Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 532

At his home in Shangyuan City, Locke didn\'t come back alone.

"Zhang Daxian!" Zhang Ling covered her mouth and looked at the man behind Locke.

"Prepare food for me for one to two months. I\'m going out for a while." Locke said.

"OK." Zhang Ling wondered why Zhang Daxian behind Locke didn\'t speak, but she was honest.

While Zhang Ling was cooking, Locke called Zhang Jiong to her bedroom.

Originally a well made big bed room bedroom, Sheng Sheng was transformed into a practice room by Locke and stepped on the wooden floor. Locke asked Zhang Jiong to perform Maoshan skill for him.

The result was very disappointing to Locke. There was only a small mass of true Qi in the Dantian, and he had not yet entered the Qi refining period. Zhang Jiong in the Qi feeling stage could only use the little trick of turning yellow talisman into fire and spitting ice from his mouth.

Yellow talisman turned fire is to use the special yellow talisman paper, recite the mantra and cooperate with the true Qi in the abdomen to use a fire ball that looks like fireball.

The power of this "pseudo fireball technique" is equivalent to the heat of a torch. Locke thinks it\'s hard to cook rice and water.

Spitting into ice is spitting out a mass of saliva, which will form ice in the air to achieve the purpose of defeating the enemy.

These little tricks, in the eyes of the foolish Zhang villagers, are great Taoism. In Locke\'s eyes, they are not as useful as the two grenades developed by this plane\'s scientific and technological force.

No matter how high your Taoism is, can you resist bazooka hard? Like Locke, can withstand a ballistic missile without dying?

Zhang Jiong is not always controlled by Locke. It takes a lot of effort to operate Aboriginal creatures. Locke\'s longest manipulation time is only four hours. Moreover, Zhang Jiong\'s mental power is stronger than that of ordinary aborigines. Locke can only control him for three hours a day.

The rest of the time, he was intimidated by the spiritual power of a first-class knight to make him dare not move.

When he was suppressed by a friar in the foundation period with divine thoughts, Zhang Jiong was dead.

But this is not entirely a bad thing. Under the suppression of Locke\'s spiritual power, Zhang Jiong felt that his mind, which had not grown for many years, had a slight loosening.

Zhang Jiong now only hopes that the great power during the foundation construction period will not embarrass his master. He can\'t care about his senior brothers. Zhang Jiong thought he must protect his master.

After a period of contact with Locke, Zhang Jiong found that the elder was not difficult to get along with. At that time, he begged for mercy. I\'m sure the elder in the foundation period won\'t embarrass them.

Maoshan is the first-class sect in China, but Zhang Jiong thinks that there are few treasures in Maoshan that can be liked by a great man during the foundation period.

"Is that the power of the Taoist art you cultivate?" Locke scolded angrily after watching Zhang Jiong\'s performance.

When he read Zhang\'s memory, he picked up useful things. The amount of real memory reading was less than 1%. Otherwise, Zhang\'s more than 30 years of life experience, coupled with the total memory of those people Locke had read before, Locke turned into a fool. His brain capacity was not so big.

Maybe Locke will not recognize himself and completely lose himself in the memory of others.

So when reading other people\'s memories, Locke usually doesn\'t do it if he can.

Zhang Jiong was not angry when he was ridiculed by Locke. It is said that friars during the foundation building period can destroy mountains and rivers, and can even resist the sky. He is a small Taoist boy in the period of Qi feeling, which is certainly not at the same level as other people\'s horizons.

Or he wanted to raise the status of his master so that Locke would not embarrass his master when he went to Maoshan in the future. Zhang Jiong said in a proud tone, "my master is the strongest Taoist in Maoshan and the most powerful in China. He can take bullets empty handed."

At the end, it seemed that what he said was not enough. Zhang Jiong added, "it\'s not a pistol bullet, it\'s a rifle bullet."

Looking at Zhang Jiong\'s proud look, Locke joked, "if an old guy with six layers of Qi doesn\'t have this ability, what\'s the use of him."

The true Qi used by this level monk is also a kind of elemental energy. It is very different from the fighting Qi in the wizard world. The attack of true Qi is not strong and the health preservation is unique.

Zhang Jiong is in his thirties. His appearance is not much different from that of Locke at the age of 20. He is thanks to his practice of Maoshan Taoist code.

Ignoring Zhang Jiong\'s boasting, Locke thought of another feature of Maoshan.

"Corpse removal?"

From Zhang Ji\'s memory, this corpse removal technique is very similar to the necromancer magic that Locke had been in contact with.

He wanted to see what could attract him in Maoshan.

After Zhang Ling finished her meal, Locke didn\'t hurry to leave. After dinner, it was time. He planned to fly Zhang Jiong directly to Maoshan.

Zhang Ling didn\'t know much about the relationship between Zhang Jiong and Locke, so she cooked more meals for three people.

Just sitting at the dinner table, Zhang Ling filled herself a bowl of vegetables and didn\'t move her chopsticks. "Dong! Dong! Dong!" There was a loud knock on the door.

Locke put down his chopsticks and felt the familiar smell outside the door. He had a headache and said to Zhang Ling, "go and have a look."

Zhang Ling saw Locke show this expression for the first time. Curious, she went to open the door.

Click, the door opens, and outside stands a single horsetail girl in yellow.

