Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 672

The famous borand street in Princeton is the top commercial street built by his Majesty the seventh emperor of the omor empire with great labor and material resources. It is said to bear 10% of the annual commercial share of the imperial capital Princeton.

Being able to live here means that he is basically the powerful people of the Amor empire.

Borand street is more upscale than shanschel street where the lockers are located.

If the battle between Locke and assar took place here, the losses may be more than one billion gold moles.

Locke came here today to visit an old friend.

"Knight Garcia, I haven\'t seen you for seven years. You\'re still as beautiful as ever." Locke, who came to the door with a gift, said with a smile.

Garcia knight has not changed much from when she was in the dark blue prison fire world seven years ago. This valiant female knight has now reached the peak of the earth knight.

Locke came today to ask Garcia for something.

"You guy, you\'ve made a lot of trouble this time." He took a cup in his hand and took a sip, said the knight Garcia.

What Locke and Ashar did completely made them lose face in front of Imperial Knights and magicians. Now even people in other parts of the omor Empire have heard of Locke.

The so-called good things don\'t go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, that is Locke.

"Hey, hey." Locke smiled awkwardly.

He paid 200 million gold moles to the imperial royal family and several other materials. Even if he sold Locke, he couldn\'t afford to pay. He couldn\'t afford to go to Jos for help, so he had to ask the Garcia knight who had a great voice in the imperial capital.

Locke doesn\'t know how deep Felix is in the knight palace. He only knows that Felix has the strength of semi divine knights at this time. Now he can only rely on Felix\'s power to help him.

He doesn\'t know the demigod AGUS. As for Azur, another demigod knight in rainbow forest, he hasn\'t even heard of his name.

Therefore, Locke can borrow the potential of these two, but he must not have the cheek to use it.

After staying with the Garcia knight for a while and chatting with the Garcia knight for a while, the Garcia Knight smiled and said, "I have known about your saving my husband in the digital world through bit plane communication, and it is my reason that you were nearly killed in the dark blue prison fire world. I will help you."

The Knights are quick to talk. Locke is not good at flattery, and Garcia doesn\'t like the aristocracy, so there are not many waves. Garcia directly promised to help Locke solve the matter.

Give Garcia some of his booty in the digital world, and some magic potions refined by Kayla as gifts. Locke left borand street with satisfaction.

Garcia moved quickly. A few days later, the royal family came again. It was the original local knight. This time, the imperial royal family asked him to compensate for the loss, which was reduced to 50 million gold moles. If he shared it with Ashar, he could barely pay it back with the wealth of two second-class strong men.

"Knight Locke, introduce yourself. My name is Kur. If you need help in the future, you can come to me at any time." The compensation was directly reduced by four times. The local Knight also knew that Locke was really hard backstage and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, Knight Kur." Locke smiled and shook hands with him.

The Kur knight was only an ordinary knight in the knight palace, but among the nobles of the omor Empire, he was a noble Marquis, married with the royal family, and had great power in Princeton.

Locke likes to make friends, especially those with strength.

"Morgan family, right? Well, I\'ll call attention when I get back." The Kur Knight smiled.

Knowing Kur and giving him other help won\'t be a lot, but at least there\'s no need for Locke to worry about it in the business between Billie and Shaxi.

The force is deterred by the scorpion dragon family, and the force is covered by the Kur knight and his network. The business alliance established by the Morgan family will show explosive growth in the future.

His friendship with Locke is not based on Locke\'s potential and forces behind it.

Let\'s say goodbye to the storm caused by Ashar. Since Locke\'s daughter Bev was born, Locke\'s days return to calm and warmth every day.

Promoted knight, because he didn\'t accept any help from the knight palace, he didn\'t have a ten-year mandatory mission.

He is not interested in receiving ordinary tasks now. With the resources given to him by Jos, it is the right way to steadily improve his strength.

Locke once calculated that after completely eating the resources promised by Jos, he can reach the peak of the land knight and try to impact the stage of the sky knight.

Trying to attack the heavenly Knight does not mean that he will be promoted to the heavenly knight. Although he is quenched by the law, he still has a certain difficulty in promotion. For the sake of insurance, Locke will choose to break through when he has a complete grasp.

And this time, it will be a long time.

