Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 675

In the three western islands, or in the wizard world, there is an unwritten habit that most of the strong will carry out a long-term tour in their power after they are promoted to level 2.

With the lifespan of second-class knights and magicians ranging from hundreds to 1000 years, this trip is often based on ten years.

As a second-class magician, Jos created a great name in other parts of the wizard world. Moreover, after traveling to the standard plane, Jos returned to the three western islands to be promoted to the third level, and climbed to the level of demigod at a very fast speed.

From the point of view of the nature of the medium-sized plane with the development of the standard plane to the limit, a trip to the whole world of wizards is equivalent to a trip to nearly ten low-level planes.

Moreover, the wizarding world is not as broad as other small worlds.

Most importantly, it is said that this kind of travel activity has been handed down since ancient times. It seems to be of great benefit to the secondary creatures to understand the original power and promote to the third level.

Above the original power, it is the law power mastered by the demigod level and level 4 strong.

Standing in front of Jos, although covered by a mask, Locke knew that the powerful demigod was watching himself.

"I, I want to wait for some time to travel..." Locke endured Jos\'s great pressure and finished this sentence.

Her daughter is only six years old, and grace and other women have not been promoted to the first level. How can Locke have the mood and energy to travel to the main mainland? Moreover, Locke is inclined to stability. More than five years of plain life has consumed part of Locke\'s fighting spirit, and he has a very long life. Now he doesn\'t have much desire for promotion.

Jos\'s momentum was chilly, and a few drops of cold sweat emerged from Locke\'s forehead. It was hard for a demigod to squeeze, especially Jos\'s demigod peak.

"I can give you a few years to think about it, but what I need to tell you is that the next 20 or 30 years will be the best time for you to travel to the standard. Because of the frequent level wars in recent decades, the three western islands have decided to recuperate for 30 years. This is your opportunity." Jos said faintly.

As a member of the three western islands, any knight and magician must join the battle unconditionally when the three western islands launch a plane war. This is a rule jointly set by the three level four knights and the Panamanian master. Even a semi God like Jos can\'t refuse.

In history, I don\'t know how many gifted second-class strong people were called by the holy tower and the knight\'s palace when they were halfway around or at a critical moment, so they had to suspend their travel activities, causing great losses to them.

The original power is not so easy to grasp. There are only so many people with the three-level strong in the three western islands. Princeton is the imperial capital, but only four three-level strong suppress it, which shows its rarity.

Jos\'s words are also for Locke\'s heartfelt words for his future growth. You know, a big reason why Jos has grown to such a position now is that he also experienced the cultivation period of the three western islands, focused on practicing in the wizard world for decades, and finally got unimaginable opportunities and insights.

"There will be no war on the three western islands in the next 30 years?" Locke looked up at Jos in surprise. This is already the top secret of the three western islands, and only people at Jos\'s level are qualified to know.

Nodding, Jos said in a deep voice, "this is a matter jointly decided by several level 4 strong men."

The casualty rate of plane war has always been high, but it is undeniable that plane war is the main cradle for the three western islands to cultivate high-level knights and magicians.

After every level war, there are always a large number of first-class strong people promoted to level 2, and second-class strong people promoted to level 3. With good luck, new demigods will appear.

It\'s like raising poisonous insects. Plane war is a place for cultivation. Only the strongest and most talented people can plunder enough supplies and soar to the sky.

Looking down for a moment, Locke also knew that the next 30 years would be the best time for him to travel to the standard.

"One more thing." Joss said, "Ashar hasn\'t traveled since she was promoted to level 2. I intend to let you take care of her together."

Jose\'s words surprised Locke.

Without taking care of Locke\'s dull face, joss said to himself, "I was going to let Kayla travel, but she just had a baby and little Bev needs someone to take care of, so I\'d better wait until little Bev grows up and let her travel."

When Jos mentioned little Bev, Locke recovered from his surprise and secretly looked at the two faces in front of him.

Whether Jos and Michelle agree or disagree with him and Kayla, it seems that they have a good sense of the daughter born to themselves and Kayla.

"Travel with master Ashar..." Locke made a mistake. He didn\'t know if it was a good thing.

Over the past five years, Kaila and little Bev have served as a buffer. Locke and Ashar have been at peace all the time, but he knows that their relationship has changed a lot than before. It\'s impossible to say that they will fight if they disagree. Ashar\'s character is not as gentle as Kaila.

