Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 645

After semi evolution, the power of the research digital beast is close to that of the original zudun beast, which is no worse than the peak semi divine battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Since the first World War of rainbow forest, Jos has not recovered from his serious injury and has come to participate in the decisive battle on the cliff of death. Many knights and magicians are worried about Jos\'s strength.

But this worry, with Jos releasing the energy of two terrible big explosions in succession, the worries of the bottom knights and magicians turned into nothing.

What level of energy is that? Two mushroom clouds comparable to the height of the main peak of the death cliff suddenly burst out, directly hitting the bituo beast in his whole body into serious injury.

The power of two superimposed explosions comparable to the full power attack of the demigod level increases exponentially.

Not only the Knights and magicians at the bottom were stunned, but also several level-4 strong men fighting above looked at them frequently.

The power is still second. They wonder how Jos released two such powerful attacks in such a short time. Is it a disposable magic guide?

Even if it is a disposable magic guide, the side effects and pressure brought to Jos by this level of magic guide are extremely huge.

The Beedo beast fell from the cloud. The metallized head and well defended research body digital beast experienced hydrogen twice After the bomb exploded at close range, there was still a breath.

At this time, the battle with Jos is inseparable.

The previous great power was only caused by Jos relying on the props obtained from Locke. Jos, whose real strength plummeted due to serious injury, will take some time to kill the same seriously injured BIDO beast.

"Million shock wave!" The four wings vibrated slightly, and a purple and white energy shock wave appeared in front of BIDO beast.

This is the double attack means of sound wave system and soul system, and it is also the magic power that fascinates Jos most.

He quickly retreated and kept sprinkling magic spices. While singing silently, a solid magic shield appeared in front of him.

The pale blue light beam in the middle of the faceless eyebrow complements the magic shield, which is providing Jos with a special layer of power with the nature of protecting the soul.

Seeing another collision, it was about to happen between the two demigods. A bigger explosion disturbed their attack rhythm and the whole death cliff battlefield.

At the same time, Jos and BIDO looked up at the direction of the battle of the clown king and others.

The knights, magicians, digital beasts and slave creatures of the whole death cliff battlefield also looked up to the space above the main peak of the death cliff.

There is one of the places where the strong fight. It is an absolute life forbidden zone. The energy fluctuation alone is enough to shock the creatures below level 3 to death.

There, a devastating explosion, generated there!

"Destroy the aurora!" The scream of the clown emperor was heard by all the creatures on the dead cliff. This was the last cry of the clown emperor who was in a desperate situation.

A dark and deep penetrating energy beam cuts through the sky. The strength of energy and penetration force are so strong that they even pierce the plane barriers of the digital world.

The void energy outside the plane gradually penetrated into the digital world, and the recovery ability of the digital world itself, under the passive control of the plane will, slowly repaired the damaged plane barrier.

It was only a small matter that the plane barrier was broken through. Everyone was staring at the place where the level four strong men fought.

The semi divine strongmen have gained absolute advantages. Two research digital beasts have been killed during this period. In the view of knights and magicians, the battle of the fourth level strongmen is no more than that.

The strength of the Panamanian masters and the unparalleled power of the adults zekray and Gaia have been confirmed by countless ectopic gods over the years.

The victory of this plane war must belong to them, at least the bottom knights and magicians think so.

What is the truth? Everyone looked at the upper space of the main peak of death cliff.

The Joker\'s ultimate must kill skill collides with the defense means formed by zekray in a hurry. After the huge explosion and smoke, zekray\'s right hand covers his heart.

Zekray is in bad shape now. The aurora of destruction not only pierced the plane barrier, but also penetrated his heart.

With the true God body of level 4 creatures, although this degree of wound is not fatal, it is enough to kill half of Zachary\'s life.

The embarrassed zekray let the Knights and magicians who saw the scene sink in their hearts, while the digital beasts who saw the scene burst out a sense of confidence and momentum again in cheers, and stood with their opponents again.

"It seems that one of your level Four strongmen has been badly hurt by the clown emperor." Under the pink scale, the sharp corner of the beast\'s head pointed at Jos.

Half a month\'s battle also made BIDO beast find out the strength of the opponent.

It was even in the state of being seriously injured but not healed. BIDO beast can\'t imagine how powerful this ectopic invader was in its heyday.

It is said that the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex died at the hands of this man. Although BIDO beast hates these ectopic invaders, it is full of wonder that other planes can produce this peak level III creature in terms of strength.

If the beast is not wrong, its opponent may have touched the threshold of level 4.

For BIDO beast, Jos under the mask was not affected much by it. A sneer appeared from the corner of his mouth under the mask. Jos replied, "hum, Lord zekley was badly hurt, but your clown emperor will suffer too. If you don\'t believe it, look up?"

Two energy beams, slightly inferior to the aurora of destruction released by the clown emperor, successively passed through the vast battlefield and the sky and shot away at the clown emperor\'s position.

In the unbelievable eyes of BIDO beast, he hit the body of the clown emperor!

The sources of the two energy beams are two space fortresses located on both sides of the battlefield and surrounded by death cliffs!

As the largest war platform of the three western islands, the car of the fourth level strong expedition and the main gun power of the Space Fortress are close to the full attack of the fourth level strong.

The main gun of the Space Fortress, which once killed countless powerful aborigines, is affectionately called "the light of destruction and death" by magicians and knights.

In the activated goblin world, there is a brilliant record of one death and one serious injury of two semi divine activated goblins. This time, it hit the level-4 digital beast clown emperor, which also caused a huge blow to the clown emperor. Not to mention, these are two lights of death!

The bombardment of the main guns of the two space fortresses once again changed the situation on the battlefield in an instant.