Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 524

Locke finally knew why this woman made him feel like his sister Leah.

They are really alike.

The reason why Locke hesitated about whether to modify the woman\'s memory was that he didn\'t know the magician\'s normal spiritual magic at all.

Modifying memory has great sequelae. Even under his precise control, memory and emotion will not change, but with the passage of time, Zhang Ling\'s intelligence will definitely have an impact, and it is possible to become mentally retarded in the future.

Locke can kill more than twenty strangers, but he really can\'t do it with this bitter woman.

"Forget it, the big deal is to expose some strength, scare him and let her be honest." Locke whispered.

He has another way, that is to sign a master servant contract with Zhang Ling and take her as a slave, so that she can exist like Hellfire giant AI and scorpion dragon Fermo.

However, the soul power of the first-class knight can\'t compare with that of the magician. He can only have four slave creatures at most. It\'s a waste to let Zhang Ling occupy one place.

Locke doesn\'t want to spend his precious soul power on it.

"Pa!" After a snap of her fingers, Zhang Ling\'s absent eyes gradually had a focal length.

The woman had a strong emergency response ability. After discovering the surrounding situation and Locke standing in front of her, she didn\'t shout, but knelt down directly to Locke.

"Please, I\'m ugly and have no money. Can you let me go? I won\'t say anything." Zhang Ling sobbed softly.

She saw the scene of Locke\'s first appearance, scarred and covered with blood. She thought Locke was a murderer.

"Look into my eyes, I\'m a student of the original University, not a bad person. Can you promise not to say what you saw before?" Locke\'s voice was a little psychic.

He can\'t directly modify Zhang Ling\'s memory, but he can use this indirect method with small side effects to make Zhang Ling unconsciously convinced of him.

"I promise, I promise." Zhang Ling said with a trembling mouth. She seldom reads the news, but women have gossip in their nature. From those canteen caterers and colleagues, we have heard many stories about women killed by gangsters.

It is absolutely impossible to resist at this time. Zhang Ling has great strength, but she is definitely not the opponent of a young and strong murderer. Obedience can lead to survival. Zhang Ling understands better than anyone.

Next, Locke\'s move made her refresh her three views.

A turquoise sword appeared from Locke\'s palm. When Locke threw it, there were two finger deep scratches on the wall close to her.

Zhang Ling was so frightened that she sat down on the ground, with wisps of fine hair falling. Locke cut off a cluster of her hair.

"Tao, Taoism?!" Zhang Ling stammered. She could feel that the edge of the green sword was real, not an illusion.

And the deep impression on the wall next to it is still engraved there. Zhang Ling\'s little heart is beating.

"Taoism?" Locke felt that he had caught a trace of important information about this plane.

"Tell me what Taoism is." Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Locke crossed his legs and posed comfortably.

His condition is not as frightening as Zhang Ling thought. The green sword belongs to the fighting spirit release skill that can be mastered by high-level attendants. He can use it at the current low-level attendants stage, which depends on the essence of his first-class knight.

"Every year in my mountain village, there are businessmen who go to the village to collect medicinal materials. One of them is said to be a Taoist boy, but we haven\'t seen him use aisle art. Some people claim to have seen him." In extreme fear, Zhang Ling even spoke out her hometown dialect \'I\'.

Locke touched his chin and analyzed the credibility of the news.

In the past, Zhang Ling absolutely didn\'t believe in Taoism. She worked in the University and was surrounded by proud college students. Her quality has improved a lot. These days, she talks about science and technology and Taoism, which belongs to feudal ignorance.

But now, Zhang Ling has to believe that Locke just used Taoism. Zhang Ling thought so.

Locke\'s side has almost figured it out. He considers going to Zhang Ling\'s village to have a try at that time. He doesn\'t know whether the child is true or false.

"Go and cook me some food." Locke is not a guest. He knows that Zhang Ling is a good cook.

"There\'s meat in the fridge. Make me more meat dishes and stew ribs." Locke\'s injury didn\'t heal so quickly. In addition to fighting to repair it, he also needs to eat more meat to nourish it.

After listening, Zhang Ling went to cook for Locke honestly. Locke\'s spiritual induction did well. At least Zhang Ling has no intention to resist now.

Locke\'s appetite is quite amazing. Before, in the school canteen, he was worried about attracting attention and didn\'t dare to let go of eating. Now Zhang Ling is cooking for him, but he doesn\'t open his stomach.

Zhang Ling cooked a full four meals, took out all the things in the refrigerator, and a whole fan of pork fell into Locke\'s stomach, so she finally filled him.

Zhang Ling was very tired. Fortunately, Locke was not difficult for her. For her hard work, she invited Zhang Ling to eat herself.

Zhang Ling didn\'t dare to eat, but Locke forced her to eat some.

