Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 644

It has been tens of thousands of years since the Panamanian master was promoted to level 4, but he was also called the new level 4 by the level 5 blood Warlock. It was not the intention of the Earth Dragon.

But from the inside information and long inheritance of blood warlocks, it is only tens of thousands of years. He is really just a new level 4 who has just emerged in the wizard world.

The thought crossed my mind, and the Earth Dragon stretched out his giant claw like a mountain again and patted it to the light element shield below.

According to level five creatures such as him who have participated in hundreds of plane wars, their invasion of the world will come to the time of harvest.

"See how long you can last, hem!" The vigorous earth yellow element energy flows on the body surface of this earth dragon, which is in obvious contrast to the holy angel beast that is still struggling to support.

The land of the wind, the dark region, the main peak of the death cliff.

The right arm was cut off, the left foot was burned by the hot and violent thunder element, and the black-and-white mask was broken. The clown emperor who showed his true face has reached the end of a powerful crossbow.

The clown emperor under the mask has a face very similar to that of human beings in the wizard world. The most striking thing is his scarlet eyes. However, at this time, the clown emperor\'s Scarlet eyes are full of fatigue.

The wounds on the right arm and left foot were still the second. At the heart where the wounds could not be seen, a force of imprisonment emerged. That was Panama\'s hard resistance to its attack. Under the cooperative suppression of zecre and Gaia, it set the law of silence for the clown emperor.

Level 4 creatures are called "gods" because they have unparalleled strength and unimaginable vitality. Any trauma to level 4 creatures will recover with their constant vitality, including serious injuries of broken hands and feet.

The power of the law that imprisoned the clown King\'s heart now locks the clown King\'s strong vitality as a fourth level creature.

At this time, any attack on the clown emperor\'s body will bring irreparable real damage to the clown emperor. The title of Panama\'s silent light is not in vain.

"Unfortunately, this mask is also a good magic guide among Level 4 creatures." Holding half of the broken mask of the clown emperor in his hand, the other half is still there.

After fighting with the clown emperor for so long, Panama can naturally see that a large part of the original power of the clown emperor\'s masked square comes from this mask,

The ability and value of the clown mask cut into two halves have greatly reduced. Even if you get the other half of the mask, you may not be able to repair it well. Play with the mask in your hand for a while and look at the battle somewhere below the main peak of the death cliff. Panama has a plan to dispose of this half of the mask.

This life mask fell into the enemy\'s hand. The clown emperor showed his true face. At this time, he manipulated four imperial brand throwing knives and waged a confrontation with Panama and others.

"Hide your head and show your tail, you finally appear from the dark clouds." The clown emperor disdained Panama.

Zekray and Gaia, who are facing him, are not regarded by the clown emperor. Panama, which is regarded as its lifelong enemy, has been hiding in its own silent field. How can this not annoy the clown emperor.

This kind of guy who is good at sneaking attacks on others is the most difficult to deal with. On the contrary, it is the fighting style of zekley and Gaia facing the clown emperor, which is the fighting style that the clown emperor most wants to see.

Its uncanny ability is to overcome this rough and crazy fist to meat style. On the contrary, Panama has been giving it Yin hands, making the clown emperor feel powerless.

The most basic quality of a magician is reason. How could Panama get angry because of the ridicule of the clown emperor? In the past horizontal wars, they were the invaders. They ridiculed and played with the low-level aborigines of the ectopic face. In the face of the clown emperor\'s powerless language, Panama turned into a dark cloud again with a "Jie Jie Jie" smile.

"Damn it!" The monster\'s eyes blinked and blinked. The clown emperor\'s ultimate must kill technique has not been used up to now, just to surprise and impress Panama.

But Panama is smarter than the fox and more elusive than the loach, which makes the clown emperor feel frustrated.

Panama, who knows that the clown emperor has always kept a move, how can he stand up for nothing and eat the damage of the clown emperor? Defense is not the specialty of magicians, especially magicians who practice the strange law of silence. In terms of defense, he may not be as good as the semi God riders with strong vitality.

Developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses is a simple rule that every magician knows. Now you only need to consume, you can consume the clown emperor alive, and unnecessary blood doesn\'t need to flow.

Looking at Panama hidden in the dark clouds again, the sinking clown emperor focused on zekray and Gaia.

A large number of digital beasts died in the dark area, which brought less and less field blessing effect to the clown emperor, not to mention that his clown mask was also damaged.

Coupled with many days of hard work, the power of the clown emperor has reached the lowest point in history. Even when it competed for the position of the fourth emperor, it was not so miserable.

