Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 657

This crystal medal was given to Locke by magician Ashar when he last came to the holy tower.

The identity of assar\'s second-class magician and the power of the semi divine master Jos behind Locke and Angelina made Locke easily obtain this crystal medal that can enter and leave the holy tower at will.

However, the authority of the crystal medal is not high. Locke can only operate in the central area of the holy tower and below the 300 floors of the high-rise of the holy tower.

Above the 300th floor of the holy tower are all level 3 magicians, and Locke has only been to Jos\'s residence on the 391st floor.

The crystal medal with strong element fluctuations and the smell of the rules of the holy tower makes jerfman like a male duck pinched in his voice, which can only send out "Ho, Ho." The sound of.

Of course he knew this thing. Naturally, he couldn\'t pick any thorns as a Locke knight.

"Why did you attack me? Do you know the consequences of hurting a noble magician in the holy tower?" Gelfman changed his mind and asked Locke instead.

However, when saying this, jeffman\'s body has been retreating, and he has no confidence. He is afraid to annoy Locke.

In the eyes of magicians, knights are often synonymous with rudeness. In particular, he, a hypocrite who has not been on the battlefield, criticizes knights as worthless.

But now, jeffman has to worry about whether the reckless land Knight will kill him in his anger.

"Creak." "Creak."

The sound of the door opening came.

Many magicians have come out around, pointing at several people on the field.

Most of these people are research magicians. The battle magicians who came back from the Space Fortress are estimated to be still resting. After a day\'s floating boat, they are not as energetic as Locke.

These coming magicians are obviously on the side of jerfman. Many of them have shown their bad eyes to Locke. Locke is an outsider in Santa tower. Naturally, these magicians want to help jerfman who has been friends for many years.

In the high-rise of the holy tower, the number of living floors of magicians is generally linked to the level of magicians.

These first-class magicians living on the 56th floor of the holy tower, not to mention Kaila and Ashar, are much worse than the fallen water magician babrina.

How could Locke be afraid of them.

If you really want to fight, the seven or eight first-class magicians present are not enough for Locke to hold on to all the time.

Having no interest in wasting more words here, Locke went forward and picked up jeffman again.

As he walked, Locke opened his blood and turned into a body. His body was raised to four meters and was about to top the ceiling of this layer. An exoskeleton bone armor was formed on the surface of the skin, the three bone thorns on his left arm were cold and dazzling, and the light golden wings on his back were holy and strange.

When he opened his scarlet eyes, Locke stared at the first-class magicians around him. He inherited the darkness and tyranny of the zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, which made these research magicians step back involuntarily.

Trembling, he watched Locke carry jerfman back to his room like a chicken.

"Bang!" The sound of the door closing came.

When these magicians come back, there are no figures such as Locke and Angelina in the corridor.

"Do you want to go to the report?"

"You go. One of my experiments is at a critical moment. Goodbye."

"Coincidentally, my topic has just reached the most important part. I\'ll go back and continue my research first."

"Since the knight has access to the holy tower, he should not be a bad man."

"Who is that first-class female magician? I haven\'t had an impression before."


The magicians in the corridor soon dispersed. In the final analysis, the magicians are far less important than the knights to their brothers and comrades in arms.

Magicians are a group of rational people. Rational people often put their own interests first.

Without being disturbed by outsiders, Locke can communicate with wizard jerfman.

"You\'re in the living room. I\'ll talk to master jelfman." With his fangs open, Locke smiled at Angelina and Diane.

"Take it easy. After all, this is a holy tower. He is also a first-class magician." Angelina did not forget to tell Locke.

Angelina didn\'t have a good impression on jerfman through her short contact just now.

Although formal magicians exploit magic apprentices, it is very common here in the holy tower. Many formal magicians come like this.

The process of being exploited in the apprenticeship stage is also the process of their growth, so that they can more clearly feel that it is not easy to obtain strength and knowledge.

But jerfman\'s vulgar attitude makes Angelina, who has always had a deep self-restraint, seriously doubt whether he is a qualified official magician.

Not a family. If you don\'t enter a family, the magicians inherited by Jos, Keira and Angelina are much more civilized than jerfman.

At least Locke had been in contact with Jos and Keira for so many years and had never seen them say rude words.

Ashar has a bad temper, but if Locke does something wrong, she will teach Locke a lesson, but she will never abuse Locke.

Treating others\' speech marks a person\'s basic cultivation.

He smiled at Angelina, and Locke said in a dull voice, "don\'t worry."

With that, Locke looked at jerfman\'s room and took him to the laboratory room.

Diane has been watching Locke\'s actions. Locke\'s appearance of opening his blood and transformation really opened her eyes. If Locke\'s breath and mental power hadn\'t changed too much, Diane couldn\'t believe he was Locke.

With some fear and some gratitude, Dany looked at Locke\'s disappeared room.

By such a interruption, Diane was just crying, and her sad mood was interrupted.

"Cluck, look at your face. It\'s like a kitten. Come on, I\'ll wipe it for you." Angelina took out a white handkerchief from the space ring and had to wipe it for Diane.

"No, no, I\'ll do it myself." Diane said quickly.

In terms of age, Angelina is indeed a few months older than Diane, but in terms of appearance, Angelina\'s appearance at this time stays at her most beautiful age of 21, and no matter how well maintained Diane is, she looks like an old woman in her thirties.

Angelina\'s witty words embarrassed Diane, but it also made their sister relationship closer.

"Is that the blood transformation of the knight opened by Locke?" Diane asked.

"Yes, isn\'t it ugly." Angelina said.

"No." Dany shook her head, glanced secretly at Locke\'s room and whispered, "I think it\'s very handsome..."

Angelina rolled her eyes and didn\'t answer.