His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 602: She has an accident

Three days later, in the afternoon.

Fengxian came back from a business trip and brought many gifts as before.

Qiao Shiwan lit the gift and said, "Wait when Mi Mi comes back from the classmate's house, then give these to her."

Feng Xian was stunned for a second, and said, "She has been going to her classmate's house these days?"

"Well, I went on the first day I came back from abroad, I don't know when to come back."

She said: "In the past few days, many people have come to us, and they all want to see Misty."

After that, she showed an admiring look: "I didn't expect our family to be the famed Young Master Bai Mi. Now, I feel that I am dreaming, Ah Xian, you said, how come there are such excellent girls, huh? "

The corner of Feng Xian's mouth slightly tickled, and said, "Because it is her."

After that, he looked around and asked, "Where is A Chan?"

"This kid forced me to let him go with his final exam transcript. He has already gone to his idol to record the show."

"What program?"

"I don't know yet, but it was recorded with that Zhang Xuela."

Fengxian said: "I will send a few people to protect him."

"Remember to be quiet, don't let him find out, otherwise he will feel that he is very useless." Qiao Shi Wan said.

A faint sorrow lingers between Qiao Shiwan's eyebrows: "He hasn't had an episode for several years. I hope that he has been doing well all the time. Every time he wants to go out, I am frightened."

Feng Xian looked down: "I will always protect him, don't worry."

Qiao Shiwan couldn't rest assured, her own children couldn't rest assured if they didn't look in front of them.

"I'll call him, go take a bath, take a good rest, ah."

"By the way, Tang Yi got a son. He will have a banquet later, and the invitation has already been brought."

She pointed to the small flower basket on the shoe cabinet.

Feng Xian nodded faintly, then turned and walked towards the next door.

After taking a shower, he contacted Qian Ru and asked about the progress of the experiment.

Ever since he got the words out from Qian Ru that day, he has kept in touch with him and kept an eye on the progress of the experiment.

Ten minutes later, Qian Ru sent a message.


In the past few days, I was trying to test the medicine. It was good at first, but something suddenly happened today.

Feng Xian frowned and called him directly.

"How is she?"

"I just stabilized, and the rejection reaction this time was different from before. Very strange symptoms appeared."

"I'll go and take a look."

Qian Ru thought for a second, then said, "Come on."

The sealing speed is very fast, almost driving the car to the gate of the base.

Qian Ru waited for him outside for a long time, and personally took him in.

No one was encountered along the way, and Qian Ru was distracted in advance.

He understood that Feng Xian didn't want Qianmiao to know his intention to intervene in this matter, so he also cooperated to conceal it.

When he arrived in the observation room, Qian Ru first called up a picture.

In the picture, in the pure white cabin, Qian Miao sleeps quietly on the bed, motionless.

Feng Xian's eyes fell on the bruise on her wrist, her eyes tightening: "What happened to her hand?"

Qian Ru sighed, did not speak, and tuned out a video silently.

"This was captured by surveillance this morning."

In the screen, Qian Miao, who was supposed to be asleep, suddenly sat up suddenly, his body was like a puppet without self-consciousness. Although his movements were quick and accurate, he was not angry.

She glanced at the sleeping Lu Wanyu next door, and suddenly, pinched her around her neck and grabbed her. With great strength, she could directly lift Lu Wanyu up without much effort!