Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 525

This morning, Zhang Ling was out of her mind. When picking vegetables, she washed the good cabbage leaves as waste vegetables, and let the Canteen Manager Zhang pangzi scold her for several words.

"After steaming this pot of rice, come out with me!" Zhang pangzi said with an ugly expression.

Zhang Ling knew she was wrong. After handling the pot of rice, she followed Zhang pangzi to the small vegetable garden behind the canteen.

Usually, fat Zhang is used to calling the canteen staff here for meetings.

"What\'s the matter with you? I found out several times today!"

"Xiao Cui came to me to make a small report. You don\'t know!"

"Look at your dark circles. What did you do yesterday?"

"If my master hadn\'t let me give you a hand, I would have dismissed you!"


Zhang pangzi complained to Zhang Ling and let many canteen employees sneak over to watch the excitement quickly slide their feet for fear that they would leave late and be affected by the pond fish.

In the boundary of the canteen, fat Zhang has great prestige.

After scolding Zhang Ling, fat Zhang said he was tired. He hung his tongue and drank the boiled water next to the bowl.

Now there is no one around, and Zhang pangzi puts down his posture and doesn\'t hold on to Zhang Ling\'s mistakes.

"Is there any difficulty at home? Tell me something." Zhang fatty wiped the sweat on his face and said.

This fat man is not suitable for standing for too long or talking for too long. After a while, he is very tired.

Hearing Zhang pangzi say this, Zhang Ling felt warm. She knew that Zhang pangzi was actually protecting her by calling her out and scolding her.

Many people in the canteen are jealous of Zhang Ling\'s treatment. A girl film from a small mountain village, why do they work in the university canteen with their group of townspeople or city people.

Class treatment is available everywhere, including this small university canteen.

Zhang Ling whispered, "there\'s no difficulty, but I didn\'t sleep well last night."

Look at Zhang Ling, fat Zhang doesn\'t know what to say.

"If you have difficulties, tell me, don\'t tuck in and hide, you know!" Zhang pangzi finally said fiercely.

"Yes." Zhang Ling nodded.

Since she was a child of self-reliance, Zhang Ling knows more than others, especially in the experience of people\'s hearts. She knows that fat Zhang is interested in herself.

Zhang Ling had thought before whether she would be like this in her life.

She also thought about it, or she would forget it with Zhang pangzi. Zhang pangzi is a little ugly, but he has a smooth personality, rarely suffers losses, and he is also good for her.

But after what happened yesterday, Zhang Ling knows that her future is definitely not as simple as getting married and having children.

Zhang pangzi also knew Zhang Ling\'s character, put on a fat hand and said, "go back to work and don\'t let me see you distracted."

Watching Zhang Ling return to the back kitchen of the canteen, fat Zhang sat down on the stone chair in the small vegetable garden.

Many people in the canteen found out what he thought about Zhang Ling. Everyone tacitly understood that Xiao Cui came to him to make a small report today. He was jealous of Zhang Ling.

Hey, don\'t you see that fat Zhang is ugly and fat. People are delicious in the university canteen. I don\'t know how many women working for the canteen want to work with fat Zhang.

Xiao Cui is one of them. Born in the town, he thinks he is superior to Zhang Ling. He hates Zhang Ling\'s "fox spirit" all the time.

Just like Xiao Cui, paste it upside down to Zhang pangzi. I don\'t want it either.

Zhang pangzi is not a vegetarian. Xiao Cui is thin and short, and her skin is a little black. How can Zhang Ling be handsome.

Hey, if only Zhang Ling would follow me. Zhang pangzi thought.

If Zhang Ling agrees to associate with him, let alone anything else, it depends on Zhang Ling today. She must have not had a good rest. Fat Zhang will send her a holiday anyway.

He rubbed the fat on his face. Fatty Zhang sobered himself up, stood up and went to the back kitchen of the canteen. He can\'t be lazy here. If the school leaders come to check, fatty Zhang will definitely have a hard time.

Today, when he entered the library, Locke had a heart. He hurried into the reading room after watching the girl with ponytail absent.

Think of my first-class Knight Locke. There are not a thousand or 800 bloody hands. There are many ectopic creatures that have been slaughtered. Now they are so embarrassed by a humanoid Aboriginal woman in her twenties. They are sent back to the three western islands, which definitely makes Angelina and them smile and bend over.

After Locke was promoted to the first level, Angelina and them would no longer worry about Locke\'s flirting. At different levels of life, they also knew that Locke would not find ordinary women.

Even if Locke looks for a woman in the future, he is also a biological individual at the same level as him. Locke will not consider such things as Ma Xiaoxiao.

The time passed for nearly a month.

Every day, he wanders around the place where he lives and the library. With the supply of enough energy spar in the space ring, Locke\'s strength rises like a rocket.

There is no plane suppression effect in this world, so when Locke returned to the quasi order knight a month later, he already had 40% of the strength of the official knight in the dark blue prison fire world.

