Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 656

These resources are enough for Diane to be promoted to a first-class magician is one aspect, but whether Diane has the potential to be promoted to a first-class magician is another aspect.

Just like all the resources that joss promised to promote Locke to level 3 sky knight, the total amount of these resources is certain and will not change due to individual differences such as Locke\'s talent.

The decisive factor for the promotion of a knight and magician will never be the amount of resources, but the potential and inside information of the knight and magician.

Probably in Jos\'s mind, he doesn\'t think that Locke will be promoted to heaven knight with these resources. If Heaven knight is so easy to be promoted, isn\'t the wizard world full of level three knights.

Even if the promotion fails, this is also a valuable experience, which will greatly promote Locke\'s next impact on the threshold of the sky knight.

Dani has a good talent for water system, otherwise she wouldn\'t have been accepted as her apprentice by babrina.

But whether she can be promoted to a first-class magician at one time remains to be discussed.

In order to take care of Diane\'s mood, neither Locke nor Angelina mentioned that babarina fell into the alien world. This matter only needs to be told to Diane slowly later.

Since she met Diane, Angelina was not in a hurry to leave the Santa tower. Instead, she took Diane\'s hand and asked East and West.

More than ten years ago, we were all magic apprentices. We could happily sit together and talk about some girls\' private words. More than ten years later, Angelina has become a noble first-class magician, and Diane is still in the realm of senior magic apprentice.

This made Diane a little restrained and inferior.

However, through Angelina\'s attitude, Diane can see that this former sister still pays attention to their feelings in those years, so Diane is also trying to adapt to this identity gap and the sense of estrangement.

"What about Locke? How is he doing in the knight\'s palace now?" Dani quietly fell in Angelina\'s ear and said that a period of chat made her return to the illusion of studying together at Princeton Imperial College.

Of course, Dany\'s voice couldn\'t hide from Locke\'s ears, but he pretended not to hear it and looked around at will.

"He ~ hum!" Angelina snorted twice and finally said reluctantly, "he\'s OK. He\'s barely promoted to the knight of the earth."

"Land knight?" Diane nodded. Although she had known about the realm of knights, she didn\'t react at the first time.

"Land Knight!" The second time she repeated this sentence, Diane\'s eyes were full of shock.

"Two, two?" Diane looked at Locke in disbelief. The first-class strong man is an unattainable object for her now. It\'s too far away.

Dani was shocked with a look of worship, which made Locke very useful, which virtually reduced Locke\'s uncomfortable mood of being ignored by Angelina before.

Time passed quickly. In a tavern on the commercial street outside the Santa tower, three old friends sat for an afternoon.

Magicians pay attention to life enjoyment and like quiet, so the tavern located outside the holy tower is very different from those Locke used to go to. The very quiet and peaceful atmosphere makes Locke feel comfortable.

In addition to all kinds of good wine, coffee is also sold here. It is a favorite drink for magicians and has the effect of refreshing.

Locke naturally drinks ale, while Diane and Angelina drink coffee.

When the evening came and the element bell of the holy tower echoed in the whole range of the holy tower, Diane suddenly found that it was not early. She suddenly stood up and said eagerly, "I have to go to master jerfman\'s laboratory."

Jeffman\'s character is not very good. If Diane goes late, she will inevitably be scolded and scolded again.

"Wait a minute." Locke raised his hand, took Diane and said, "that jelfman hasn\'t bullied you?"

Biting her lower lip, Diane\'s face was white and sad. Seeing this, Locke sighed, "I\'ll go with you and don\'t work part-time with him in the future."

Seeing what Diane wanted to say, Locke wanted to pat his chest and say, \'I\'ll raise you\', but Angelina was still there. Of course, this goods didn\'t dare to talk.

"Believe me, you don\'t need to worry about cultivating resources for at least the next ten years." Locke looked into Diane\'s eyes and said word by word.

Dany\'s eyes dodged when Locke looked at her so straight. She was shy.

With Locke\'s current appearance, he is still in his twenties. Locke in his twenties is neither handsome nor ugly, but he is definitely better than those old monsters who are hundreds of years old in the Santa tower.

It\'s been a long time since she was so close to the opposite sex. Diane\'s heart is beating.

Locke found her abnormality from Diane\'s performance and heartbeat, and his face was a little embarrassed. Locke hurried to distance himself from Diane.

