Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 674

Scorpion Lord Adam lees has fallen into a deep sleep since he absorbed the dark heart of the zombie Tyrannosaurus two years ago.

The promotion of Warcraft is not as fast as that of human knights and magicians. Lord scorpion dragon slept for two years, which really surprised Locke.

However, he believed that when Adams woke up again, he should be a second-class super order Warcraft.

Other scorpions have eaten a lot of high-level biological flesh and blood brought by Locke from the digital plane over the years, but they generally have no news of promotion.

Among the seven quasi order scorpions, Fermo and Angie should have the strongest strength. Their growth, under the deliberate cultivation of Locke and Angelina, completely surpassed their brothers and sisters.

However, without a promotion, it won\'t bring much help to Locke after all.

"There is another scorpion dragon in Fermo. It is a sign of breakthrough. I have sent someone to watch them. I will increase my share of the Warcraft flesh and blood you give me every day." Said Billie.

Angie has followed its owner and went to the Santa tower six months ago. Since Fermo has the omen of promotion, Angie can\'t be much worse.

The growth of two scorpions is a witness to the growth of Locke and Angelina. Locke is still more interested in these two guys.

In the master servant contract of the soul, the soul flame of fermos is still burning very vigorously, which is not as good as that of Hellfire giant AI. Locke has a hunch that fermos will break through the first-class Warcraft within half a year.

As for the scorpion dragon with promotion omen mentioned by Bili, it is the eldest son of the scorpion Lord and the eldest brother of fermos and Angie.

"Fermo needs you to take more care of him. I\'ll go to the Santa tower later." Locke said to Billie.

Leaving a magic potion that can stabilize the energy in the body, Locke left the Morgan family.

A week later, in a floating boat, Locke took Christine to the Santa tower.

In Princeton\'s home, there are only two women, Xiaxi and Raffi. Raffi has been promoted to the first level. Xiaxi\'s half elf blood has not been weaker than the physique and life span of the first-level knight, which makes Locke feel at ease for the time being.

When Christine and Raffi were promoted to the first level, they did not borrow the help of the knight\'s palace, nor did they sign an unequal contract with the knight\'s palace, so they did not have a mandatory task. It is said that only when the inviolable tasks such as plane war appear, they will be enlisted by the knight\'s palace.

"It\'s a hard road to practice fighting spirit and magic at the same time. Among so many knights and magicians I\'ve seen, only one came here at a great cost. I don\'t know whether this road is good or bad for you." Stroking Christine\'s cheek, Locke sighed.

Christine leaned comfortably in Locke\'s arms and said lazily, "whether it\'s hard or not, anyway, I\'m afraid of you with your brother."

After being promoted to the first level, Christine and Raffi also reshaped their appearance, because they were promoted later and could only fix their appearance at the age of 30.

At the age of 30, Christine was no different from a 20-year-old girl. In Locke\'s memory, it seemed that Christine had always been such a charming character.

"Go to the holy tower and study hard for a period of time. When you encounter doubts about cultivation, go to Angelina and Kayla. They will teach you." Scraped Christine\'s nose, Locke smiled.

Shrugging her nose, Christine changed her comfortable position and leaned against Locke\'s shoulder.

When he arrived at the Santa tower, he sent Christine to Angelina and grace, and met his daughter at Kayla. Locke finally stepped to the top of the Santa tower.

The 391 st floor of the Santa tower. This is Jose\'s residence.

Not only the 391 floor, from the 390 floor to the 394 floor, these five floors are exclusive to Jos, which is the privilege of his honorary Dean of Santa college and semi divine magician.

The 391 floor is only the place where he usually lives. The other floors are its element pool, alchemy room, meditation room, cultivation room and collection room Where it exists.

When he walked into Jos\'s house and saw the martial uncle with the gray mask again, Locke couldn\'t help feeling uneasy.

Ashar fought with himself in Princeton after he knew about his relationship with Kayla. Will this uncle Jose beat himself up.

Locke can\'t beat the semi divine Jos, not to mention the semi divine Jos, even the master Michelle sitting next to Jos, Locke is not an opponent.

"You! When I first heard about it, I thought I heard wrong! How, how can you be with Kayla? She\'s Angelina\'s mentor!" Before Jos spoke, master Michelle next to him taught Locke a lesson first.

Master Michelle has deep cultivation and elegant temperament. She won\'t come up and beat Locke like Ashar, but Rao is such a cultured person. Now she\'s also complaining about Locke.

Locke saved Jos. Michelle really has to accept his kindness, but one yard to one yard. What Locke did is really inappropriate.

Women can\'t stop talking. In particular, master Michelle, who is over 800 years old, is many times older than Kaila\'s generation. Therefore, we can comment on Locke and Kaila from the perspective of elders.

Just don\'t do it. Locke can stand the verbal complaints and complaints. Moreover, master Michelle never speaks with dirty words, which makes Locke feel that master Michelle doesn\'t have much meaning to blame him.

When master Michelle finished, joss finally said the first sentence today, "did you go to rainbow forest to save her?"

Hearing Jos\'s question, Locke quickly nodded and talked about the details of facing the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex with Kaila in the Riyan desert.

After listening to Locke\'s explanation, Michelle was obviously relieved. She had heard Kayla explain some details before. Michelle didn\'t know what to say about this accident. Now she even has children. Is it difficult to break them up by force?

Speaking of children, since Michelle met little Bev in Santa, she just couldn\'t like it. She even reduced her time for experiments and meditation every day and kept running to Kayla\'s residence.

Jos\'s expression didn\'t change much, and he was wearing a mask. Locke didn\'t know how the martial uncle was feeling at this time.

After a long silence, joss suddenly turned the wind and said, "you are promoted to level 2. Do you have the idea of going out for a period of time?"

"Travel? Where?" Locke\'s brain can\'t keep up with Jos\'s rhythm.

"Travel in the wizard world. Go to the west coast or the east coast. Since you have been promoted to level 2 and for the sake of your future growth, you should also go to the main mainland." Jos said.