Don\'t think that Locke has both resources and physical qualifications, which will make his promotion speed very fast. If the level 3 sky knight is so easy to break through, the wizard world should also be renamed and it\'s safer to call the knight world.

According to Locke\'s current daily promotion, it takes at least 200 years to reach the peak that his Hurricane knight can reach and try to impact the sky knight.

The land knight has a life span of 800 years, and the accumulation of 200 years is very rapid for Locke.

If you really succeed in becoming a knight in two hundred years, Locke should be a rare candidate in the mainland of Messia to become a knight before the age of 300. This is the top group of talents in the whole wizard world and hundreds of millions of knights.

For others, it has been a very fast speed to ascend to heaven in 200 years, but for Locke, 200 years is still too long. After all, he is only 51 years old this year.

Every day, Locke\'s life is very ordinary. He teases his daughter, cultivates fighting spirit, instructs Christine and Raffi to cultivate fighting spirit, and sometimes calls some old friends to get together for a drink.

This kind of plain day has always been the day Locke looks forward to most. He wants to be with his family more than fighting with the enemy.

Ashar also lived in Locke\'s house and didn\'t go back to the holy tower, which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Lisa and Keira are two level two magicians at home. Grace, Leah and other women don\'t have to worry too much about the level of magic knowledge. Grace and Christine have reached the threshold of level one, and Leah has also been promoted to the level of quasi magician.

The disadvantage is that Locke can\'t meet Keira. Fortunately, Angelina was finally attacked by him, which comforted Locke a little.

As soon as this day passed, five years passed.

Five years of plain life not only calmed Locke\'s fierce fighting in the digital world, but also made Locke\'s inside information more solid under persistent cultivation.

His strength may not have increased too much in these five years, but his vision and accumulation have been greatly improved.

After five years in Princeton, she only taught grace and other women and looked after Bev, Kayla and Ashar. The progress of magic research has been much slower in recent years. If it goes on like this, it will affect their future growth.

After a short discussion, the sisters decided to return to the holy Tower this autumn.

"Return to Santa? What about Bev? Who will take care of her? Me?" During the meal, Locke said in surprise.

"Of course I can\'t take care of you. I\'m afraid my daughter has to learn a lot." Kayla said angrily.

"Bev will be brought back to the holy tower by us. She has a strong affinity for light elements. She will be stronger than her sister on the growth path of light elements in the future." Ashar added coldly.

"Well, I think it\'s good for my daughter to learn fighting Qi in the future. I\'ve also heard several light fighting Qi skills..." In the middle of Locke\'s words, he couldn\'t go on.

Because all the women on the table looked at Locke with disapproval.

This is the disadvantage that most women in the family practice magic. Except Locke, the only pure knight is Raffi, but this girl has the lowest voice among several women.

For the future growth direction of BEV, Kayla and Ashar have long negotiated to cultivate her into an excellent optical element teacher.

"I suggest Angelina and they follow us back to the Santa tower." Kayla added, "Angelina is better. She has been promoted to the next level, but grace, they want to go further and make the final sprint to Santa tower, so that they can be promoted to the next level before they are 70."

Hearing what Kayla said, Locke looked at Grace, Leah and Christine on the dinner table and fell silent. They all practice magic and are not young now, especially how many years older than Locke.

Since last year, Locke hasn\'t found grace and sister Leia in the evening. It\'s not that Locke ignored them, but that their physique is getting worse and worse with the growth of age. The realm of quasi rank magicians has not brought much increase to their physique.

Locke was worried that if he didn\'t control his strength, he would cause irreparable consequences to the two women.

Facing Kayla\'s suggestion, Locke thought it over and finally agreed.

Although he was reluctant to give up a few women, they could live with themselves for a long time only if they kept up with their own pace and successfully promoted to the first level. The 500 year life span of first-class magicians was enough for them to have a lot of time to spend with themselves in the future.

"Grace and Leah can go to the Santa tower with you first, but Christine will be a little late. Now she has reached the critical moment of promotion to a first-class knight." Locke said.

"OK, one more thing." Kayla hesitated and said, "my senior brother returned to the three western islands not long ago. He also knows about us. He wants you to go to him if you have time..."

"Well..." I heard that a steak had just been picked up by Locke and then fell into his plate.

Locke was stunned.