Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 731

In the magic tower provided by United Santa college to jelina, Locke and Ashar were warmly welcomed by their masters.

It is very rare for a magician to invite others to visit his own laboratory, especially if the laboratory also involves and contains his own research results.

"A good living laboratory, the confinement array and the communication element pool are at the top, and the energy circuit can also speed up the consumption and recovery of the experimenter." Ashar rationally judges everything in front of her.

"Yes, the multiple of the element microscope is a little low. Let me explore the corpus luteum of the human brain of nest dissolving insects, which has been shelved indefinitely." Jenna sighed.

On the experimental platform, there was also an arthropod man who was red and about two meters high.

The beetle man\'s chest and abdomen crustaceans have obvious anatomical marks. Through the auxiliary instruments around the test-bed, Locke can even see the beating heart of the beetle man.

This experimental body, which jelina called the nest dissolving worm, is not dead!

The insect man\'s head is a bit like a ladybug. There are many cyan and yellow spots on it. According to jelina, the lower part of those spots is connected with the vertical corpus luteum one by one.

This is one of the unique organs of nest dissolving worm people. Through research, summoners found that nest dissolving worm people communicate with their peers and command the organs of low-level worm people through the corpus luteum.

If we can find out the source factors of the ability of nestling worm people to drop the corpus luteum, jelina may rely on the experimental results to study and create a new magic that can command low-level summoning animals in a wide range, which has a self-evident effect on the improvement of her strength.

"This is the element microscope I just got in the underground world. I\'ll lend it to you for a while." Ashar put an element microscope with excellent elemental fluctuations on jerina\'s test-bed.

This is the advanced element microscope purchased in the dark gold city at the sky high price of Locke\'s ten secondary energy essence.

"Really? Thank you so much, Ashar!" Jerina said happily, "without you, I might have to return to the summoning tower after finishing the coaching mission of the Cybertron Empire to carry out this stage of research."

"It\'s not unconditionally lent to you. I\'m also very interested in the nest dissolving insect human corpus luteum. I\'ll also participate in the experimental research." Ashar said.

Thinking for a moment, jelina finally agreed to Ashar\'s terms.

When visiting the jelina laboratory, meimila always showed some discomfort. Especially when she saw that the heart was still beating on the jelina test bench, but all parts of her body were dissected, meimila almost didn\'t cry out.

In her experience in the underground world, meimila\'s hands have also been stained with the blood of many creatures, but this kind of Western scene, which is still dissected and studied after being captured alive, is the first time meimila has seen it.

Maybe she thought of something bad. Meimila turned pale and went to rest in the middle living room of the magic tower with Locke\'s help.

"It seems that your disciple hasn\'t grown up yet. He\'s a little girl who doesn\'t know much about the world." Jelina smiled at Locke with her mouth covered.

"After all, I\'m a minor child. I\'m very satisfied to do this." Locke didn\'t mind.

When he first helped master Ashar do experiments in the laboratory, he performed a little better than meimila.

Holding Locke\'s sleeve tightly, meimila whispered, "it\'s the right choice to practice fighting Qi with the master. It\'s scary to study magic."

Such straightforward and cute words made several people present laugh.

The stay in Montreal is not too long. Jelina is a senior tutor in the United Santa college. She has two public classes every week. She chooses to send a secondary Summoner to teach the summoning apprentice in the empire within her sphere of influence. The two summoning tower owners attach great importance to education.

When Ashar and jelina fell behind in the experiment of studying the human corpus luteum of nest dissolving worm, the three said goodbye to jelina and took the floating ship belonging to the summoning Santa tower in Montreal and continued to move eastward.

The ability to ride the floating ship calling the holy tower mainly depends on the face of jelina. Jelina is also the only friend that Locke and Ashar know in the United Kingdom of jekolo. As for the other madas who has acted with them.

The old man had already returned to Yunluo Santa tower, so he didn\'t see him in Montreal.

Continuing eastward, the large power adjacent to the United Kingdom of jekolo is the famous magic Empire - abarut.

As the name suggests, the magic Empire refers to the height achieved by abbalut in magic power, which is difficult for ordinary forces to reach.

"There are three holy towers and four palaces of knights in aibalut, ranking among the top forces in the standard." By the time he left Montreal, Locke had collected a lot of information about the Empire.

It can be said that the existence of abbalut is completely opposite to the Beilun empire. Although this country also has relatively strong Knight power, magic is the most powerful strength of the Empire.

The three holy towers do not mean that there are only three magicians above level 4 in this empire. Like the major forces on the east coast, there are many strong ones above level 4 in the wizard position, and there is no phenomenon of establishing holy towers and knight halls.

Some strong people above level 4 are not interested in building holy towers and knight halls, and like to be scattered people like idle clouds and wild cranes. Some strong people are limited to constraints in all aspects and have no ability and space to provide them with the ability to create holy towers and knight halls.

It is called the magic Empire because the magicians of abarut have the ability to fight and cooperate in groups, which can reach the highest standard.

It is said that among the five level-6 magicians in the wizard\'s position, one lived in seclusion in abbalut. He is also one of the top strengths who did not establish a holy tower in the standard.

The Belem empire is called the knight Empire, and the abalute empire is called the magic empire. Like their titles, the relationship between the abalute Empire and the Belem empire is not very harmonious, and there are often some arms races.

Unfortunately, although there is a level 6 magician in abbalut, he is inferior to the Belem empire in all aspects of competition.

With absolute quantitative advantages, the Belem Empire has been crushing the abalute empire for a long time.

Considering the relationship between the two countries, it is unrealistic for Locke to go directly to the Belem empire through the abbalut empire. He needs to turn to the Erie Knight alliance in the south of the abbalut Empire first, and then turn to the east to Belem.

(Level 6 Knights have never been born in the wizard plane, but there is a level 5 peak knight with the strongest standard in the Belem Empire - Belem emperor Safir.)