Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 600

At noon, Kayla\'s physical condition improved significantly.

Locke\'s restorative medicine is good. As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor. Locke often adds scars to his body. He has his own understanding of treatment.

Keira\'s recovery, everything is expected by Locke.

"Master, what should we do now?" Locke asked Kayla, curled up by the campfire.

Kayla, who has recovered her mental strength, has taken out a set of her spare robe from the space ring, but the constant temperature magic array brought by the robe did not make the master feel better. Her empty body made her feel cold.

Locke wanted to suggest that Kayla continue to cover her cloak. He replied that Kayla melted the cloak covered on her body overnight into ashes with a light feather arrow.

The master could not tolerate the presence of others in his room, let alone Locke\'s masculine cloak.

Unable to understand the psychology of people who are obsessed with cleanliness, Locke can only watch a high-quality mink cloak turn into fly ash.

For a long time, Locke thought that among the Kaila and Ashar sisters, the nerves of her sister Ashar were a little abnormal, while her sister Kaila was a normal human.

Now Locke\'s idea has been overturned. Well, neither of the two sisters is normal.

At least Locke, who claims to be a normal person, has a headache for master Kayla\'s quirks.

Because since master Kaila woke up in the morning, the optical magician, who was actually older than great grandparents Locke, didn\'t say a word to him.

Locke, who was defeated again, simply stood up and went out to patrol and explore the field of vision.

The battle in the south of rainbow forest seems to have warmed up again since last night. Locke has seen powerful digital beasts flying from the sky for support more than once.

He needs to make sure that there are no traces of digital animals around the cave. They are still in the enemy camp.

After Locke left, Kayla\'s face moved.

Clenching her trembling palm, Kayla took a deep breath and took out a test tube with golden blood from the magic ring.

Shaking the test tube twice, Kayla felt the strong light element in it, and her body relaxed.

Kaila, who has reached the bottleneck of the first-class element division, is in this situation in order to find an opportunity to break through the second level. If she can have the ability to predict, Kaila will never take risks.

In some ways, Kayla and Locke are very similar in character, that is, they are not so obsessed with the pursuit of power.

Even different from ordinary magicians, Kayla enjoys taking a nap in a sunny afternoon rather than discovering truth and knowledge in the laboratory.

Angelina\'s status as a first-class element master accounts for a lot of factors that can make the world-class light element master decide to go out for an adventure.

Even her apprentice is going to catch up with her. Rao Shikai is a little uncomfortable no matter how plain her character is and how she has no desire.

Of course, from the perspective of knowledge reserves, Kayla\'s more than 200 years of life experience must be much richer than Angelina\'s less than 50 years of experience. Being Angelina\'s mentor is enough.

However, the world still speaks with strength after all. After being promoted to the first level, Angelina has got rid of the shackles of ordinary human beings. She will have a lot of time to study and master those precious and complex magic knowledge in the future.

You know, first-class magicians have a life span of nearly 500 years.

Take the reagent back into the magic ring again, and Kayla has temporarily come out of the shadow brought by cleanliness.

The second level magician has the ability to elementalize her body. If she can advance to the second level safely, the basic element of her body is no longer flesh and blood particles, but light element particles.

In a sense, it can be regarded as reshaping the flesh.

Only by re arranging the body with light elements can Kayla really get rid of the fact that she was "defiled" by Locke.

Good guy, Locke, who is patrolling outside, didn\'t expect that he has become a "defiled" generation in master Kaila\'s mind.

I just touched her skin and treated her wound. Kayla\'s inner thoughts are beyond ordinary people\'s imagination.

However, Locke had to admit that although he had tried his best not to think about the crooked place yesterday afternoon, Keira\'s greasy body still made the goods confused for a long time.

With the night vigil, the touch on the hand seemed to be still in the beginning.

Of course, just think about it. With Locke\'s two courage, he didn\'t dare to do anything to master Kayla.

This has nothing to do with strength. It\'s just Kaila\'s elder image in his mind all the time.

In the afternoon, Locke hit a digital beast that looked like a sika deer and came back.

There are many medicaments to supplement physical strength in the space ring, but these medicaments are not very beneficial to the recovery of the body. It is still meat with plenty of blood gas, which is the best diet to nourish the body.

It\'s a pity that master Kayla didn\'t accept Locke\'s hard work.

