Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 449

Gu Mian didn\'t answer for a long time, but Su Aochi was not sure. She acquiesced. Eager to get a positive answer, Su Aochi had to ask one side again: "are you and him fake?"

Su Aochi\'s voice again finally brought Gu Mian back to reality. She had always been a person who said one thing. No one had asked before. If Tang HaoChen had asked her so before, she would not deny it. Therefore, Gu Mian finally answered Su Aochi: "yes."

Although Gu Mian\'s tone is plain, it\'s just that this word makes her use all her strength. Generally, Su Aochi\'s question is equivalent to asking her about her past life. She has always been obsessed with Rong Xiu. Her marriage and body are her children, which are just jokes based on a contractual marriage.

For eight years, Gu Mian has been suffering for this contract. Every day, everything is a joke, but Gu Mian has paid everything, even his eyes, for this joke.

Even if Gu Mian is strong, she can\'t deceive herself. The reality is that her marriage with Rong Xiu is false. What if they have children?

False is false, never true.

Confused eyes are even more confused. Su Aochi\'s heart hurts with Gu Mian. He can\'t help but hug Gu Mian tightly in front of his chest, no matter the chest is still shouting about the aching wound. It seems that only in this way can he give Gu Mian courage and strength, and let her face all this firmly.

Su Aochi hugged Gu Mian for a long time. He noticed that the place where he and Gu Mian stood was the door of Rongxiu\'s current ward.

Through the crack of the door, Su Aochi vaguely saw Rong Xiu lying on the hospital bed. After thinking about it, Su Aochi still asked, "do you still love him?"

Su Aochi never asked this sentence, and he never said it.

The word "love" is of great significance to Su Aochi. Unlike other men, he always talks about it easily, perhaps because of the relationship between his parents. Su Aochi has always felt that love must be hidden in his heart for a long time. Therefore, Su Aochi can flirt with all women, but will never say the word "love" to women.

Gu Mian buried her face in Su Aochi\'s chest and covered her tears. She heard Su Aochi\'s question, but she couldn\'t answer?

Does she love Rongxiu? Naturally, the answer is yes, but up to now, she has been exposed. How else can she answer?

She had already forgotten about the contract and that it was just a fake marriage to complete Gu Yao and Rong Xiu, but asked her to admit her true feelings in this conspiracy?

"Gu Mian, no matter what happened in the past, you should be able to understand my mind in the past five years, even if I don\'t say it. Even if you didn\'t know it before, I really hope you can think about me again. You may really can\'t believe it. When I know that your marriage with Rong Xiu is based on a contract, I\'m actually a little happy. That\'s because For, I think I may still have a chance... "

Su Aochi was so excited that he loved you incoherently. Here he opened Gu Mian and held her face, Look into her eyes and say: "In fact, Gu Mian, I really love you so much that I can\'t extricate myself from it. I\'ve fallen in love with you since you were at Dai\'s house. But at that time, because you were such an identity, I couldn\'t say this love. I\'m afraid it will bring more burden to you, and I\'m afraid Dai Shiqi will make it more difficult for you. But later, you married Rong Xiu quietly, and I became a lawyer It\'s really sad when I was young. You know, I already knew that Rong Xiu replaced me. If I knew, you would marry Rong niansheng\'s grandson. I would definitely recognize Rong niansheng early. I\'m not afraid to be regarded as a target, but I can\'t do that. My parents, in order to protect me, found a child similar to me and let him enter Rong family instead of me. The purpose is to let him resist the pursuit of my enemies for me. Therefore, in this respect, Rong Xiu is my life-saving benefactor. I can neither expose my identity nor openly rob you with Rong Xiu. Therefore, at that time, I couldn\'t face this fact at all. I can only escape. "

Su Aochi\'s voice was not loud, but it clearly came into Xing en\'s ears. It turned out that Rong Haozhe adopted Rong Xiu for such a purpose. Xing en, who heard the news, immediately raised a trace of hatred in his heart, but he thought again that if Rong Haozhe didn\'t take Rong Xiu who was seriously ill at that time, Rong Xiu might not live until now.

But I didn\'t expect that when Rong Xiu grew up, he married the sweetheart of Rong Haozhe\'s own son. It\'s really a free Providence. Anyway, Rong Haozhe and anlexin have long been married, and Xing en doesn\'t care about the past.

Su Aochi continues his confession: "I know that three years later, you appeared in villa 4, which once again reminded me of my hidden affection for you. In the face of you tortured by Rong Xiu, I can\'t be indifferent. You know everything later. Therefore, Gu Mian, I want to ask you, do you really still love Rong Xiu? If you tell me you love him, I will never force you, if you don\'t love..."

This time, Gu Mian didn\'t wait for Su Aochi to finish, she immediately replied: "I love him, I love Rong Xiu, Su Aochi. Although Rong Xiu was teasing me for three years, I still fell in love with him."

Gu Mian was not confused by Su Aochi\'s confession. Of course, she was really moved by what Su Aochi said, but Gu Mian always had only one answer to the question of whether she loved Rong Xiu or not. But many times, her proud personality made her unable to admit that she loved Rong Xiu.

Whether in front of she Rongxiu or in front of others, she feels that falling in love with a man who plays with her is a ridiculous thing. But now, people laugh as they like. Anyway, she is out of sight.

Su Aochi didn\'t expect Gu Mian to answer so simply. He was stunned for a long time and didn\'t react.

Gu Mian can understand Su Aochi\'s current mood. He has loved himself silently for so many years. Similarly, he has also loved Rong Xiu silently for so many years. Gu Mian can imagine that if she wanted Rong Xiu to confess today, she would get the result of Rong Xiu\'s love for Gu Yao, and she would also be stunned.

But no matter how she can\'t bear it, this is the fact. She wants to explain to Su Aochi once that she completely gives up her in Su Aochi. Only in this way can he start again and choose other girls.