Help! I'm In Love With A Liar (Complete)

Chapter 19:Confusion!

"Oh that!" I heaved a sigh of relief. "Guys, I am in love with him and he loves me too. He just proposed me today," I exclaimed happily and showed them the ring. I presumed them to be equally excited and glad for us. There was something going on in their minds and what I had thought would be a pleasant surprise, was turning out to be a shock for them. Biyu started sobbing frantically. I was bewildered at her reaction.

"Biyu! What's the matter with you? I thought you will be happy for me. I finally found my kind of guy. Why are you crying?" I demanded to know, getting really worried.

"Cecilia, we do not wish to talk to you. Don't ever talk to us. Our friendship is over!" Changying replied and they both entered the gate.

All the way, from the main gate to my hostel room, I mused about what could have distressed them so much? What made Biyu weep so much? Surely it's not due to me hiding my feelings for Wang. There was something else which I had no clue about.

I entered my room and Chunhua was over the phone talking to Chang, as usual. I thought of calling Wang but then dropped the idea, since I thought; he must be driving back to his place. I thought of giving him a call after ten minutes. In the meanwhile Chunhua figured, I was worried about something so she hung up the phone.

"What is wrong with you? You look really worried," she asked.

"Look Chunhua I had to tell you something. Wang proposed me today and I said yes to him. All this while, I had been talking to him only and we wanted to give our relation some time before telling you guys." I blurted in a supersonic speed.

"What?" Chunhua stared at me wide mouthed.

"Yes, I wanted to tell this to you happily, but something happened today which has totally pissed me off. Biyu and Changying saw me and Wang together and for some lame reason they are not glad about it," I said almost crying. "I don't know what is wrong with them. They should not be so possessive for him," I snapped.

"Cecilia they are not being possessive, they are behaving the way any girl would behave in such a situation," she confronted.

"What situation are you talking about?" I asked her puzzled. Things were getting so confusing; it seemed I would soon lose my mind from all this anxiety and suspense.