Kayla is not a vegetarian, but she is still a vegetarian in her daily life. The bloody digital animal blood and meat makes her appetite turn around and turn her eyes. Kayla silently takes a physical recovery medicine from her magic ring and takes it.

Finally, half of the digital beast went into Locke\'s belly.

Yesterday he didn\'t eat. Today\'s hungry Locke doesn\'t care whether the meat of the digital beast is delicious. His gluttonous eating style made Kaila\'s own magic crystal ball damaged during her flight yesterday, and the standby crystal ball lacks the most important communication function. In order to connect to the Space Fortress earlier, Kaila can only use Locke\'s Knight Medal.

There are many similarities between the Knight Medal of knights and the crystal ball of magicians. The knight hall will add communication function in it, which contains the most basic knowledge of magic array.

"I\'ve tried. I can\'t contact the space fortress at all..." Locke\'s voice stopped suddenly because he saw master Kayla skillfully use some alchemical tools to disassemble his knight\'s medal into a pile of broken parts.

This Knight Medal was given to Locke when he was on a garrison mission on the space fortress. Locke had not covered it for a few months. Locke\'s heart was dripping blood.

After dismantling the most basic communication magic array from the Knight Medal, Keira\'s light magic surged on her finger and gently pointed at the magic array.

The magic array gradually emits a blue shimmer. After a few seconds, the blue light turns into red light, and the element fluctuation gradually stops. Finally, there is no movement.

"Is it shielded by the gravitational field of tertiary organisms?" Kayla murmured that she knew a lot of knowledge, especially the ability of tertiary organisms.

"You, come here and try to stimulate this point with fighting spirit." Kayla pointed to the magic array in her hand and said to Locke.

In the past, Kayla talked to Locke very peacefully and kindly. Suddenly, Locke couldn\'t adapt to it with an imperative tone.

But Locke didn\'t dare to talk nonsense and walked over honestly.

Locke, who came straight, let Kaila step back quietly. Locke\'s unusually strong male atmosphere made Kaila a little uncomfortable.

It\'s all because she\'s too weak, or a little air freshening can solve her current troubles.

Locke didn\'t pay attention to Kayla\'s small movements. Under the hint of Kayla\'s green finger, Locke poured fighting spirit into an energy node of the knight medal magic array in his hand.

The magic array flashed blue again. This time, the color was brighter and the energy fluctuation was stronger.

"It\'s not enough. You can increase your morale." There was no satisfactory result, Kayla urged Locke.

Hold your strength and mobilize your fighting spirit. The biological pressure of the quasi second level knight is released in an instant. The powerful fighting spirit is poured into the Knight Medal through Locke\'s palm. The bright blue light illuminates the whole cave.

When the cave finally calmed down, Locke gasped and looked at Kayla like an inquiry.

This time, master Kaila didn\'t give Locke another look, but said positively, "it seems that I underestimated it. It\'s not the magnetic field interference of ordinary level 3 creatures, but the demigod level. We\'re in trouble!"

"What\'s going on?" Locke was surprised and asked hurriedly when it involved the duel between level three and even semi God creatures.

"Do you know where there is a large-scale battle around here?" Kayla didn\'t answer directly, but asked Locke.

"In the south, it should be southwest." Locke said in a deep voice. "In addition to me, there are 13 people who come to rescue your magician team. The leaders are a land knight and a second-class magician. I guess they are also in that direction."

Kayla looked at Locke strangely. Now she wondered how Locke found her so quickly.

However, at this time, regardless of asking others, Kayla knew that there was only the combat level of level 2 creatures, and there would never be interference with communication magic.

"We have to run west." Said Kayla.

"Ah?" Locke was a little confused.

"To the south is the main battlefield of the thorny wilderness, to the north is the hinterland of the wind continent, and to the East is the jiaobustling strait with the moon continent. Only by running to the west can we stay away from the battle between these three-level strong." Kayla calmly analyzed. "The west is also the safest place."

"Has the knight palace broken through the blockade of the digital beasts in the dark tornado mountains, and the main battlefield moved northward from the thorny wilderness?" Locke, who has good knowledge of military theory, was surprised.

"It shouldn\'t be that fast. I don\'t know what happened here." Kayla shook her head.

Seemed to realize that she had talked too much with this guy. Keira snorted coldly, "can\'t you go? Rainbow forest is no longer safe."

"Of course, let\'s go now!" Locke grabbed Kayla and ran out despite her weak struggle.

Locke is not ready to be erased by Level 3 creatures in the battle of level 3 creatures.