Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 743

Locke did not know at this time that he was noticed by the standard strong man of the holy tower of the city of the sky with the posture of a mole ant of a second-class knight.

According to Locke\'s current cognition, he is still unable to contact and understand what Douglas\'s strong men are considering.

Locke, who just came out of the library of Huiyue college, has not come out of the shock of obtaining large arcane points. Then another explosion news was learned from Nina.

"Will the abbalut Empire launch a new round of plane war?!" Locke asked in surprise.

"Yes, the news began to spread in the imperial capital of Florent a month ago, and the imperial officials officially announced a week ago that they would declare war on the low-level plane called Saiya plane." Nina nodded.

"Saiya plane? What kind of plane is that?" Asked Locke curiously.

"According to the official announcement of the Empire, it is a low-level level that an Aboriginal can turn into a gorilla. It should also be a ignorant backward level." Nina said lovably with her head on her side.

The overall strength of the abbalut empire in the whole wizard position can be ranked in the top seven. Considering the friendly relationship between the magic Empire and the city of the sky, this ranking has to be moved forward, almost ranking in the top five.

This is a super large force that can be compared with the blood warlock on the west coast, the sky city in the center of the world, the overlord Belem empire in the south of the mainland and so on.

Locke is very curious about the strength of the ectopic side that can collide with such a powerful organization.

It should be more grand and magnificent than the two plane wars he participated in when he was on the three western islands.

"By the way, the Empire called on all knights and magicians on the standard side to participate in the ectopic plunder. Oh, Locke, are you interested in joining the invading army of our magic Empire?" Nina asked.

"People outside the magic empire can also participate?" Locke was surprised.

"Yes, although I don\'t want to admit it, it seems that the low-level plane called Saiya plane is quite tricky." Nina said.

As a member of Huiyue holy tower, Nina can get a lot of valuable gossip at the front desk of Huiyue college.

"As far as I know, it seems that several other forces around the Empire are also very interested in the plane invasion of our magic empire. If Locke and master Ashar come, you can directly join our troops of Huiyue holy tower." Nina sells.

She is not only for Locke\'s sake. In fact, half a month ago, Huiyue Santa tower issued a secret mission to all the strong people above level 1 in the Santa tower. Every time a strong person outside her own power was invited to join the plane war, Huiyue Santa tower would give them a large reward as middlemen.

It can be imagined that without the glorious moon holy tower, several other holy towers and knight palaces in the country of abalute may have issued such missions to their people in private.

Is that Saiya plane really so powerful? Before the war of the ruling plane of the abbalut Empire comes, it is necessary to pull other strong people on the standard plane to sit in their chariot.

Nina looks at Locke with little stars in her eyes. Locke and Ashar used to be very low-key. Only Nina who occasionally goes to chat and visit in the city of the moon can know their real strength.

If Locke and Ashar are willing to join the army of the shining moon Santa tower, Nina can also get the reward of the four secondary energy essence of the shining moon Santa tower.

For Nina, a first-class fire element teacher, it was a huge sum of money.

Locke didn\'t know Nina\'s little 99, but he didn\'t hurry to promise Nina that the abbalut empire was going to start a plane war in the near future. The news told Ashar that the master must have a decision.

Locke will listen to Ashar then.

"The owner of our bright moon holy tower is Cecilia, the general of the imperial demon road. At that time, in addition to the bright moon legion, there is also the gale legion, the direct subordinate force of general Cecilia. Joining us in the bright moon holy tower will bring many benefits." Nina stuck out her tongue and said to Locke.

"I see. If I\'m interested, I\'ll come to you." Locke waved to Nina, ready to turn and leave.

"Eh! Have you become a first-class arcane master?!" Nina, with sharp eyes, suddenly saw the new rank on Locke\'s chest arcane nameplate.

Although she couldn\'t see how many arcane points Locke had, she was shocked by her status as a first-class arcane master alone.

"Lucky, lucky." Locke smiled bitterly. Until now, he still doesn\'t understand why he can obtain such a large amount of arcane points with the knowledge he provides.

The capital of the magic Empire, Florent.

There are many distinguished guests in the palace today.

The power of magic prohibition is turned on to the strongest, which means that the abbalut Empire has entered a complete combat state.

The emperor Morton sat high on the throne and looked at the level four strong cold heart volpoche. The emperor Morton looked ugly and said, "Lord Mei, did she really say that?"

"Yes, this is the magic message from the top of water rhyme this morning." Volpoche handed a letter of flame to the attendant next to him, and the attendant handed it up to Morton the great.

After reading the magic letter from the top of water rhyme, Emperor Morton\'s face gradually improved. He said in a deep voice to many powerful people in the Empire below, "Lord Mei agrees with this plane invasion, but she suggested that we invite more forces to participate in this plane war."

Morton the great paused for a few seconds and then said, "Lord may said that this is a message from the Oriental astrological land."

Hearing the words of emperor Morton, there was a big shock in the hall.

The place of Oriental astrology, also known as the place of prophecy, is the place where high-level astrologers from the standard plane gather. It is almost the guide for the progress of the wizard world.

"What do other forces say about our invitation?" Asked Morton the great.

"Jekolo, to the west of the Empire, expressed great interest in the two holy towers of the United Kingdom."

"Capech, the Northeast business alliance, also expressed willingness to provide material and logistical support."

"In the southern Yili Knight alliance, many Knight palaces are willing to participate in this common invasion."



I thought about writing this plane when I created the outline, just like the earth plane.

Before writing the earth plane, I lost a wave of powder. I don\'t know if writing this is the same outcome.

To tell you the truth, judging from the current achievements of this book, I can\'t go any further. I\'m writing novels not to make money, but for an interest, so I want to write with my heart and write what I like.

I look forward to it very much. What I like is also what everyone likes, so I will work hard for it.

As for the next bit, I replied to an old fellow in the book circle without any bug that would affect the balance. I didn\'t want to write the novel myself.

If you want to discuss with me, the book friends group of Knight\'s journey: 678816703, welcome readers who like this book to join the group for discussion. There are 80 people in the group now. When can it break 100? Alas.

I will try my best. I hope you can like my novels.