially determined that it was caused by the x-four recorded in your aunt's latest experimental record. We extracted this substance according to her method and conducted a separate experiment. At that time, no problems were found, even the finished product. When the medicine came out, there was no problem on the white mouse, but she did not expect it, but it had this effect. At that time, she was irritable and irrational, following a demon."

He sighed: "Fortunately, there is no life-threatening in the ethereal."

He looked at Fengxian: "President Feng, do you know how your aunt uses this x-four?"

Fengxian: "She never let me participate in formal experiments, I don't know much."

"Then, besides these materials, do you have anything else?"

Fengxian said: "There will be results soon."

Qian Ru's eyes lit up: "Have you sent someone to investigate?"

Fengxian said: "A few years before my aunt passed away, she liked to travel everywhere. During this period, I don’t know if she will continue to experiment, but I’ve sent someone to investigate."

As early as after talking with Qian Ru that day, he sorted out all the things his aunt left him, and gave everything that could be given to Qian Ru.

For others, he has sent someone to investigate.

He called up Qianmen's picture at this time and asked: "How is her physical condition now?"

"It's recovering, and it will probably return to normal tomorrow morning. bdr-2 has a strong repair ability. If it were not for these side effects, it would definitely be the most powerful research and development in our medical community in the past few hundred years."

When Qian Ru said this, there was a sense of regret in his tone.

After all, this medicine has invested so many people's hard work. At the beginning, it was also placed very high. If it succeeds, it will be able to cope with most brain diseases!

Unexpectedly, this will end in the end.

Feng Xian looked at the girl in the picture with a worrisome expression in his eyes, and said, "I'll go see her."

Qian Ru nodded and led him into the cabin.

At this moment, there is no one else here, inside or outside.

After Qian Ru brought him in, he said, "I'm guarding outside."

"Give me some medicine to relieve pain and remove blood stasis."

Qian Ru nodded, and soon delivered something.

After he went out, Feng Xian took out the ointment and gently applied medicine to Qian Miao's wound.

She was motionless and slept very deeply.

He looked at her asleep, his eyes showing distress.

Hands gently stroked her hair, eyes gentle.

The heart also faintly felt pain.

After a while, he leaned over and lowered his head, and dropped a kiss between her forehead.

The voice was very touching: "Don't be afraid, I will definitely find a way to heal you."

The next second, the number on the heart rate watch suddenly rose from 120 to 171.

Qian Ru quickly came in to check the situation.

But after a while, the data recovered to around 125.

Qian Ru wondered: "What happened just now? How did the data fluctuate so much?"

Fengxian: "Nothing unusual."

"This is weird... But, it's back to normal now, it should be fine." Qian Rudao.