Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 801

What appeared in front of Locke was an extremely empty warehouse, and what was stored in the warehouse was a running biological cabin. These biological cabins looked like they had just been unloaded from the launcher, and there were obvious signs of demolition at the tail of the biological cabin.

What surprised Locke most was not the hundreds of biological cabins, but the half squinting Saiyan babies in the biological cabin!

Looking at the operation of these biological compartments, Locke also knows that most of the babies placed inside still maintain the most basic vital characteristics.

Unlike Locke, who was stunned here, Ashar had come forward and observed the Saiyan babies in the biological cabin.

ASAR, a Saiyan soldier above level 1, has solved many. For ordinary Saiyan civilians below level 1, there are no fewer such specimens in ASAR\'s laboratory, but ASAR is the first time to see a Saiyan living baby.

The fertility rate of the Saiya is extremely low. In the Saiya town destroyed by Locke\'s looting mission, the number of Saiya babies is less than 100 among the more than 8000 townspeople.

In the face of the ferocious slave creatures and the sudden outbreak of the fierce war, the first to die in the war is these weak Saiyan babies, not to mention the living babies, that is, the Saiyan babies with the whole body. Ashar has not seen a few.

Seeing Ashar\'s eyes shining, Locke knew what was on her mind.

If it is an adult Saiya, Locke will certainly not care about assar\'s living experiment, but if it is a baby, Locke can\'t accept it morally, especially the appearance difference between these Saiya babies and human babies in the wizard world is not big.

If there is any obvious difference, it is that these saians have a hairy tail more than ordinary humans.

"Biological planet 7, h81367 base, kafett, father low-level soldier, mother ordinary Saiyan." Ashar suddenly read something. It was a note pasted on the glass surface of each biological cabin.

If you guessed correctly, it should be some information about the baby recorded.

Biological planet 7 indicates that this little guy is from planet 7 instead of the current biological planet 5. H81367 base should be the Saiyan base that sent the single soldier biological module away from the baby.

Caffitt is mostly the name given to him by the child\'s parents, and the last two messages record the level of his parents.

It\'s heartless. The child doesn\'t even know who his parents are. Only this simple string of words records brief information about him.

The words of the Saiya people are not difficult to learn. Ashar has long mastered them, which helps her study the scientific research achievements of Saiya scientists.

After walking around the whole biological cabin and browsing the notes of each Saiyan baby, Ashar came to Locke and said her conclusion: "these babies were sent from biological planet 7, and they have one thing in common, that is, at least one of their parents is a Saiyan warrior above the lower level."

Ashar\'s conclusion is only obtained objectively from the note information.

It is not difficult to understand the origin of these Saiyan babies. Only when one of their parents is a strong person at or above the first level, can they have the opportunity to be sent from the war-torn biological planet 7 to the relatively safe biological planet 5.

It\'s also a pity that only one of their parents is a strong person above level 1, so that they can\'t enter the home planet Saiya to live.

They are lucky, they are also unfortunate.

Just from the birth stage, they are far from the babies on Saiya, and this gap will become larger and larger in the future.

Needless to say, now in the hands of knights and magicians who invaded their homes, the future of these children is even more uncertain.

Only from the surface of the note text, Ashar can\'t get what she wants. She wants to know more.

Nearby, the glass cover of a biological cabin was opened by assar with magic. One moment it was still a warm and suitable environment in the biological cabin, but the next moment it was a harsh environment full of the aftereffects of the battle. The Saiyan baby\'s half narrowed small eyes slowly opened. After looking around in confusion, his mouth shriveled and began to cry.

It is worthy of being the baby of the Saiya family. The child can\'t see for six months, but he has great strength to cry. Locke\'s ears are numb with shock because he is so close.

Assar didn\'t care about the details of children crying. He took a needle from the space ring and had to draw blood for the Saiya baby on the spot.

The tip of the needle pierced into the baby\'s arm, and the two finger thick needle barrel slowly rushed into the dark red blood. It\'s strange to say that it was very painful for a child to prick the needle, but the little baby slowly stopped crying, but looked at Zhou Wei with his big eyes open again with his confused eyes.

A tube of blood was quickly drawn out. The baby\'s face was a little white. In addition to providing an environment suitable for the baby\'s life, there was also a layer of light green liquid under the baby in the biological cabin. This is a nutrient solution invented by the Saiya family. These babies can get the energy materials necessary for life through skin immersion.

But it seems that these nutrient solutions are almost exhausted, because the concentration of green is gradually decreasing. One day, when all the energy materials are absorbed and can not be supplemented, these babies may end up starving.

If you get the treasure and put the Saiya baby\'s blood into the space ring, if the surrounding conditions are not limited and it is not in a safe environment, it is uncertain that assar will carry out research projects of interest on the spot.

There are so many Saiya living babies here. Assar must have made deeper discoveries about the Saiya life code and genetic secrets.

Nothing makes Ashar happier than acquiring knowledge and truth.

Feeling someone\'s eyes on him, Locke looked for the eyes and looked down. It was the Saiyan baby with a white complexion.

His hands and legs were pedaling disorderly. The little guy had just been drawn so much blood, but he was still so energetic. He was worthy of being the descendant of the Saiya family.

The little guy\'s little hand stretched forward as if he wanted to grasp Locke\'s hand. Under the fierce use of the little guy, the needle eye just left by assar gradually exuded blood, and slowly stained the light green nutrient solution soaked under him with a layer of crimson.

"Master, what are you going to do with these children?" Locke turned and couldn\'t help asking. He said \'child\', not \'Saiyan baby\', which was enough to prove his attitude.

Locke has a lot of blood on his hands, but he doesn\'t want to touch the child\'s blood.