Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 800

"I\'ll go with you." Locke said.

After all, it is a Saiyan armament base. How many Saiyan soldiers will remain in it. Locke is not very confident that Ashar, a secondary caster, will go.

Ashar didn\'t think much about Locke\'s proposal. She nodded and agreed, "yes."

Joyna is also very talkative. The centralized base of the individual biological module is not far from the next spaceship manufacturing factory. No matter which side has a fierce war, people on the other side can support it in time.

Even for the sake of insurance, joyna assigned Locke and his two more than 20 knights and a dozen first-class magicians.

Facts have proved that joyna\'s move is quite correct. Unexpectedly, there will be an intermediate Saiya soldier guarding this small single soldier biological cabin concentration base.

If only a middle-level Saiya warrior, with Locke and Ashar, he can\'t turn over any waves, but the appearance of more than a dozen low-level Saiya warriors makes Locke mention his heart.

"Storm in, no matter what the Saiya want to do, stop them!" After the transformation, Locke waved his wings and took the lead in rushing into the single soldier biological cabin base to fight with the intermediate Saiyan soldiers stationed here.

Assar\'s speed is not slow either. The rhythmic chanting of spells rings out. The two people who have worked together for many times do not have much difficulty with this intermediate Saiyan warrior.

At the same time, the Knights and magicians brought by them also began to fight with the low-level Saiyan soldiers in the base.

Different from the last spaceship manufacturing factory, a few Saiyan soldiers stationed here launched fierce resistance in the face of a slightly larger number of knights and magicians.

If there were only so many people, Locke didn\'t have to call joyna\'s support.

"You two, help those little guys!" The elements of the space bag and the Dragon flute fluctuated, and the Hellfire giant AI and the scorpion Fermo appeared at the same time in this single soldier biology module concentration base.

Most of the slave creatures were brought by joyna, so that the front row here was pitiful with few meat shields, and the tall Hellfire giant and scorpion dragon appeared at the right time.

But no one will use them as cannon fodder. They are the pets of the second-class Knight Locke, not the humble slave creatures.

The intermediate Saiyan soldiers stationed here are willing to fight in the face of the sudden enemy, but the strength of this group of enemies obviously exceeds his expectation.

In particular, the knight and the magician, as their opponent, had three sharp bones with cold bones. Rao Shi did not dare to take it hard in the form of a giant ape.

I am reluctant to admit that I am really not the opponent of this alien scum.

If it is under normal combat conditions, this middle-level Saiya warrior will fight to the end with such a powerful alien at the same level even if he is seriously injured or even killed.

Fighting the strong is the lifelong pursuit of the Saiya people.

With the fighting talent of being strong in case of strength, only by matching their own strong ones can the soldiers of the Saiya family move towards a higher peak.

But Locke is not the only one he needs to face at this time.

On the high degree of attack, Ashar, who hides behind Locke and keeps releasing powerful magic, is the most important target for this intermediate Saiyan warrior.

The middle-level Saiyan warrior retreated from the main battlefield of the seventh biological planet. He knew the power of these magicians.

It\'s hard to imagine that the weak bodies of magicians can mobilize such terrible elements. It\'s really an unimaginable race.

Under the command of level 5 Saiyan soldier popney, all Saiyan soldiers stationed on biological planets 3, 4 and 5 know that they are only defending a temporary front at this time.

For the second biological planet, the gathering and dispatch of the Royal Army of Saiya.

There are elite Saiyan troops transferred back from the Western battlefield by the king of Saiya, and powerful royal soldiers left on the planet Saiya. As the masters of the Saiya star domain, they have the ability to fight against this group of alien scum.

Now, only by preserving strength can we strive for chips for a great victory in the future.

If he can be promoted to an intermediate soldier, this Saiya is not a fool who doesn\'t know how to change. He knows that if he continues to fight with these two strong enemies, he is likely to put himself in danger and use a smoke bomb that can cause serious chaos. The intermediate Saiya will soon lift his transformation and lead his men to flee here.

Locke and Ashar can really stop an intermediate Saiyan soldier who wants to escape, but the price they have to pay is also great.

After a short measurement, Ashar and Locke let the middle-level Saiyan soldier escape.

But it was not for nothing to let him go. As a proof of fighting with the two men, Locke left three deep holes and wounds in the right abdomen of the intermediate Saiyan, while assar left a dark energy wound that corroded to the bone on her left shoulder.

It is absolutely impossible for this intermediate Saiyan soldier to recover to his heyday without three months of cultivation.

The escape of middle-level Saiyan soldiers, Locke and Ashar can do nothing, does not mean that the low-level Saiyan with only first-class biological level can also slip away from under their eyes.

There were a total of twelve low-level Saiyan soldiers, and finally seven left their bodies here forever.

Looking at the powerful secondary creatures like Locke and Ashar, these low-level Saiyan soldiers didn\'t even have the chance to explode themselves. They became the ghosts under the sword of knights and magicians.

"These spoils belong to you. Gather the remains of some little guys and give them to the logistics department when you return to the fortress base." Locke only took away the remains of two low-level Saiyan soldiers as his and Ashar\'s booty, and distributed the rest to the remaining knights and magicians.

In this short encounter, several first-class knights and two first-class magicians were killed because of the fierce resistance of the Saiyan soldiers at the beginning and the lack of enough slave creatures as cannon fodder.

There are no undead people in war. Although many people feel sad about the fall of their companions, most of them cheer up, collect the bodies of their comrades in arms, search for useful materials, summarize and distribute booty, and so on.

"Locke, come here." At this time, Ashar, who came to the deeper part of the single soldier biological module concentration base, called Locke, as if she had found something there.