Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 620

If you can launch defense in a hurry and find it difficult for defense to take this strike energy, you can decisively take your own killing move and hydrogen The energy hedge of bomb explosion, fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex, on fighting will and fighting instinct, is definitely an excellent individual rarely seen in the demigod.

But today, the shining stars will fall.

The charging of the scorching sun energy gun takes at least ten seconds, while the time for preparing for the battle of Tyrannosaurus Rex is less than one second.

Like the semi-formed eternal light shield, this hot sun energy gun did not bring too many opportunities to the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There is no shield, no energy to counteract and disappear, and only rely on physical defense to resist more than 50000 degrees of demigod attack. Even those level 4 knights who are famous for their cultivation strength dare not do so rashly.

In a sense, demigods are also gods. They are only one step away from the fourth level true gods.

The body decomposes slowly under the pressure of the huge energy of nuclear explosion and is in the state of hydrogen The battle Tyrannosaurus Rex at the center of the bomb explosion can only make people around see a little shadow in the white light.

"Die!" A beam of energy passed through, which was a hate blow to the initiator by the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex in such a huge wound.

The energy beam circled an arc in the sky to avoid hydrogen The shock wave of the bomb hit the cliff where the Hellfire giant was located.

If the brewing of the forbidden spell and the force field of the demigod creature stretch AI\'s nerve to the extreme, then hydrogen The explosion of the bomb and its huge shock wave are the last straw to crush AI.

When hydrogen contains the energy of terror When the bullet was fired from AI\'s back, AI had fallen into a pool of blue blood. The explosion power and huge shock wave behind caused many irreparable wounds to AI\'s body.

With only one breath left, AI\'s heart has stopped beating intermittently. How can he survive the hate blow of the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At the level of quasi level creatures, a three-level peak semi divine digital beast was severely damaged. AI\'s achievements can also be written into myths and legends and sung by lower creatures.

But what\'s the use of this? Generally, the great people who are commemorated are dead. How much voice do the dead have in this world.

On his deathbed, AI had lost all control of his body, couldn\'t lift a finger, and his consciousness was empty. At the moment of death, Ai saw his mother.

It was a medium-sized Hellfire giant, about eight meters. Like all Hellfire giants, it had broad cheeks and solid muscles Arms.

But AI recognized it at a glance. It was his mother.

I thought I could only stay in my childhood dream about my mother\'s appearance. At this moment, AI\'s eyes were wet.

It did not regret obeying Locke\'s orders, and even was impacted by the terrible energy riots and biological coercion. Even AI fell into a coma without regret.

At this moment, AI\'s mind has no powerful creatures that make it afraid of palpitations, no terrorist elements that make its soul tremble, and its mind only echoes the best memories of its youth.

"AI..." A huge rock behind the cliff, Locke looked at the dark blue giant with a quiet smile in his bruises, and his heart tingled.

As the holder of the master-slave contract, Locke can clearly feel the emotional fluctuations of his soul slaves all the time. At this moment, Locke\'s heart softened.

Suddenly looked up at the energy beam attacking the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Maybe AI\'s biological energy level is there, which doesn\'t pay too much attention to the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex. Maybe the turbulent elements around weaken the power of this energy beam.

After a short decision, Locke rushed to the top of AI\'s comatose cliff.

If this energy beam has the power of a hit by a top level three creature, it is a random hit by a demigod. Locke is determined not to carry it, nor will he rush out to do such a stupid thing.

But in his opinion, this only has an energy beam comparable to that of a second-class peak creature. Locke thinks he should fight.

Let irrelevant people die for themselves, Locke\'s heart will not have any burden.

However, AI has followed him diligently over the years, never complained about his orders, and spent two years with him on the ectopic side of the earth without a relative. Locke has long regarded AI as his family.

Although they are not as important to themselves as Angelina, it is worth risking this level for Hellfire giants, in Locke\'s view.

The explosion of the nuclear bomb, sooner or later, that is, in the blink of an eye, such an amazing mutation has occurred.

"Boom!" In hydrogen In front of the impact of the bomb explosion, Azur and badola were separated from the battle for the first time.

Unlike the fierce sun energy gun attack of the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex, hydrogen is fired in a straight line The explosion of the bomb starts from the center of the circle and radiates in all directions.

The whole rainbow forest had different degrees of impact in the nuclear explosion at this moment.

"What the hell?!" Azir yelled and saw that he was going to completely suppress the badora beast, but when he was hit by the nuclear bomb, even his semi divine knight had to summon a fighting shield to resist.