Zhang Ling saw Locke\'s changes. She just thought that Locke\'s "skills increased greatly" during this period of time.

After getting familiar with Locke, Zhang Ling also knew that the man was not bad. Once she had the courage to ask, "do you know how to refine pills and have fairy medicine?"

"Alchemy?" Locke, who has a basic understanding of the world, knows what Zhang Ling means.

He has no elixir, but he has alchemy.

Take out a bottle of low-level recovery medicine from the space ring and throw it to Zhang Ling. "It\'s good for you to drink it."

This low-level recovery medicine is used to repair Zhang Ling\'s hidden injuries and improve her physique.

Zhang Ling was not surprised to see that Locke took out a bottle of medicine out of thin air. She saw too much this month and swallowed her saliva. Zhang Ling was worthy of being from the countryside. She was bolder than the city people and drank the medicine directly up.

After drinking, Zhang Ling\'s face turned red, which was empty and unfit.

After sleeping, Zhang Ling felt that her bones were much lighter, her low back pain was gone, and her skin was better.

A week later, Zhang Ling found that her skin was catching up with the group of college students with cosmetics.

In the canteen, an elder sister who had a good relationship with her secretly pulled her to the corner and asked, "did you put on any cosmetics? Look at the white face." With that, the 30-year-old sister also pinched Zhang Ling\'s face.

"Sister Liu, look what you said. I don\'t have spare money to buy cosmetics." Zhang Ling said angrily.

"Ouch, look at this face. I\'m so fascinated. You didn\'t see the eyes of chef Chen Dashan. You didn\'t stare them out quickly." Sister Liu said with a smile.

"Ignore you." Zhang Ling blushed and ran back to work.

Zhang Ling\'s change was discovered by many people.

People like Sister Liu have a trace of envy in gossip. Chef Chen Dashan and others are amazed by Zhang Ling\'s changes. There are also jealous people like Xiao Cui who secretly scold Zhang Ling for being a fox.

Zhang pangzi also found that Zhang Ling was more and more charming. He made up his mind that this summer, when the students had a holiday, he would also have a break to visit his master.

Ask his master to go to Zhang Ling\'s house to matchmaker.

Zhang pangzi has a good family. He thinks that even if Zhang Ling doesn\'t like the marriage, he can be sure.

Zhang pangzi knew that he didn\'t mind helping Zhang Ling\'s family after they became a family.

Today is the last week before the summer vacation and also the exam week. After entering the library, Ma Xiaoxiao didn\'t bother him, but an unexpected person bothered him.

"Classmate Locke, tomorrow is the final exam of anatomy. Will you..." Professor Wang said with a flattering smile.

He heard from his colleagues that Locke came here to study every day. He came to block people today.

Locke didn\'t take the mid-term exam. He had to pass the final exam. Otherwise, he just wanted to give Locke a high score and couldn\'t start.

"Not interested." Locke turned sideways and walked past Professor Wang.

Not to mention the old man, an elite special forces standing in front of him can\'t stop Locke whose strength has been restored to the quasi level.

Professor Wang grimaced. He came with a task. Not only his subject, but also the teachers of other subjects such as big physics, neurology, cytology and animal science asked him to call Locke back for the exam.

They all know Locke\'s background. Some people went to the headmaster\'s office to mention Locke vaguely by taking the opportunity of reporting work.

The headmaster is one of the most thoroughly brainwashed by Locke. Locke is his God. Locke is highly respected in his words.

These teachers didn\'t think wrong. They all thought that the headmaster was frightened by the family behind Locke, the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people?

The teachers tried to guess the background for Locke.

Professor Wang wiped his sweat and, with a keen speed that the elderly at this age did not have, caught up with Locke and said, "classmate Locke, the Department attaches great importance to excellent students like you. As long as you take the exam and hand in the blank paper, we\'ll find a way for you!"

Fortunately, there were few students passing by. Professor Wang\'s words were not heard by others, otherwise the whole original University would definitely vibrate.

Seeing that the old man had done his job, Locke felt he couldn\'t get rid of it, so he said, "what you said, I\'ll go through the stage, write my name on the test paper and I\'ll go."

"OK, OK, OK." Professor Wang said quickly.

When the task was successfully completed, Professor Wang stopped holding Locke and said goodbye to Locke. Professor Wang hummed a little song and left the library.

This time, the Department has to agree with my professor\'s application for full employment. I have to ask Lao Zhao for wine money. Without me, will Locke take his exam? Professor Wang thought to himself.

Lao Zhao is Locke\'s big thing teacher. The old man is even more pitiful. He has been for nearly a semester. He hasn\'t even met Locke.

Getting rid of an annoying guy, Locke just breathed a sigh of relief and another one came in front of him.

"Classmate Locke! You make it easy for me to find!" Surrounded by a group of students, Ma Xiaoxiao came over.

As soon as her classmate in the library called her and said that Locke was coming, she put down her review and ran here.

Not only did she come, but several sisters in the dormitory also helped her. They vowed to see what kind of sacred student Ma Xiaoxiao was.