Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 533

Looking at Locke\'s unmoved posture, Zhang Jiong quietly compared his thumb. The elder was very calm.

Zhang Ling, on the other side at the door, also closed the door and went to the table.

"I\'ll add a pair of chopsticks." Zhang Ling went to the kitchen.

"Thank you, sister." Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mouth is as sweet as honey.

Three minutes later, four people sat around the table, like a family with Meimei.

"I haven\'t eaten so much for a long time. My father and my mother know how to work every day. When I go home during the summer vacation, neither of them has had a few meals with me." At the table, Ma Xiaoxiao said while eating.

This girl is very much like Christine. She can\'t be idle at any time.

"They must work hard to create a better living environment for you. Hehe, come and eat this dish." Zhang Jiong smiled and sandwiched a chopstick dish for Ma Xiaoxiao.

He\'s going to take his wife\'s route, make Ma Xiaoxiao happy and blow a pillow breeze to Locke. Locke may not be difficult for them to Maoshan school.

Monks always have a sense of peace in their tone of speech, which is easy to win the trust of others. Zhang Jiong\'s words are in Ma Xiaoxiao\'s heart.

She is so old. Of course, she knows the difficulties of her parents. Standing in that class, she doesn\'t want to rest. Sometimes she is very worried about her parents\' work.

Zhang Ling at the dinner table has some sympathy for Ma Xiaoxiao\'s words. She came out of the village at the age of 14 and spends only the time with her parents and siblings every year.

Ma Xiaoxiao looks much younger than her. Zhang Ling has only worked hard for a while, so she takes Ma Xiaoxiao as her sister and cooperates with Zhang Jiong to put vegetables in Ma Xiaoxiao\'s bowl.

Locke\'s nanny and cousin were so enthusiastic that Ma Xiaoxiao was a little shy. Her face burned when she thought of shouting when she came in a few minutes ago.

"By the way, classmate Locke, why haven\'t you gone to school recently." Ma Xiaoxiao asked Locke, who didn\'t speak much.

go to school? Zhang Jiong blinked and looked at Locke.

"There were some things at home, so I didn\'t go." Locke said, chewing the food.

"Oh, if you have any difficulties, you must tell me." Ma Xiaoxiao patted his chest and said.

The three people on the table, including Locke, didn\'t take Ma Xiaoxiao\'s words to heart.

Ma Xiaoxiao is also very angry. She asked her father\'s security platoon leader Chen Ge to inquire about Locke for so long. Up to now, only Locke lives in this place, and she doesn\'t know anything else.

Let Ma Xiaoxiao want to start in the direction of Locke\'s family, take Locke\'s plan and make soup.

I knew I had to ask Uncle Liu for help. Ma Xiaoxiao thought that uncle Liu was the deputy chief of staff under her father. The resources he could mobilize were equivalent to the deputy city of Shangyuan city Long, he\'s sure to find out.

However, the defeat of guard platoon leader Chen Ge also made Ma Xiaoxiao curious about Locke\'s background.

Like myself, from some sensitive families, the identity file has been encrypted.

Ma Xiaoxiao found that he couldn\'t understand the man more and more.

Sometimes, women, don\'t fall in. The more mysterious a man is, the more like a poppy Millet Like flowers, they are attractive to women.

Ma Xiaoxiao, who has been seen by any excellent man since childhood, fell step by step because of Locke\'s maturity and mysterious aura.

When four people in the family sat together for dinner, there was a whole team of special forces outside, bleaking in the cold autumn wind.

On the roof of a high-rise building opposite Locke\'s family building, a strong yellow skinned man holding a Remington 700 sniper rifle shouted at the walkie talkie.

"Captain, miss, she\'s in. What should we do?"

"Can I know what to do? Pay close attention to the movements in the room. If you find that some of those people dare to be bad for the young lady, I allow you to shoot him!" In the walkie talkie, the captain\'s coarse roar came.

The strong man dared not complain. He put the walkie talkie on his shoulder and stared through the window.

That\'s chicken leg and roast goose

After the calf, I was hungry too. The strong man licked his lips, but his body didn\'t move. So did the hand holding the gun. They were the most professional special forces in the army. He was still a sniper. He didn\'t have patience. How did he get out.

In addition to the strong man, there are people in every direction in the surrounding buildings. Even on the third floor of Locke\'s family building, there are four armed plainclothes special forces on standby.

If Locke is really beast and wants to do anything, these special forces keep him. They subdue him before he even touches miss\'s finger.

At least, this team of 15 special forces think so.

"The commander\'s daughter is really good. It\'s good for me to send two men to follow her every day. Is it worried about scaring the little white face?" Inside a parked RV outside the family building, the interior has been transformed into a control room. The special forces captain muttered to the surveillance camera inside the screen.

In the camera, it is the image of Locke\'s home obtained through the remote monitoring instrument outside the window.