The badora beast on the other side noticed that the explosion site was located in the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex, and thought that the invaders had new reinforcements.

The badora beast resisted a nuclear shock wave and flew to the edge of the rainbow forest driven by the shock wave.

The badola beast is not the center of nuclear explosion. Its impact force is limited. In addition, the digital beasts are famous for their rough skin and thick meat. This extreme digital beast, who was frightened after hard struggle, fled to the battlefield without fighting.

"It\'s too dangerous here. Go to the land of the moon... No! Go to the land of the mountain! With the guardian of the mechanical evil dragon beast and the holy angel beast, the land of the mountain is the safest place!" He vomited visceral fragments at the same time and wildly mobilized his strength to escape to the East.

At this moment, the badora beast completely forgot the holy angel beast The task assigned to it.

Not only the badora and Azur were affected by it, but also the battle between Jos, AGUS and the shaguya was also a meal in the nuclear explosion.

The explosion comparable to the energy level of the scorching sun energy gun suddenly appeared near them, and the demigods were stunned.

The center of the explosion was still at the battle Tyrannosaurus Rex. Seeing this scene, AGUS turned to joy. He turned around and shouted to Jos, "you TM still don\'t stop the element combustion. You want to die, I don\'t want to die!"

The rough man spoke so straight. Argus may have been dazzled with joy by the sudden turn, and had no scruples about the face of the first of the three Western Island demigods in front of him.

The burning of the magic of light and fire makes Jos look like a powerful explosive bag at the moment. When the magic burns out and releases the glory of his life, I believe that the turbulence he has caused is no better than the hydrogen detonated by Locke Play small.

After being interrupted by Argus, Jos came back to his senses. Today\'s experience is richer than Jos\'s memory in the past 100 years. One second, he was still tragic for his death in battle, and the next second, it seems that the situation has returned to the side in favor of them?

Take a deep breath and gradually suppress the light and fire magic of the riot. Jos, who is separated from the burning element body, is at the weakest moment of his body.

Now he is not even as good as an ordinary level-3 magician.

The hole in his chest was bleeding, soaked in Jose\'s magic robe, bent his back and leaned on his magic wand. Jose was looking at who helped him.

Through the burning flame, through the explosion center of element energy disorder, and through a nuclear radiation area that surprised his demigod, Jos saw that on the other side of the explosion, there was a three meter tall bone armor knight and a large dark blue giant.

"Is that... Locke?" Jos couldn\'t believe his eyes.

After the blood changed, Locke\'s appearance changed greatly, but Jos recognized that it was his nephew\'s husband.

After such great trauma, Locke on the other end of the explosion can be found on the battlefield with element energy disorder. This is not from Jos\'s own power, but seems to be the credit of his mask.

"You deal with this research digital beast, how about Azul and I go there and have a look?" Jos coughed and said to Argus that drops of blood were coughed out by Jos under the mask, but he saw that Locke over there was also in danger.

"It? No problem!" AGUS said with a ferocious smile to the panicked shagu toothed beast below them.

"It\'s you. Can you really hold on?" Argus, who regarded the sand tooth as the prey in his bag, turned his head and asked Jos.

Now Jos, just looking at the fluctuation of life, is not as good as an ordinary level-3 magician. With the appearance of serious injury above, AGUS doubts whether Jos will suddenly fall down.

"Even if I am seriously injured, I am also a magician." His bent waist gradually straightened and held a magic wand. Jos accentuated the word "magician".

Without further dissuasion, AGUS greeted Azur flying from a distance and said, "you three go together. It\'s such an explosion. I doubt that the fighting Tyrannosaurus Rex may not be dead."

Among the three people he mentioned, in addition to Jos and Azur, there was Felix who fell into a weak period after the energy spar was exhausted.

The three men are either seriously injured or in a weak period of sharp decline in strength, but they are the best of the demigods in their three heyday. It is barely enough to deal with a battle Tyrannosaurus Rex with the same serious injury.

"And I will take this guy to pay tribute to all the elite knights and magicians lost in the rainbow forest on the three western islands!" AGUS hummed coldly to the sand ancient tooth beast below.

The poor shakuya beast doesn\'t have the courage of badola beast to make a quick decision. It was besieged by Argus and Jos, and it doesn\'t have the luck of badola beast. Now all the limbs and claws of shakuya beast are trembling in the face of fierce Argus.