"Who are you... Looking for?" Zhang Ling asked uncertainly. The girl had some impression that she was a student of the original University.

In the past, she had seen 60% of the students who worked in the restaurant every day and went to the original University. The girl just looked familiar and was not sure.

Zhang Ling knows Ma Xiaoxiao, but Ma Xiaoxiao doesn\'t know Zhang Ling. Who cares about the appearance of a canteen employee.

When he saw a woman opening the door, Ma Xiaoxiao held his mouth. Then he looked at the shoe cabinet at the door. In addition to a few pairs of men\'s shoes, there were two pairs of pink slippers, which were for girls.

His eyes turned red again. Ma Xiaoxiao didn\'t know what emotion he was. He was angry, depressed and more impulsive.

The girl pushed Zhang Ling away from the door and broke in directly. She saw two men sitting on the sofa in the living room. One of them was not Locke.

"Classmate Locke, you, you, you have a girlfriend?!" Ma Xiaoxiao said excitedly, like a little wife who caught her cheating husband.

Seeing this, Locke\'s face was bitter. He was really afraid of the girl.

After being caught by Locke, not only was he not tortured, but Zhang Jiong, who sat here to eat, looked back and forth several times at Locke and Ma Xiaoxiao. As a modern man, he immediately flashed speculation about the elder\'s affair.

Old cattle eat tender grass? Catch the traitor in the room?

Zhang Jiong quickly picked up a bowl of grilled rice and looked at his nose and mouth. He could not get involved in this level of fighting.

Up to now, only Zhang Jiong knows that Locke\'s real age is not a 20-year-old young man.

It\'s impossible to build a foundation at the age of 20.

Thinking of the records in ancient books that friars had 220 years of Yang life during the foundation period, Zhang Jiong judged that this elder Luo might be an old man who had lived for more than 100 years.

Not to mention more than 100 years, China national construction It\'s not 70 years since China.

Zhang Jiong\'s business is none of her business. Locke can\'t care about Zhang Ling\'s surprise. He\'s worried about how to deal with the little girl.

Why don\'t you just modify her memory?

Just having this idea, Locke shook his head. He could feel that at least 15 Aborigines were staring around his house, and even sniper guns were set up on the top of the building next door.

If he didn\'t know some knowledge of standard military weapons, Locke saw that the insurance of those weapons was not open. He just thought he was exposed.

It seems that these people protect Ma Xiaoxiao.

The girl\'s identity is not low. Locke feels that those who protect her are very similar to the soldiers who broke into the barracks before him.

"This is my nanny." Locke pointed to Zhang Ling and said.

"This is my cousin." Locke pointed to Zhang Jiong, who was pulling rice there.

Hearing this, Zhang Ling\'s expression didn\'t change much. Zhang Jiong almost didn\'t spray out the rice.

He and Locke seem to be in their twenties, but he is a little older. Even if it\'s nonsense, they should say they are his cousin.

Zhang Jiong didn\'t have the courage to expose Locke to his face. He didn\'t stand motionless at the door like the dull Zhang Ling. Instead, he put down his job and said in a kind tone, "you\'re my cousin\'s classmate. I heard my cousin mention you. Have you had dinner? Why don\'t you come and sit down and have something to eat?"

Zhang Jiong\'s life experience in the past 30 years was there. Looking at the emergency response, Locke nodded. However, the latter sentence inviting Ma Xiaoxiao to dinner added to the chaos. Locke stared at Zhang Jiong and told him not to talk.

When Locke stared at him, Zhang Jiong shrunk his neck and stopped talking. He picked up the bowl and then pulled the rice. He looked like a starving ghost.

Ma Xiaoxiao\'s mood stabilized this time.

Locke and Zhang Jiong have excellent acting skills. An old fox in his forties and a little fox in his thirties. Ma Xiaoxiao is only 20 today. How can we see their flaws.

Moreover, Ma Xiaoxiao just looked at Zhang Ling several times. Except that her skin was a little better, there was nothing special. Judging from her clothes, it seemed that she came from the countryside. This is in line with Locke\'s image of "nanny".

It\'s not a thing to stand here. Ma Xiaoxiao is quite straight. He threw his braids and simply changed his shoes. He really sat next to Locke and rubbed the rice.

She was close to Locke. As soon as she came over, Locke smelled the fragrance of a girl.

Frowning, Locke quietly pulled away.

It\'s not Liu Xiahui, but he hasn\'t touched a woman for more than five years. He\'s afraid he can\'t control it.

Locke either doesn\'t provoke women, or if he does, he will have a beginning and an end. What really happens with Ma Xiaoxiao, Locke will definitely bring Ma Xiaoxiao back to the wizard world in the future, and try to make her have a longer life to accompany her.

But is this possible? Locke himself may not be able to go back now. As for increasing the life span of an ordinary creature, it is more difficult. Locke still knows this.

Ma Xiaoxiao doesn\'t know what Locke thinks, but she can feel Locke\'s alienation.

Hum, since I dare to break into your house, am I afraid of this difficulty?

The children who come out of the courtyard are bold and dare to do anything. They are supported by two powerful parents. As long as they don\'t poke the sky down, naturally someone will take it for them.

Ma Xiaoxiao was not distressed by Locke\'s estrangement this time. Instead, he leaned closer and just didn\'t sit on Locke\'s lap.