His Naughty Little Girl is So Sweet

Chapter 853: 853: Like taking care of a child

Li Shunan leaned down slightly, the clear breath came down, and said dumbly: "You are so close to me, I want to kiss you."

Hearing this, Jiang Ling paused for two seconds, and then the roots of his ears began to become hot again, unnaturally looking away, and took two steps back.

As if encountering some virus, he immediately stayed away from him.

Li Shunan lowered his eyes, stared straight at her, and chuckled softly.

The little girl is still so thin.

She gets shy when she is teased by him.

Li Shunan stood up straight, smiled casually, and wiped his hair with a towel: "You just said, what did you cook?"

Jiang Lingzhi touched her ears before remembering: "Oh, I cooked **** soup."

She pointed to the direction of the desk: "You drink it, be careful of catching a cold."

Li Shunan's gaze fell over, his brows were slightly lazy.

Jiang Lingzhi was about to walk over, his eyes fell on top of his head, his brows frowned: "Why haven't you dried your hair yet?"

Li Shunan raised his eyebrows. Before she could speak, she was pushed to the desk and sat down on a chair.

Jiang Lingzhi pressed his little soft hand on his shoulder, and touched the tip of his hair with his fingers: "You drink the **** soup first, and I will get a hairdryer to blow your hair."

Li Shunan twitched the corners of her lips and laughed low, with a lazy voice: "How come you look like caring for a child?"

Jiang Lingzhi turned around and walked into the bathroom, curling his lips: "Then you still treat me like a child."

She quickly walked out with a hair dryer, still whispering in her mouth: "Let you experience the feeling of being taken care of."

Li Shunan leaned against the back of his chair, his eyes fell on the bowl on the desk.

The **** soup made by his little girlfriend.

Li Shu Nanqing raised his eyebrows, held up the bowl with his distinct fingers, took only a sip, and frowned.

How much **** is needed for this.

Drink it full of ginger, the spiciness is simply too exciting.

After taking a sip, he put the bowl down.

He didn't like the taste of ginger. He was worried that she would feel spicy. Every time he made her brown sugar **** tea, he only put three or four slices.

In the end, she did well, as if she had put all the **** in the house.

However, little girls will hurt people now.

Li Shu Nan Taohua's eyes were slightly curved, and the smile on his lips was a little rippling.

There was the sound of a hair dryer in her ears, and the little girl's soft fingers passed through his [海棠书屋www.lvshuw.com] black hair.

Li Shunan could see the girl's profile from the mirror on the dressing table.

She was blowing his hair intently, with a serious expression.

After the hair was almost blown, Jiang Ling put the hair dryer away contentedly, and his eyes fell on the bowl on the desk.

It seems to be the same as when it was served just now, without any change.

Jiang Lingzhi frowned, "Did you not drink?"

Li Shu Nan's eyes moved, and he raised his hand, with his distinct fingers against the bridge of his nose, and gently rubbed it: "Drink."

Jiang Ling knew whether he believed what he said, "You have to drink it all, you see there is so much left."

"..." Li Shunan did not speak.

As if reacting to something suddenly, Jiang Lingzhi tilted his head, looked at his chiseled profile, and asked: "What's the matter? Isn't it delicious?"

Jiang Ling knew that cooking this thing should have no technical content.

Just cut some ginger, put some wolfberry, and put some brown sugar.

Hearing that **** can cure cold, she deliberately cut two more pieces.

Isn't it delicious?