Help! I'm In Love With A Liar (Complete)

Chapter 18:Strange Behaviour!

We headed back to my college, in his car and this was the first time, Wang was talking less. He was smiling all this while and holding my hand. Suddenly he stopped the car at the back side of my college.

He held my other hand too and said, "Thank you so much Cecilia for accepting my mom's ring. You have no idea how happy I am."

He came closer to me, I felt intimidated and spoke nothing in return. He came even closer and this time so close that our lips were touching each other's, slightly. I did not move a single inch, neither backwards nor forward. He came closer to me and our lips locked completely with each other….

He stopped the car near the college gate and planted a quick peck on my cheek, before I got off. I never wanted to get off the car and bidding him farewell was the toughest thing to do. His car took a reversal and I began walking towards the college gate. I walked a few steps, when I noticed Biyu and Changying gawking at me.

They had been standing there all this while and evidently, we were so busy that we failed to notice them. I realized, they will ask me about Wang and I was in a way relieved, that I will finally tell them the reality. I could not control my excitement, thinking about how happy and surprised they both will be.

"Hi guys!" I exclaimed and hugged Biyu. That's how I always met Biyu.

Biyu shrugged me away in disgust, to my disbelief. I noticed, they did not look happy at all. Biyu was on the verge of crying. I was baffled to see a cheerful girl like her, crying.

I held her hand tightly and asked "what is the matter? Is something wrong?"

Biyu looked at me gravely, but did not speak anything.

"What do you mean by all this," I confronted.

"Don't act smart Cecilia. We saw everything. We saw the way Wang kissed you and the way you both were smiling," she screamed at me.

It was 7 pm and none of us was even thinking about the track of time. Changying was shouting at me near the college gate and every girl who was entering the gate, could figure out that we were fighting.