Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 596

Several research digital beasts left the palace one after another. The clown king sitting on the throne above suddenly stopped turning the tarot card.

"Poof!" A pool of purple blood glittering with strange colors was vomited by the clown emperor.

"Cough..." Coughing, more blood clots dripped from the clown emperor\'s mask, some of which looked like fragments of the clown emperor\'s internal organs.

For a long time, the cough stopped.

The congestion was cleared, and the clown\'s face looked better than before.

"Damn it!" A vicious voice came from under the mask.

He was attacked by two level-4 strong men, and was attacked by a sneak attack on his back. The clown king was in a bad state.

Thanks to its long-standing reputation as a level 4 creature and its strange abilities, it escaped from the attack of sinister and cunning ectopic invaders.

Feeling the golden lightning energy stabbing on his back and the corrosive energy of the tarsal maggot, the clown King hated the two despicable people who hurt him even more.

"Huang brand Throwing Knife!" With a sharp cry, two tarot cards turned into throwing knives and were sandwiched between the clown emperor\'s fingers.

The flying knife passes through the body of the clown emperor. The light of the knife shines and the sharp blade cuts. A large piece of flesh and blood is stripped off by the clown emperor from his back.

Level 4 creatures are called gods by all surface creatures, and the body of the clown emperor can also be called the body of God. It can take a means similar to gecko tail cutting to alleviate its pain. The injury of the clown emperor is a little deeper than expected.

The most powerful digital beast in the digital world really deserves its reputation. Under the joint attack of the fourth level magician Panama and the fourth level Knight Gaia, it was seriously injured and escaped. The clown emperor was proud.

Hiding on the death cliff of the base camp is not a long-term plan. The dark area has always been regarded as his forbidden area by the clown emperor "Cooperate with the wood or with the two digital dragons." Sitting on the throne, the clown emperor thought secretly.

Looking up at the East, the clown emperor sneered, "hum, holy angel beast!"

A section of Xinmi that ordinary digital beasts don\'t know, that is, the clown emperor and the divine Angel beast, the guardian of the plane, had a deep Festival many years ago.

Why didn\'t the holy angel beast come to the death cliff in person to interview the clown emperor and discuss the plan of resistance? It was the festival that led to it.

If the two people can put down the festival and stand together without saying anything else, the powerful light healing ability of the light holy angel beast is enough to temporarily restore the clown emperor to his peak.

Unfortunately, the clown emperor\'s temper determines that it is difficult for them to make peace.

Pointing to the armrest of the throne with his fingertips, the clown emperor made a decision.


"What? What happened to master Kayla?" Locke looked at Angelina in front of him in surprise.

"Yes, the help signal just sent by the tutor, and the rescue task also appeared on the task panel over the Santa tower." Angelina looked anxious.

"What\'s going on? What mission is master Kayla performing?" Locke asked calmly.

"The tutor performed an angel beast tribe investigation mission in the hinterland of the digital world. Somehow, he was exposed. Now he is being chased by a large number of digital beasts." Angelina confided everything she knew.

"The investigation task of the hinterland of the digital beast..." Locke\'s inquiry suddenly stopped. After two years, the world has not been occupied by knights and magicians.

In a considerable area, the domination of the world is still in the hands of digital beasts.

If calculated in proportion, the proportion of this low-level plane in the hands of knights, magicians and warlocks is only 30%, and nearly 70% of the vast land and sea is still a paradise for the digital beast family.

Thinking that master Kaila in the hinterland of the digital beast was still in danger, Locke quickly asked, "did you contact uncle Jos?"

"I can\'t get in touch. Martial uncle, he seems to have gone to the front." Angelina\'s eyes were filled with tears. She was worried.

One month after master assar left last time, Locke, who had been stationed on the space fortress for four months, had reached the minimum garrison standard period for garrisoning knights.

If there is no such thing, Locke will probably continue to carry out his Garrison mission.

Locke, who has gained quasi secondary strength in the last micro plane, is not in a hurry to improve his strength, and has little interest in cherishing resources in this plane. Locke\'s first intention is to honestly protect Angelina and complete this plane war.

But seeing Angelina crying in front of her, Locke gritted his teeth and said, "I\'ll save master Kayla."

When Locke\'s parents died many years ago, master Kaila took care of Locke. In addition, the amiable light element magician was also Angelina\'s mentor. How can Locke sit idly by in the face of crisis.

"I\'ll go too!" Angelina said quickly.