Angelina\'s fire hasn\'t disappeared yet. How dare Locke have too much contact with the opposite sex in front of her, although Locke really doesn\'t have any ideas about Diane.

However, in her forties, when she became a familiar Dani, she was much more charming than the little girl at the beginning. Rao shilok didn\'t control her eyes and secretly looked more.

After leaving the tavern, Locke and Angelina accompanied Diane to the magician jeffman, who worked part-time.

When he was disturbed from the experiment, jerfman obviously had a trace of anger on his face. As soon as the door of the house on the 56th floor of the holy tower opened, jerfman, who saw the outsider from Truman, shouted, "I\'m late again. Look at the time! Can you afford the loss of my experiment failure!"

"Go and change into a sterile suit! I can smell the smell of you so far away!"

"What are you doing? Go!"

"Cry?! what can you do except cry!"

"You waste!"

Jeffman is a middle-aged man with a red garlic nose. His hair is fluffy and messy, and his eyes have obvious blood. When he opened the door and saw Diane, he made a hysterical roar, so that Locke and Angelina behind her didn\'t react.

"Tell me again?" Outside the door, a voice with suppressed anger came.

The momentum of the secondary creatures was completely released, which not only made the first-class Angelina and jeffman feel palpitating, but also made Diane tremble when she met natural enemies.

Pull Danielle with tears in her eyes behind her and let Angelina feel relieved. Locke strode forward and lifted jelfman\'s neck.

I don\'t know if jeffman is a research magician. He was stupid to let him do experiments, or immersed in his just experiment. Locke and Angelina stood behind Diane. The old guy didn\'t find out until now.

His neck was pinched by Locke, and his whole body was raised. Jeffman\'s face turned red. Jeffman, who has studied biology very carefully, has even calculated how many seconds he has left to suffocate.

It\'s also because he is a first-class magician. He doesn\'t have the power to fight back against Locke, which is not as good as ordinary low-level slave creatures.

Constantly waving his fists and legs, jelfman is begging Locke for mercy.

"Hum!" Gelfman was thrown out by Locke and didn\'t stop until he rolled five meters away.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Jaffman, who was not breathing well, coughed constantly and stepped back with his hands and feet. "You, who are you?"

This is the Santa tower. Locke can\'t really kill jerfman here. If he does, it will be a provocation to the Santa tower.

Jos may not be able to save him then.

Jeffman\'s embarrassed appearance not only didn\'t make people feel pity, but made Locke hate him even more, because this guy was staring at Diane with hostile eyes now.

The smell of Locke\'s second-class creatures was clearly there, and Angelina, who comforted Diane, also had the identity of a first-class magician. After jelfman calmed down, he certainly didn\'t dare to show disrespect to them.

Research magicians have a special position in the holy tower. They are not strong, but they are responsible for many aspects of the holy tower. Especially in the holy tower college, almost 60% of the tutors are research magicians.

From Angelina\'s dress and momentum, jerfman also knows that this is a battle method.

When you think of the news that the Space Fortress has just returned to the three western islands, the identities of Locke and Angelina are self-evident.

Most research magicians like magic experiments, but they don\'t like or are not good at fighting. For combat magicians, they generally don\'t provoke them. They will beat them in vain and lose their own face.

Although Angelina looks like a delicate little girl, jeffman still doesn\'t dare to underestimate it. What he doesn\'t dare to face is Locke.

"Why can the knight enter the holy tower? Say, did you bring it up!" Jeffman turned the spear on Diane again.

He knew he couldn\'t beat others, so he talked about his identity as a Locke knight.

The holy tower does not allow knights to enter the inner part of the holy tower. Knights who come to the holy tower to trade or visit friends can only move outside the holy tower, not to mention the high-rise of the holy tower, which is also inhabited by many noble level II and level III magicians.

Even the residence of the master of Panama, the master of the Santa tower, is on the top floor here.

Jerfman\'s voice is loud. He is trying to attract the attention of the magicians living around him. These magicians are jerfman\'s neighbors. They must be on jerfman\'s side at that time.

Moreover, when there are more people, jerfman will have more courage. This is the holy tower, not the knight palace. Even if you are a second-class knight, you can\'t come here to run wild!

"Don\'t scare the little girl!" Locke angrily scolded jeffman. Even if Diane is in her forties, she is a little younger than Locke. Locke called her a little girl, but she didn\'t change her mouth for a while.

"Besides, who says I can\'t enter the holy tower?!" With a sneer, Locke took a crystal medal from the space ring.