Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 595

The leave of assar magician lasts only one week and is told to end.

After the above order came down, Locke and Angelina only saw the last side of assar magician before they left.

"Take this." Before parting, Locke handed a space ring to assar magician.

There is an atomic bomb in it. Locke doesn\'t have much stock of it. One is less.

However, the safety of assar magician was ahead, and Locke didn\'t feel bad when he took it out.

He would rather give assar a hydrogen The bullet, however, is comparable to the full strike of the semi God level strong. It\'s too shocking to take it out, and it\'s also easy to accidentally hurt the assar magician.

In doubt, she wrote down the detonating means Locke told her. In fact, assar magician was not sure that the metal pimple Locke said was comparable to the power of a third-class creature, because she only felt a faint radiation force from it.

Taking the frigate floating ship, assar magician and a group of powerful elemental masters left the space fortress.

The element system of the three western islands is relatively single. There is only one element master, and there are few other professions such as summoner, astrologer and wizard.

Assar magicians can stand out among the elements, and their part-time wizard knowledge accounts for a considerable proportion, because for magicians, knowledge is their power.

The strange and abnormal ability can make the assar magician have a little more life-saving ability on the battlefield.

The departure of assar magician made Locke worried about the situation on the front battlefield. The deployment of garrison personnel in the Space Fortress became more and more frequent, and many powerful left behind knights were also sent out to perform tasks.

Is there going to be a battle? Locke couldn\'t help thinking.

Limited by his low field of vision, Locke can hardly get any valuable information from the clues of his surroundings.

All he can do is to do his own work like other low-level Knight magicians.

In the northeast hinterland of the dark region, there is a silent death cliff for ten thousand years. It is an inaccessible death place known to all adult digital animals on the whole wind continent. It is also the palace of the clown emperor, one of the four emperors.

There are six ultimate digital beasts waiting quietly in the clown emperor\'s palace.

These extreme digital beasts, which will have a great shock in the whole wind continent, are now waiting here honestly.

It is said that among the four emperors in the digital world, the strongest one is the clown emperor, and the clown emperor is also the one with the most violent and changeable temper.

Every digital beast that disobeys the clown emperor will be deterred by its mysterious power. Its soul will be tortured, its body will become a puppet, and its vitality will be exhausted in despair.

More than half of the clown emperor\'s nightmare Legion are puppets of the clown emperor. These powerful digital beasts who dared to question the clown emperor\'s ruling position a few years ago will die out in battle and degenerate in nightmares in their whole life. This is the origin of the nightmare Legion.

The powerful magic resistance of the nightmare Legion is also closely related to the mysterious power of the clown emperor.

The six extreme digital beasts all have semi divine strength, and the clown emperor has not appeared, which makes the more impatient shagu tooth beast a little impatient.

I just moved my huge claw, but I didn\'t wait for the sand ancient tooth beast to change a comfortable standing position. I sweated layer by layer and burst out without the control of the sand ancient tooth beast.

This is the stress response of the demigod life body. The shagu tooth beast is so unbearable because there is a human creature wearing a black-and-white mask on the throne directly above the palace.

Playing with two tarot cards, one is a red peach heart and the other is a black square piece. The appearance of the clown emperor makes these digital beasts carry it in their hearts.

There is a big difference between the digital world and other aspects, that is, there is no civilized system developed here, and no powerful digital beast has gained absolute dominance in the whole digital world.

There are also more primitive jungle laws prevailing here.

All digital animal races are hostile to each other. Under the rule of survival of the fittest, only the strong can survive in the digital world.

In the past, the six leader level digital beasts of their respective races would never come to the death cliff. The level of extreme digital beasts can not bring them too much sense of security.

The moody and sadistic clown emperor is a notorious villain in the digital world.

However, for the sake of the continuation of the race and the stability of the digital world, the leaders of the six races came here from all directions.

Behind this, there is the shadow of the divine Angel beast guardian.

"The lions in the western desert have died." Among the six polar digital beasts, the only female digital beast, the flower fairy beast, broke the silence in the palace.

"The garugo beast in the North said it could not stand it. An extremely powerful ectopic intruder stared at it." Zutton continued.

The zudun beast with a huge hammer on its back and the power to break mountains and rivers is the most powerful of the six polar digital beasts.

The opening of these two extreme digital beasts is not only to extricate the sagu tooth beast, but also to introduce the latest war situation to the clown emperor.