"Go!" Rockra took Angelina to the mission hall.

Ten minutes later, in the mission hall.

Looking at the two people who came in a hurry and the staff responsible for issuing the acceptance task, after understanding the general situation, they said that only Locke can take this rescue task, while Angelina needs to complete her magic cannon operation task for half a year before she can take other tasks.

No rules, no square.

In terms of task promulgation, the holy tower and the knight palace issue death orders.

If you can rely on some hidden forces to choose the most favorable conditions for yourself in the task selection stage, the knight palace and holy tower will not give any connivance unless the Tasker completes the task.

Seeing Angelina\'s expression was a little bad, Locke comforted, "with my quasi-level-2 strength now, self-protection is not a problem. I am also confident to save master Kaila. Don\'t worry."

Angelina couldn\'t go, which actually relieved Locke.

After all, they have to go to the hinterland of the digital beast to rescue master Kaila and others. In Locke\'s opinion, Angelina is more secure in the space fortress.

Without Angelina\'s worries, Locke can let go.

"Don\'t forget what I gained in the last micro plane. You should have some confidence in your man." Locke winked at Angelina.

Now we know that Locke has attack means comparable to the two-level and three-level energy levels. Angelina is the only one, while assar is skeptical. Everything needs assar magician to use the atomic bomb Locke gave her to make a conclusion.

Even though she was reluctant to give up, Angelina still clenched Locke\'s arm and said, "then you must be careful."

The one who died with master Kaila was a magician team, with a total of six first-class magicians.

The above is very concerned about the safety of this group of magicians. In addition to the magicians themselves being very precious combat power and partners, the angel beast tribe they investigated is also very concerned by some people above.

Everyone knows that the guardian of this low level is the holy angel beast. As a growing individual of the holy angel beast, the angel beast may be able to analyze some weaknesses about the holy angel beast from the life code information of this group of angel beasts.

This is also the first angel beast tribe discovered by the three western islands in the wind continent. At the beginning, in order to avoid startling the snake, it sent a six person elite force of first-class magicians.

Unexpectedly, it was exposed. This time, under the dual recruitment of the knight palace and the holy tower, two mixed teams composed of knights, magicians and slave creatures were established. The leaders were powerful secondary knights and magicians.

"Limited to the lack of manpower in the theater, there is no way to transfer the third-class strong to participate in the rescue. You can only rely on you." The task was issued by a secondary element division wearing a high hat.

"I see. Send me the task information." The leader among the knights is a strong man in red armour. Judging from his capable performance, this is an old knight who has been on the battlefield for a long time.

"Didn\'t you send me there at the beginning? I\'ve been curious about the blood of angel beasts for a long time, Jie." The leading magician is a thin old man who hides his body in his robe, turning his eyes like dead fish\'s eye bubbles.

Everyone got the general information of the mission and set out immediately.

On the floating boat, Locke still has some reluctance to give up his quiet life. Although he has a task every day in the Space Fortress, he can often get along with Angelina, so that Locke\'s tired body and mind can be relaxed.

"Save master Kayla early." I silently thought that standing on the deck of the floating ship, Locke waved to Angelina who was watching below.

Rainbow forest in the northeast of dark area is the intersection of wind continent and moon continent. It is also the home of a small angel beast tribe.

Angel beast is a Digo beast in its infancy and a Bada beast in its growth. Only when it reaches maturity can this optical digital beast have considerable combat power and evolve into an angel beast.

In the first half of his life, angel beasts were the lower class digital beasts among all digital beasts in the digital world. They were small, weak and weak in light. Tens of thousands of years ago, angel beasts had always been bullied by other digital beasts.

Until the appearance of the holy angel beast.

An angel beast evolved into the ultimate body, which is not prominent among all the ultimate digital beasts in the whole digital world. However, when the holy angel beast received the attention of the plane will and lowered fuze to become the guardian, the status of the angel beast family changed.

The guardian will devote his life to the mother plane. The holy angel beast has done so since the day he became the guardian.

Perhaps it is the affinity and selflessness of the holy angel beast for tens of thousands of years that makes countless creatures in the digital world choose to abandon disputes and unite with the outside world in the face of ectopic invaders.

A successful leader, nothing more than that.

"A group of invaders harassed your tribe?" Eight pairs of pure white wings spread out, and the holy angel Beast asked the same race standing in front of him.

This is an old Angel beast with only a pair of pure white wings. It is also the patriarch of the angel Lake tribe.