A meal took nearly an hour to finish, mainly because Locke ate slowly in order to cover up his appetite, giving the impression that he didn\'t eat much, because his side blocked the front projection of the monitor outside the window, and even the special forces didn\'t find Locke\'s appetite unusual.

After dinner, Locke thought it was time to see off.

"Ma Xiaoxiao, should you go back to school? Although today is Saturday, the dormitory will check people before 10 p.m." Locke said without trace.

The rules of the original University are very strict. Students must be in the dormitory before 10 p.m., or they will be punished.

"Check people at ten o\'clock. It\'s not seven o\'clock yet. What\'s the hurry? I hope I\'ll go." Ma Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa with a pillow in his arms and refused to move his nest.

"Well, you are a girl after all. Won\'t your parents worry about staying in my house for so long?" Locke changed his mind again.

This time, Ma Xiaoxiao was a little persuaded. She wanted to be fine alone. Even if she didn\'t go back, the school wouldn\'t specifically talk to her parents.

But she knows there are bodyguards arranged by her father outside. If they tell her father that they have been at the male classmate\'s house for several hours.

Just think about it, Ma Xiaoxiao feels his head is a little big.

Her father said that he was generally tolerant of her personal affairs. If her mother knew

"Then I\'ll stay with you until eight. Can\'t I leave as soon as eight?" Ma Xiaoxiao raised his chin and said with a stiff scalp.

She likes the feeling of staying next to Locke. The smell of the opposite sex makes Ma Xiaoxiao feel drunk. In the past, other boys of her age have never given her this feeling.

Locke can only spend time here with the girl. He doesn\'t want to expose his identity and ability so early.

After dinner, Locke sat Zhang Ling on the left and Ma Xiaoxiao on the right. The three were looking at the 40 inch square TV with relish.

Zhang Ling is watching the content of the TV program. Ma Xiaoxiao is pretending to watch TV. In fact, she secretly looks at the edges and corners of Locke\'s eyebrows. Locke is running in the dark to cultivate the fighting spirit of the wind.

The unique magnetic field of the first-class creature fascinated Ma Xiaoxiao.

Only Zhang Jiong, the unlucky guy, was scolded by Locke and went back to his room to stay by himself.

As soon as the eight o\'clock arrived, Ma Xiaoxiao was really at Locke\'s house. It was difficult to continue to stay.

This is the first time she went to the opposite sex\'s house alone. When she walked out of the door, she remembered her behavior today, and her cheeks were still a little shy.

"Classmate Locke, I\'ll come back tomorrow." Lying by the anti-theft door, Ma Xiaoxiao spit out his tongue to Locke sitting on the sofa.

Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday. She still has time to come.

"I have something to do tomorrow. I\'m going out." Locke said hastily.

"Oh, all right." Ma Xiaoxiao was disappointed.

"How soon will you be back?" Ma Xiaoxiao never dies.

"I\'m not sure. Maybe a week or two, maybe a month or two." Locke\'s words are vague. What he thinks is that you\'d better never come again.

"Hum, I don\'t believe it. Anyway, I\'ll come and have a look when I\'m free. I can\'t catch you if I don\'t believe it." Ma Xiaoxiao shook his braid, closed the door and turned away.

Sitting on the sofa, Locke simply didn\'t know what to say to the girl.

Out of Locke\'s community, Ma Xiaoxiao went to a less crowded lane and said to the air, "come out, I know you\'re next to me!"

Sure enough, in a few seconds, four men in civilian clothes came out of every corner of the alley.

This is only a small part of the special forces that protect her. There are 11 other special forces that continue to guard in some places.

"Miss." The first big man greeted honestly.

Ma Xiaoxiao is not as official as her parents Duty, army She is still a student, so these special forces usually call her miss.

"I don\'t know what my father thinks. I\'m so tired of having to arrange you to protect me." Ma Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and said.

Without these people, she might not be able to spend more time with Locke today.

"Don\'t tell my father about my coming to my classmate\'s house today, do you hear me!" Ma Xiaoxiao stared at the head of the four men and said that he was the vice captain of the special forces.

The big man\'s scalp is numb. He has long learned that it\'s not easy to provoke. The big man said, "the commander asked us to truthfully report your movements, miss."

"Then you can report that I went to my classmate\'s house, let alone a male classmate." Ma Xiaoxiao said.

The big man thought for a moment and thought that it might be the commander\'s family business. It\'s hard for him to get involved in it, so he nodded and said, "the commander doesn\'t ask, I can\'t say."

In other words, if the commander wants to ask about this classmate, he must know everything.

Ma Xiaoxiao was almost defeated by the soldiers. He stamped his feet angrily, ignored them and walked to the original University.

Several special forces looked at each other and hurried up.

Locke in the room didn\'t go to the bedroom until half an hour later when he felt that all the people peeping at him had left. He pulled up Zhang Jiong and said, "let\'s go and go to Maoshan."

"How can I get there? You booked a plane ticket in advance in the middle of the night?" Zhang Jiong asked carefully.

Locke glanced and said, "I\'ll fly you over."