Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 621

The forbidden spell and hydrogen in the green pearl The explosion of the bomb became a double play of the radical change of element energy in the rainbow forest.

Countless low-level creatures were either destroyed by the forbidden curse or died from the huge impact of nuclear explosion.

There are digital animals and people from the three western islands.

That\'s why Argus said that for the elite compensation for the loss in rainbow forest, they charged this account to the digital beast.

In addition to some powerful tertiary creatures and lucky people hiding at the edge of the forest, countless lives have died here today.

This place is now a complete purgatory.

The trees are rolling, the sea of fire is burning, and the howling sound at the last moment of life is staged in this land.

The aftereffect of the nuclear bomb explosion is still there. Although we can feel the life breath in it, joss and others did not enter the center of the explosion for the first time.

Around the corner, Jos took the lead in flying in the direction of Locke.

There is a cliff bottom shattered by the shock wave of explosion and the hate blow of battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Once the cliff, now turned into a pile of broken stone slope, there is no life wave from it.

The two knights who followed gave Jos a curious look.

Without much explanation, Jos flew down the gravel slope.

With a wave of his right hand, countless rubble rose into the sky and fell around, and the creatures under the rubble gradually appeared in front of the three people.

"This is... Our land knight? Did he make the explosion just now?" Azul asked incredulously.

The whole body\'s bone armor was broken, and the two wings were all broken. Two of the three bone spines in the left arm were broken, and the bone shield was also deeply sunk. Only the dark inflammation on the forehead was still burning slowly. The body in front of him was Locke after transformation.

Beside him, a dark blue giant curled up behind Locke.

A giant stretching up to ten meters snuggled up behind Locke, who was three meters high. It was a bit of bullshit, but it really happened again.

At the moment when the energy beam of the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex came, Locke took all the attacks with his body.

"Life is pretty big." Jos sighed when he felt that Locke and Hellfire giant were still alive.

He stepped forward and opened Locke\'s right hand. A black bead with a broken surface came into Jose\'s eyes.

"The negative energy fusion beads seem different from before, and the little guy\'s physique..." His body was badly hurt, but Jos\'s semi divine vision was still there, and he quickly found the unusual things in Locke.

"Why, do you know this knight?" Azzi strange way.

Felix was also curious. Although he had several connections with Locke in the fire level of the dark blue prison, he was busy drawing the element extraction array at that time, and Locke was a penniless first-class knight. How could Felix write down this man.

Even if Garcia learned about Locke, it was difficult for Felix to connect the two people under the appearance of Locke\'s blood transformation at this time.

"One of my younger generation." Jos said concisely.

Hearing this, Azul and Felix both choked.

I\'m not a family. I really don\'t enter a family. Jos, who is known as the first half god magician under level 4 on the three western islands, is evil enough. This time, another half god magician came out to rescue them and release the younger generation who is comparable to the peak half god level to fight the terrorist explosion with all his strength.

Of course, they would not naively think that the explosion was released by Locke, a second-class knight, with his own strength. They must have borrowed some precious props.

Without Jos\'s mention, they might talk to Locke in detail and even ask for such similar props, but since Jos said it was his man, they also put out the idea of asking for top alchemy props.

Not only can\'t ask Locke for help, but they also owe Locke a favor. This is a life-saving grace to the strong demigod.

Locke, in a coma, was in a miserable situation.

It was also his bad luck. In less than a month, he turned around in front of the gate of death twice in a row, danced a waltz with the God of death, and then came a deadly tango.

The cell activity of the whole body is less than 12%. The beating of the heart tends to be calm, the light of spiritual power collapses, and the soul is depressed. If there is no other external force to help, Locke, who is in a state of suspended death, will really die in less than ten minutes.

He still underestimated the casual blow of a top demigod.

I thought I could fight the hate strike of Tyrannosaurus Rex with my knight\'s strong defense and the black shield of negative energy fusion bead whose charge was restored to half.

Who wants to, he still pays for his innocence.

The weakened version of the Tyrannosaurus Rex flame, however weakened, is also one of the famous skills of fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. In an instant, the mountains were smashed, the shield was annihilated, and the bone armor was damaged. Locke only had time to finally look at the sky with surging energy of this element, and fell into permanent darkness.

The demigod level masters the power of law, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex flame fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex is a combat skill created by integrating its own understanding of the law of fire.

Through life constitutes the most basic force of law and the purest force of fire. Locke is not wronged under such attack.

After a while, Locke was really dead. He took out a bottle of mysterious green medicine from the space equipment, and Jos poured it down to Locke.

As soon as the medicine entered Locke\'s abdomen, the only life wave left by Locke disappeared in an instant.

Looking at the indifferent faces of several demigods, it seems that Locke\'s reaction is really normal.

In fact, Locke did not die, but died and survived. This is the principle followed by this precious alchemy product called life potion.

As long as Locke survives the shock period of one month, any fatal injury to him will turn into ordinary serious injury, and serious injury will turn into minor injury.

This is a precious potion necessary for the demigods at the top of the third level in the wizard world to travel and adventure.

However, the disadvantage of this medicine is that after taking it, the user will have no resistance and fall into shock for one month.

Taking his eyes away from Locke, Jos looked at the dark blue giant curled up behind Locke.

The metal base on the back of Hellfire giant AI is still emitting terrible high temperature, which is still acceptable for Hellfire people bathing in molten slurry.

The high temperature is still second. Jos pays attention to the light attached radiation force.

"Was that the explosion sent out by this device?" Jos thought to himself that his erudite magic knowledge seemed useless today. Looking left and right, Jos did not find any description of the energy circuit on the missile launch base.

If you can\'t figure it out, don\'t think about it for the time being, because it\'s not absolutely safe here, and there\'s a big enemy that hasn\'t been solved.

Jos turned around and looked with the two remaining knights at the huge pit after the nuclear bomb exploded.