"Well, let\'s give you some time to think about it. I hope you won\'t miss the golden stage of these 30 years." Jos said faintly, and Locke heard a sense of seeing off from his words.

Bowing respectfully, Locke left Jose\'s house.

I thought it would be a blame from elder martial brother Kaila. Before Locke came, he was very worried about whether Jos would forcibly separate him from Kaila, but unexpectedly, Jos mainly talked about his travel after he was promoted to level 2.

Is it a hint that your strength is too low and you need to be promoted to level 3 as soon as possible to be worthy of Kayla? Or really think about Locke and Locke\'s future growth.

Locke found that since Caihong Sensen saved Jos once, the martial uncle\'s cold attitude towards Locke has changed a lot. It seems that this unsmiling semi God strong man is also a man of temperament.

Before leaving Jos\'s house, Locke was stopped by a group of "strangers" before he went to find Kayla and other women.

This is the 312 floor of the holy tower. Locke has never been to a higher level. It can be judged by the number of floors. The people living here have at least the strength of level 3 magicians.

Looking at the three arbitrary old men in front of him, Locke felt a burst of hair.

"Three masters, why did you stop me?" Asked Locke carefully.

He sat well in the magic channel. He came down from Jose\'s residence for less than half, and was intercepted by external forces. It seems that it was also the ghost of the three old guys.

The three old men all looked at Locke with treasure eyes. For magicians, knowledge is their greatest wealth. Locke had seen such crazy eyes on Ashar before.

The body shuddered. Locke should have something that attracted the interest of the three old men, and it was probably knowledge.

Being stared at by three pairs of dead fish eye blisters, the willpower of the knight of Locke can\'t hold. Glasses are the window of the soul. Locke is not facing three pairs of dead fish eye blisters, but the spiritual power of Three Great Magicians.

"Cough, don\'t scare the little knight. Be careful who comes down to trouble you." The grey robed magician in the middle took the lead in taking back his momentum and said to the two old guys on the left and right.

Two old magicians, one left and one right, then withdrew their authority and went straight to the subject and said to Locke, "boy, I heard you have an alchemy prop called nuclear bomb?"

"How many more? We are very interested in this new field of alchemy."

"If it\'s the best of the two pieces you gave Jose at the beginning, our magician pursues the principle of equal value transaction. Don\'t worry, you won\'t suffer."

The three old men, without the bearing of a top magician, came up like three scoundrels. Regardless of Locke\'s ideas, they directly reached out to ask for a nuclear bomb, and Locke saw from their dead fish\'s eye blisters that if they refused, he would come to a bad end.

Just rejected Jos\'s proposal above. Locke didn\'t have the courage to annoy several Great Magicians here, but he was a little confused and didn\'t understand what the three old men were talking about.

Locke was confused at this time, while the three old men chirped around him and kept talking.

After a few minutes, Locke finally realized that it must be in the final battle of the digital world that Jos used the two hydrogen he gave him The bomb caused brilliant results, which attracted the attention of the three old men Bomb represents a new research field, which is different from magic power. It is normal to attract these three old men.

"Boy, the three of us are alchemists. We are very interested in this kind of alchemy prop named nuclear bomb. There are many skills on it that have not appeared in the three western islands. If you have any, take it out and the price is easy to say." The three old men just didn\'t put a sign on their head that people are stupid and have a lot of money.

Alchemists are often synonymous with wealth, especially those with good reputation.

Magicians burn so much money that all spell casters have some alchemy skills. For example, Angelina, Kayla and Ashar are not traditional alchemists, but their ability to make magic props and refine potions is not bad.

Many magicians will sell their usual alchemy products to earn some extra money.

No matter whether the three people in front of him are professional alchemists or not, the turbulent element fluctuations of them are enough to make Locke put away his underestimate. There are few level-3 magicians in the holy tower.

In the expectant eyes of the three old men, Locke spread his hand forward, "there are no hydrogen bombs. The two given to Uncle Jos are my last inventory."

Three old faces pulled down in an instant. Before they scolded their mother, Locke then said, "but I still have a few first-class atomic bombs. What price are you going to charge?"

On Locke\'s face, there was a merchant like philistine smile.