Zhang Ling, who hasn\'t eaten meat for half a year, is full today. The Taoist man is not sure that she will kill her after using her. Zhang Ling\'s meal is the last meal of her life. She is not only full, but also full.

"Is it delicious?" Locke narrowed her eyes and said with a smile. Zhang Ling\'s wolfing down looks very interesting to him.

"Not too bad." Zhang Ling is a little afraid to look at Locke.

"Well, you\'ll be responsible for cleaning my food and residence, and I\'ll pay you a salary." Locke leaned on the sofa and said casually.

After reading Zhang Ling\'s memory, he knew what Zhang Ling needed most.

Zhang Ling didn\'t dare to refuse, but said in a low voice, "I haven\'t learned special housekeeping service."

Zhang Ling used to be a nanny for others, but she was dismissed after two months. The reason is that they found another nanny, who is more professional and specially trained than Zhang Ling.

In such a big city, you really can\'t live without a skill.

"It\'s all right. Just clean it a little and cook me a meal. I won\'t be difficult for you." Locke said he was interested in Zhang Ling\'s ability to cook.

Not as good as the chef of the pro Prince\'s residence on the three western islands, but also better than himself. Locke can cook a limited number of delicacies, such as roast meat, roast fish and roast sweet potato No.

And this plane uses an induction cooker and a pressure cooker for food. Locke has used that thing, but he is not skilled.

Zhang Ling was silent. Silence means promise.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

"This is your salary." Locke threw Zhang Ling a pile of red heads.

Zhang Ling was stunned. She wanted to pick up the money and was not sure whether it was "stolen money".

Last month, the family asked her to urge money. One of his younger brothers wanted to go to middle school this year. Zhang Ling didn\'t finish her junior high school. How can she find a way to let her younger brother finish junior high school.

Tangled for a moment, Zhang Ling took the money, which also represents that she officially got on the thief ship Locke today.

Seeing Zhang Ling pick up the money, Locke can temporarily rest assured of the woman, "go and clean up your room, and return your rented house tomorrow. You will live here in the future, and there is an empty bedroom."

Zhang Ling\'s body was shocked, and then she said, "yes."

Let Zhang Ling live with herself. One is to monitor Zhang Ling and avoid her going to politics in the world Government The agency sold herself, and another is to make food for Locke.

In the evening, Locke stayed up all night. By practicing and fighting Qi, he can keep his spirit at the best. There are few energy factors in this world, not none at all. He is very interested in the Taoism mentioned by Zhang Ling.

Quickly restore his strength, and Locke is also confident to face the real high-end power in the world.

Locke didn\'t sleep, neither did Zhang Ling. She was frightened by the great change. When cleaning the room last night, she deliberately touched the scratch on the wall. It\'s true. This man really knows Taoism.

She touched the stack of ten thousand yuan that she put in her handbag. Zhang Ling was very confused.

She is a caterer with a full monthly salary of 400 yuan. This person\'s move is 10000 yuan. It should not be to rob money, but it is even more impossible. There are so many female students in the original university that this man will never see her.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ling touched her face. It was a little rough. This was because she had never put on cosmetics. Moreover, she came from the countryside. Her face also had plateau red, which was far worse than the delicate and soft student sisters.

The next morning, looking at the dark circles around Zhang Ling\'s eyes, Locke held back his smile, "go and make me some breakfast."

Zhang Ling went to the kitchen silently. The creatures in the refrigerator were eaten by them yesterday. There were two handfuls of noodles and several eggs. Zhang Ling decided to make egg noodles.

Even Zhang Ling didn\'t realize that her breakfast included her own for two.

It has to be said that women\'s adaptability is much stronger than men. After a night of ideological struggle, Zhang Ling wanted to open up.

After breakfast, Locke went to the school library to check the information. Zhang Ling hurried to the canteen. She was not responsible for the catering of breakfast, but she had to go early. The canteen asked all employees to report before 9 o\'clock.

"When will you go back to your village?" Before parting, Locke asked.

Zhang Ling\'s face changed slightly.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not going to do anything to your family. I\'m interested in the Taoist boy you said." Locke said.

Zhang Lingping was angry for a while and said, "in the past, half a month after the students\' summer vacation, I would go back to the village. Sometimes I didn\'t go back. I stayed in Shangyuan city to work and didn\'t go back until the new year."

"Does this plane celebrate the new year?" Locke muttered, which Zhang Ling didn\'t hear.

"When do the students have their summer vacation?" Asked Locke.

Zhang Ling looked at Locke strangely and thought, aren\'t you a student? She didn\'t dare to show anything different. To be honest, she said, "the students will have their summer vacation in another month."

"Well, I see." Locke nodded.

In a month\'s time, through the supply of sufficient wind energy spar in the space ring, he is sure to recover to the strength of quasi knights at that time.