Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 732

In abbalut, whether a magician is erudite and respected depends not on his magician level and strength, but on his arcane level and academic achievements in magic.

All magicians can be called arcane, because Arcane is not a spell caster profession, but a title belonging to all wise people who study magic knowledge.

The level of an arcane master is often linked to the level of a magician, but there is no absolute equivalence. For example, magicians who are keen on research may only have a first-class magician in their life level, but it is likely that this is a respected Master with a second-class arcane master level.

Mr. Douglas, who has the strongest standard, is a level 6 wizard and level 6 astrologer. At the same time, he is also a learned wise man with an arcane level of level 7.

The arcane level is level 7, which shows that Mr. Douglas has considerable potential to be promoted to level 7 in the future.

Among the planes, some indigenous creatures broke through the shackles and promoted to level 7, which is also one of the opportunities for the wizard world to grow from medium-sized planes to super large planes.

"Master Ashar, what is your Arcane level?" Locke asked curiously. They are now standing in the territory of the abbalut empire.

"There is no evaluation of the level of arcane masters in the three western islands. As for the specific level of my Arcane masters, you can go to one of the holy towers of the abalute Empire to evaluate at that time." Ashar said.

In the magic empire of abarut, the most popular are magicians, especially those with a certain level of Olympiad.

If assar wants to go directly to the city of the sky for further study through the channels of the abbalut empire in the future, it must be supplemented by a certain Mathematical Olympiad level.

When he was in the United Kingdom of jekolo, Locke had agreed with assar that they would move separately to their respective destinations after the abbalut empire. Now the day of separation from assar is getting closer and closer, and Locke is more reluctant to give up.

After entering the kingdom of abarut, Locke and Ashar took the scorpion dragon Fermo to the Huiyue holy tower, one of the Empire of abarut.

Since abbalut was called the magic Empire, abbalut welcomed all magicians in the standard.

As long as you show your identity and provenance, without bad criminal record, the three holy towers in abarut welcome all erudite and wise men with attainments in magic knowledge to come here to exchange academic knowledge and discuss problems with them.

Following the example of the six generals of the Beilun Empire, there are also three magic generals in the abalute empire. Locke\'s holy tower of the moon is the holy tower founded by Cecilia, the demon General of the abalute empire.

The level-4 wind element division is also one of the level-4 strong men who have the closest relationship with the imperial royal family in the abbalut empire.

General Cecilia can be seen in almost every arms race against the Belem empire.

The shining moon holy tower is better called a prosperous city than a holy tower.

In the center of Lake Superior, the largest inland lake in the southeast of the abbalut Empire, there is an island in the middle of the lake, and the Huiyue holy tower stands on the island in the middle of the lake.

Those who can enter the island where the Huiyue holy tower is located are all senior magicians of the abalute empire. In order to relieve loneliness, these magicians bring their families to the periphery of the Huiyue holy tower. Over time, an extremely prosperous large city has been formed outside the Huiyue holy tower.

What attracted Locke\'s attention was not the holy tower located in the center of the lake island with a height of more than kilometers, but the highest point of the peripheral city, with a golden moon shaped key standing obliquely.

The key of the shining moon is also the origin of the name of the holy tower of the shining moon. It is said that it is a secret treasure obtained by Cecilia, the owner of the holy tower, when she traveled to distant and different space-time planes thousands of years ago. It has incredible power.

It was also after that strange time and space adventure that the wind element master returned to the wizard position, won the title of demon General of the abbalut empire in one fell swoop, and established the shining moon holy tower.

The holy tower of the moon has only been established for thousands of years, but Locke feels that the holy tower of the moon should surpass the holy tower of the three western islands in all aspects from everything he sees in front of him.

This is due to the inherent heritage of abarut as a magical Empire, which has little to do with the personal abilities of the two Santa tower owners.

In terms of strength, Panama, which has the title of silent light, may be better than Cecilia.

The city outside the holy tower is proudly called the city of the moon by its residents.

Ordinary humans are rarely seen in the city of the moon. Everyone who haunts here at least has the strength of a magic apprentice.

I\'m afraid there must be more than 100000 people in the whole city. The tide of elements caused by the gathering of so many magicians and the magic traction in the receptor is also an extremely terrible number.

However, this powerful element tide was finally absorbed by the key of the moon at the highest place of the city of the moon through incomprehensible mysterious means, and turned into the shield energy of the magic cover around the city.

The blue and blue element halo emanates from the key of the bright moon from the highest point of the city and spreads on the magic cover of the city, creating a marvelous spectacle of the city of the bright moon.

This made Locke, who had just arrived at the periphery of Dahui moon city, fascinated by the dreamy color in front of him.

"Wow, how beautiful!" Meimila, who was also sitting on the back of the scorpion dragon, couldn\'t help exclaiming. She said that the magic experiment was terrible, but now she is overwhelmed by the magic charm of magic.

"Come on, let\'s go to the city." Locke patted meimila on the shoulder and said.

Take Fermo back into the Dragon flute. On Locke\'s left stood Ashar, and on his right took meimila and walked to the city gate.

In front, assar easily entered the city of the moon with his level of secondary elemental division, but Locke was stopped.

"Sorry, the city of the moon belongs to the caster. Without the special pass issued by the moon tower, knights can\'t enter it." It was a first-class magician who stopped Locke at the city gate. Although his words were more pertinent, Locke still saw a trace of disdain in this guy\'s eyes.

Holding back the slight anger in his heart, Locke pointed to Ashar and said, "what if I were the master\'s vassal knight?"

In the interior of the wizard continent, many powerful spell casters have vassal knights. Locke also learns and uses them flexibly.

"If the master\'s vassal Knight also wants to enter the city of the moon, please go to the relevant departments of the city of the moon first." The first level magician who blocked the way didn\'t mean to give way.