At the end of the crossbow, it really describes the current situation of the clown emperor.

"To which?" With his expressionless face, the clown emperor is actually selecting targets for the upcoming counterattack.

If you want to kill the clown emperor, even if the overall strength of the other party exceeds yourself, the clown emperor can definitely jump off the other party\'s two front teeth before he dies.

Gaia, a metal giant, and zekray, a thunder element storm protector, have made plans after a short period of thinking.

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!" Under the control of the clown emperor\'s mind, four rotating imperial brand throwing knives suddenly flew towards the fourth level Knight Gaia.

With the attribute of certain hit, four throwing knives attack Gaia\'s face door at the same time. Even if Gaia is famous for his defense, he has to pay all his attention to deal with it.

"Golden shield!" His arms were close and defensive. Knowing that there was nothing to hide, Gaia decided to take out his strongest defense and take the four throwing knives in the front.

One side is a thick giant shield condensed by pure metal fighting spirit, which is slowly formed in front of Gaia. The giant shield is hundreds of meters high, just protecting the most important position of head and heart in Gaia\'s 400 meter tall real body.

At the same time, zekray, who is good at attacking, also launched an attack on the clown emperor from the side.

They have formed a set of skilled cooperation skills among several level-4 strong men in the three western islands. When Gaia is in charge, he, a high explosive knight, will also be hard hit by the clown emperor on the side, so that it has to draw its mind and defend itself.

In the thick dark clouds, Panama is also silently preparing its own powerful magic and preparing to deal a fatal blow to the polar digital beast that brings him infinite interest again.

The dark energy splitting arrow in the magic wand gradually took shape. Panama has foreseen that this magic crystal arrow that can corrode and penetrate the body of level 4 creatures will successfully hit the clown emperor\'s heart. When the clown emperor made an unusual move, Panama frowned.

Four throwing knives tangled with Gaia in front. Zekray\'s thunder attribute spear on his side was about to stab the clown emperor\'s left waist. Panama\'s dark energy splitting arrow in the dark cloud had sung to the end. Under such a dangerous situation, the clown emperor even gathered his hands in a strange posture.

The severed right arm was repaired at a great cost by the clown emperor. The thumb and middle finger of both hands were pressed together to form a diamond space between the two hands, from which a little energy with destruction attribute was slowly generated.

"No! Zekray, get out of there!" The moment the destruction energy appeared, Panama thought of the clown emperor\'s plan and knew that this was the ultimate must kill skill that the clown emperor had not used.

Strong warning signs appear in the heart. Knights break through themselves in battle and improve their life level. Sometimes they are more sensitive to danger than magicians with strong spiritual power and good perception.

At the moment when the destruction energy appeared, zekray quickly pulled back and was forcibly dispersed by him, along with the thunder element spear that was ready to cause heavy damage to the clown emperor.

But unfortunately, it\'s too late!

The clown emperor has prepared the ultimate must kill skill for so long. As the terror skill used as the last card, since it is released, how can it be easily avoided.

Moreover, judging from the law fluctuation of faint distribution, this move is also the same as Huangpai Throwing Knife, which has the attribute of inevitable hit.

"Destroy the aurora!" The strong electromagnetic shock wave appeared in the clown emperor\'s hands. After the energy converged to a certain moment, it suddenly turned into a dark column of light and hit in the direction of Zachary\'s retreat!

"Boom!" A deafening explosion rang through the main peak of the death cliff.

Today is the 15th day that Panamanian master and two level 4 Knights announced a decisive battle with the digital beasts of the dead cliff.

For 15 days, the Knights and magicians of the three western islands have tenaciously insisted on this bloody mill that may be the last war in the digital world for half a month.

In this half month, countless knights and magicians died, and more digital beasts fell. Everyone was nervous about this fierce and unusual battle.

During this period, what can make this group of knights and magicians relax a little and cheer is the results of their own level 3 and 4 strong against the top research digital beast.

In addition to the two demigod Knights brought by zekray, outside the death cliff clown palace, the ratio of the demigod strong of the three western islands to the research digital beast of the wind continent has reached 7:5.

Semi divine knights and magicians themselves are better than the extreme digital beast. Coupled with the absolute quantitative advantage, they have achieved great results one after another.

During this time, there are two things that make the bottom knights and magicians cheer: first, Jos, a semi divine power, uses the infernal power to inflict heavy damage on more beasts; Second, Gaia and Lord zekley cut off the clown emperor\'s hands and feet respectively.