Her Unforgettable Love

Chapter 448

Su Aochi glanced at Meng Xingzhu, then withdrew his hand and said, "I offended him? I tell you, from today on, he offended me. Xing en, you\'d better not let me catch you at work, or I\'ll kill you."

Xing en casually glanced at the arrogant Su Aochi. His eyes were no different from looking at a three-year-old child.

Su Aochi said cruel words and stretched out his hand to push Xing en: "get out of the way."

Xing en still wouldn\'t let go. He didn\'t even step back. He looked at Su Aochi coldly and said, "unless you tell me what you want to do with Gu Mian, I\'ll consider whether to let you go."

Su Aochi still said, "why should I tell you? Hey, I see what relationship Gu Mian has with you. Can you manage it?"

Xing en said positively, "I\'m her eldest brother. Of course I can take care of your evil intention to see my brother\'s woman."

Hearing the speech, Su Aochi sneered: "big brother? Your brother Rongxiu has divorced her, and he is still lying there. You don\'t know when to wake up. You shouldn\'t be selfish enough to let others sleep and guard the widow for your brother."

As soon as Su Aochi said this, Xing Enlei\'s paralyzed face finally looked a little painful. Let\'s not say whether Su Aochi cursed Rong Xiu and couldn\'t wake up, but there seems to be nothing wrong with what Su Aochi said. He really wanted to keep Gu Mian for Rong Xiu, because he firmly believed that Rong Xiu would wake up.

However, up to now, the doctor has not told him exactly when Rong Xiu will wake up, because the situation of Rong Xiu is not much different from that of Gu Yao. Gu Yao didn\'t wake up until three years later. What about Rong Xiu?

If Rong Xiu can wake up, no matter for a few years, Xing en believes that as long as Gu Mian loves him and doesn\'t need to ask for it, Gu Mian will choose to wait for him. But if Rong Xiu can\'t wake up, does he really ask Gu Mian to wait for Rong Xiu all his life?

Whether he wants it or not, he is not qualified.

Gu Mian has the final say to choose what to do.

Xing en was so stunned that Su Aochi took the opportunity to slip past him and quickly ran upstairs.

In fact, Su Aochi was stabbed this time, which was also very dangerous, and he had only been operated on for a few days. In addition, he had been running around these days and didn\'t have a good rest at all. Therefore, just running up to the second floor, Su Aochi felt a little hard. He just felt that his two legs were too heavy to lift up and he didn\'t have the strength to climb up.

Su Aochi was afraid that Xing en would come up to block himself after he understood, so he had to stretch out his hand and grasp the handrail of the stairs. He wanted to use the strength of his assistant to pull his heavy body upstairs. But this pull accidentally pulled the wound on his chest.

A burst of pain made Su Aochi\'s forehead sweat. He looked back downstairs, but he saw that Xing en didn\'t catch up, so he felt relieved and relaxed, slowing down his steps upstairs.

Bearing the pain from the wound, Su Aochi covered the wound hard and climbed the stairs slowly step by step. He really didn\'t have the strength. If he had extra strength, he would scold Meng Xingzhu first. It was five floors and five floors. If he didn\'t install an elevator at that height, he had to go up the whole wooden stairs. It was not only hard, but also loud.

Finally, I raised my feet to the last floor

, Su Aochi breathed heavily, clenched his teeth and stepped into the corridor on the fifth floor. As soon as Su Aochi looked up, he saw Gu Mian looking at himself at the other end of the corridor.


As soon as he was nervous, Su Aochi immediately held his breath and pretended that nothing had happened. Then he took a step, leaned against the wall of the corridor and greeted Gu Mian with a posture he thought was very handsome.

However, Su Aochi immediately realized that Gu Mian should not have seen her embarrassment. She was blind. She was too afraid that Gu Mian would see her pain because of the wound. In fact, he didn\'t need to make such a deliberate disguise, because Gu Mian was just facing this way, not seeing herself.

"What\'s the matter with you, Su Aochi?" Although Gu Mian didn\'t see Su Aochi, he also heard his heavy breathing and greeting voice.

Su Aochi looked at Gu Mian in shock. After watching it for a while, he calmed down and asked, "how do you know it\'s me?"

Gu Mian stood there motionless, smiled softly and said, "you just talked to me!"

There are windows on the south side of the corridor. Now it\'s sunny time. Gu Mian is wearing a black and red lattice leisure suit today. Under the sunshine, her confused eyes are particularly charming.

Su Aochi stroked the wound and walked slowly. All the way, he was adjusting his breathing and thinking about the contract. It seemed that the pain was not as intense as his heart.

"Gu Mian, I have something to ask you. You should answer me honestly." Looking at Gu Mian\'s eyes, Su Aochi\'s heart seems to be more painful than the wound. Did he and she miss it again and again, which made her suffer so much?

He didn\'t blame her for hiding him, but he was distressed for her.

From Su Aochi\'s tone, Gu Mian felt that Su Aochi\'s next words might be very important, so Gu Mian nodded and promised Su Aochi: "OK."

Su Aochi has come to Gu Mian\'s body. He stares deeply into Gu Mian\'s eyes. It seems that only in this way can he confirm that Gu Mian\'s next answer is not lying to him.

"Are you married by contract with Rong Xiu?"

As soon as he said this, Gu Mian\'s whole body was shocked. The first thought was, how did Su Aochi know? Is it Gu Yao again?

However, hearing the news, Gu Mian was not the only one shocked, but also Xing en and Meng Xingzhu who had reached the stairway on the fifth floor.

Xing en never knew that the marriage between Rong Xiu and Gu Mian was a contract! Not only him, but also everyone in Rong\'s body, and maybe even Mr. Rong should be included in it. Almost no one knows about it.

Su Aochi looked directly at Gu Mian. He took out the contract sent by Su Aofeng from his suit pocket, opened it and read the contents of the contract word by word

Gu Mian was extremely shocked. She didn\'t expect that Su Aochi would know about it. The contractual marriage between her and Rong Xiu was originally scheduled for five years, but unexpectedly, too much happened in the middle, and the two had to end the marriage early.

But at that time, Gu Mian had already fallen in love with Rong Xiu. She also knew that what Rong Xiu really loved was Gu Yao.

But five years have passed. In these five years, Gu Mian has never contacted Rong Xiu again. She has almost forgotten that the three years of marriage between her and Rong Xiu was just a contract. Su Aochi suddenly mentioned it now. It seems that Gu Mian was pulled back five years ago. She had to face that Rong Xiu was only her contracted husband.