Now the digital world is at a critical juncture of life and death. In any case, these research digital beasts should avoid indifferent internal disputes. The fickle character of the clown emperor is a trouble.

The zudun beast and the flower fairy beast were repeatedly told by the guardian of the holy angel beast several times before they came to the death cliff.

Even all the holy angel beasts worshipped, worshipped, believed and loved by the digital beast are reluctant to have too much intersection with the clown emperor, otherwise the guardian would have come to the door in person to discuss the enemy with the level-4 digital beast.

The clown king and the puppet beast are the two extremes of the ultimate digital beast in the digital world. One is cruel, cunning and moody, and the other is dull and indifferent to anything.

Compared with them, the other two of the four emperors, steel sea dragon and mechanical evil dragon, are much more normal.

In fact, it was these two extreme digital beasts that formed the backbone to resist the attack of invaders, and the established defense line firmly resisted the steps of powerful warlocks.

Still playing with tarot cards in his hand, the clown Emperor didn\'t care about the six polar digital beasts below.

Six semi divine digital beasts looked at each other and saw some helplessness from each other\'s eyes.

"The iron winged beast has just sent me a signal for help. I must lead my people to the dark tornado mountains, or the mahlio tribe may be destroyed." I really don\'t want to waste my precious time here, said the zudun beast in a deep voice, and left the Palace first.

BIDO beast left with zudun beast. They have been friends for nearly a thousand years. Zudun beast went to the front line to fight, and BIDO beast must go together.

"I\'m going to support the garugo beast. I hope that big fool can hold on until I come, or another old friend will leave." The flower fairy beast sighed and flew out.

The rest of the people, the War Eagle beast, the sand ancient tooth beast and the badola beast, saw that half of them had gone in a short time. Regardless of the task assigned to them by the guardian of the holy angel beast, they made a ha ha and left the death cliff palace.

Because of their life intensity, Rao is unwilling to stay in front of the clown emperor for another quarter of an hour. The horror of the death cliff was heard when these research digital animals were still young.

Walking out of the clown emperor\'s palace, the giant insect like Sabouraud asked the two strong men at the same level around him, "where are we going now?"

"I want to go back to my people, the Space Fortress of the invaders, which has caused great trauma to my family." With a wave of wings, the human War Eagle and beast formed a huge vortex and disappeared into the sky in a twinkling of an eye.

Now the most intense battlefield in the dark area is the dark tornado mountains and the thorny wilderness in the middle.

The emergence of the four semi divine digital beasts in the dark tornado mountains intercepted the forces of the knight palace there, while on the thorns wilderness, there were digital beasts supported from remote areas of the wind continent, mixed with knights, magicians and slave biological legions to form a huge flesh and blood mill.

The Space Fortress also serves as a town and city. It floats and stops at the edge of the thorny wilderness to provide long-range strike firepower for the troops on the front line.

The place where the eagle and beast are going is the thorny wilderness.

When the human faced War Eagle beast said this, the two claws on the shaguya beast\'s arthropod shook unconsciously. It didn\'t want to go to the thorn wilderness to find death. There have fallen two semi divine digital beasts.

Turn around and look at the last old man. The badola beast is not as natural as the War Eagle beast. After a moment of silence, the badola beast said, "I\'m going to find the guardian."

As soon as the shagu tooth beast heard this, his eyes rolled around twice and said, "why don\'t we go together? I happen to have some questions to ask the guardian of the holy angel beast."

After looking at the sand ancient tooth beast, badola said, "your people are still on the thorny wilderness battlefield. Don\'t you go and have a look?"

"It\'s nothing to look at. It\'s a big deal to die in the war. You don\'t know the fertility of our shaguya family." The giant insect like sand ancient toothed beast swayed its body and said.

As long as the ultimate digital beast is not dead, the population of shaguya will not die in the digital world.

This is a colony of ants with reproductive ability comparable to that of the wizard world.

"Well, whatever you want." The badora shrugged his shoulders and strode forward.

"You said that if our wind continent is lost, which continent should we go to hide better, the moon continent or the mountain continent?" The shakuya kept up with the badola and said in broken thoughts.

"It\'s not safe anywhere. You know, it\'s not just our land of wind that is facing invaders," said badora, who is a sanguine beast.

"Oh." Silently lowering his head, the sand ancient tooth beast didn\'t know what he was thinking.