His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 854: 854: Want to reward

"Does it taste bad?" Jiang Lingzhi felt strange: "I'll try it."

The corner of Li Shunan's eyes twitched slightly, his palm grabbed her wrist, and his voice was low and deep: "Don't drink."

Jiang Lingzhi glanced down at him, puzzled: "Why?"

Li Shunan licked the corner of his lower lip, and casually said a reason: "I have drunk it."

"Drink it and drink it, and I will taste it."

Li Shunan stopped her again, and tuned in, "I want to kiss me indirectly. Beware that I spread a cold to you."

Jiang Lingzhi became even more suspicious: "I'm not afraid."

When he was going to say something, Jiang Ling knew his voice was cold and said, "You let go."

Li Shunan was a little bit hesitant to speak, and slowly moved his fingers away, then let go of her hand.

Why is his attitude so strange?

Isn't it just a **** tea? It's like drinking poison.

She doesn't believe in this evil today!

Jiang Ling picked up the bowl suspiciously, put it to his lips, and took a tentative sip.

! ! !

After taking a sip, she felt that the spicy smell filled her entire mouth.

Too top! !

It's so terrible! !

The boyfriend's cooking was obviously delicious before. The **** taste was not particularly strong, and the brown sugar was just right, not particularly sweet, and the spiciness of **** was diluted.

Why did she cook such a thing? !

Jiang Ling knew he almost vomited.

She put the bowl on the table, picked up the water cup next to it, took two sips of water, and stared at the bowl of **** soup: "This is too bad to drink."

Li Shunan raised his hand and gently rubbed the water stains off her lips with his fingers: "I didn't tell you, I told you to stop drinking."

Jiang Ling knew that the taste was too scary when he recalled just now.

She was immediately frustrated: "The **** soup you made is so delicious, I thought it shouldn't taste much worse, who knows, it will be so bad..."

She wrinkled her nose, her face was unhappy.

Li Shunan raised her little hand and held it in the palm of her hand, a little funny again: "Why is this expression?"

Jiang Lingzhi glanced at him, exhaled, and muffled: "I'm useless at all. I can't even cook a **** soup."

Li Shu Nanjiaoerlang took the lead: "Very good, except that it's a bit spicy, nothing else."


Jiang Ling knew that a word was hard to explain.

This person is here again. Last time she said that the food she cooked was delicious, but today she said without conscience that her **** soup was delicious.

There is really no principle.

Jiang Ling knew that he was amused inexplicably, and picked his thorns: "It's delicious, why don't you finish it?"

Li Shunan leaned back in the chair lazily, her peachy eyes half-squinted, her gaze moved down, and fell on her red lips: "I'm finished, what's the reward?"

Jiang Ling knew that he deliberately teased him, so there was no reward.

"I'm joking with you, it's so spicy, is this something people drink?" Jiang Lingzhi stood up, carrying the bowl of **** soup and going downstairs to pour it out: "I'll cook another one."

Before he took a step, he was caught by his wrist and pulled back.

Jiang Ling knew that he almost didn't knock over the bowl: "What are you doing?"

Li Shunan clasped her waist, took the person into his arms, raised his eyes, and looked up at her, dragging his accent, "I want a reward."

Jiang Lingzhi blinked his eyes, but did not react.

Li Shunan took the bowl in her hand, raised his head, and drank it without blinking.

He raised his head slightly, the line of his neck was straightened, his apple was pulsating up and down, and the line was smooth and sexy, especially beautiful.

Jiang Ling knew: "..."