Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 744

"The external war of the magic Empire?" During the meal, Ashar was very interested in the news provided by Locke.

"Yes, I heard it\'s a very powerful low-level plane." Locke nodded.

With the passage of time, this sense of tension and depression before the war also spread to the city of bright moon.

The abbalut Empire invites all the casters and knights in the plane to invade and plunder this low-level plane. Such a large-scale event has a lingering charm of mountain rain.

ASAR held his chin and said, "eleven years have passed since the digital plane. With eleven years of research and reserves, it\'s time to participate in a world war to test my research results."

"Master means to participate in this plane war?" Asked Locke.

I haven\'t done it for more than ten years. To tell the truth, Locke has some itching. If he can fight happily, he may be able to speed up his promotion.

"You can participate, but not now. I need to test the new magic I study - nuclear explosion Nova for a period of time to modify some disadvantages in the outline of magic array and mental power construction." Ashar said.

Nuclear explosion nova is one of the results obtained by Ashar after studying the atomic bomb that Locke gave her.

According to Ashar, if the magic of nuclear explosion nova is fully displayed, I\'m afraid it will have an energy level no less than that of the third level strong.

This is the talented master assar that Locke knew. It seems that assar also began his own efforts after recognizing the two peerless talents who summoned the holy tower in the summoner competition on the east coast.

Ashar has grown to such a position. What about Locke.

The blood spar has been completely absorbed by Locke\'s body, and the muscle and bone strength have been strengthened again; The consumption of Soul Crystal not only improves Locke\'s spiritual strength and soul strength, but also some fragments of war soul consciousness, which further improves Locke\'s combat instinct and consciousness skills.

Blood fusion was finally mastered after a period of practice. Today, Locke, who has changed his blood, except for some small changes in appearance, is more a big leap in the level of life.

At the arcane light in the library of Huiyue college, Locke has recently become a regular guest. He has obtained a huge amount of points. He is carrying this huge amount of money, for fear that the arcane light will be recovered one day, so he spends it all in a very short time as possible.

The knowledge he consulted and understood was all about the experience of Knight cultivation, and the knowledge that could stay in the light of arcane art. At least it was the existence of level 3 sky knight. Although these things did not make Locke rapidly improve his combat power, they had a far-reaching impact on his long-term development in the future.

Of course, the preparation of the magic empire could not be so hasty. In fact, when the low-level plane was just detected, the magic Empire had silently prepared for it for more than ten years.

In addition, for 700 years, the abbalut Empire has not carried out a horizontal war with foreign countries. Both the national strength and the number of strong people above the first level are suppressed to an extremely terrible number.

This war against the Saiya plane is not only a measure for the magic Empire to add a few more nutrients to the mother plane, but also a decision to consume part of the rising manpower and ensure the sound development of the abbalut empire in the future.

It also contains some selfishness of emperor Morton. There is a moment when his life is about to come to an end, surpassing the emperor of the southern Belem empire once.

When ordinary knights and magicians didn\'t know, the first advance troops of the magic Empire actually came to the Saiya star domain.

The Saiya star domain is a general term including Saiya planet and its seven lower planets and more than 20 mineral planets.

Now the advance troops of the magical empire in the Saiya star domain are three space fortresses!

Based on the accumulation and development of the three western islands over the past 10000 years, they only have two space fortresses as the details, but the rich and powerful magic Empire, just the advance force of the first wave of exploratory attack, includes three space fortresses.

And in every space fortress, there is a strong man above level 4!

Their goal is not to launch an all-out war with the Saiya plane, but to build a high-power long-distance space transmission array to directly send the subsequent continuous forces of the abalute Empire to the Saiya star domain through the space transmission array.

After all, if only the space fortress is used to complete the transportation of personnel, the manpower and material resources consumed are astronomical. Not to mention, it will affect the overall progress of the war situation and slow down the pace of attack.

Now, what appears in front of the three giant space fortresses is a satellite named α The mineral planet, that is, the half plane often said by magicians and knights.

At present, there are a small number of Saiya and a blue skinned race called herzba.

Herzba, the mother planet of the herzba people, was conquered by the Saia people 2760 years ago. Now it has become the No. 5 livable planet under the rule of the Saia people. The herzba people also began their miserable and desperate slavery career more than 2000 years ago.

Thrown to α The herzba people of the planet, their meaning of existence is to dig minerals for the Saia people. Only when they hand in a certain amount of minerals every year, can they get some food from the Saia people to make a living.

"General Nelson, it\'s a half plane with incomplete laws. My magic has detected many signs of life activity on it." Among the three space fortresses, the projection of a green robed magician appeared on the energy light screen in the main control room of the first ship.

The projection is directly opposite to a young man wearing silver armor.

Don\'t be confused by the man\'s armor. In fact, he is an out and out caster and a thunder attribute elemental master with a level of terror level 5.

The reason why he wears armor is that the level 5 caster named Nelson is the last and most powerful of the three generals of the magic Empire, general Nelson of the silver dragon.

With the title of the first of the three generals, he was also sent by his majesty to complete the long-distance space transmission array structure of the advance force!

At this time, the green robed magician in the light screen talking with Nelson is a level 4 element division of the botanical system born ten thousand years ago in the magic empire. Although he has not established a holy tower, like Nelson, he is also the pillar of the abbalut empire.

"Then, establish a spatial transmission array on this half plane." Unconsciously, he knocked on the Space Fortress console with his fingers, and Nelson lightly issued a command, "let my silver dragon army attack quickly, and don\'t give the Saiya people in the hinterland of the Saiya star domain any chance to respond!"

"Yes!" On the other side of the energy light screen, the fourth level botanical elementalist replied.