Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 521

Before he started, Locke hesitated. Somehow, the aborigine made him feel like his sister Leah.

Coupled with the appearance of this race very similar to humans, Locke can\'t do it.

"Forget it, there is no energy fluctuation at all. My physique is weaker than that of ordinary farmers on the three western islands, and there is no threat to me." Locke put down his bloody right arm.

Ignoring the ectopic aborigine, Locke limped out of the alley.

Outside, there are dozens of meters high-rise buildings made of steel and stone, which stunned Locke\'s eyes. What kind of plane is this.

More than a dozen cars shuttle past Locke. He is like a beggar left in a civilized city.

"This plane is very strange. There are almost no energy factors in the air, but there are surprisingly many impurities, and these alchemy props..." Locke said in a low voice, "first find a place to hide and recover your body."

Turned into a remnant, Locke disappeared in the alley.

Although only the strength of entry-level attendants is left, Locke\'s combat skills are still flying, and the essence of wind fighting spirit is still there. Although these four wheeled \'steel boxes\' run fast, they are not as fast as Locke after the outbreak of fighting spirit.

Two days later, in a house somewhere, Locke had just adjusted his breath and finished his fight.

On the left and right, several high-level wind energy crystals turned into useless crystals. There was no energy left in them. Instead, Locke\'s strength was temporarily restored to low-level attendants.

"Energy utilization is good and low." Locke frowned. With so many energy crystals in the past, he could at least return to the fighting level of middle-level attendants.

Locke can feel that this is because there is almost no energy factor in the surrounding air.

If Locke wants to restore his strength, he must rely on the energy spar in the space ring. The outside world can\'t get any energy at all.

"The world... Has no energy users?" Locke touched his chin and thought that there were three aborigines in the house where he lived.

He searched all his memories with mental power and became an idiot. He also obtained some information about this plane from the minds of the three aborigines.

"The earth? The era of science and technology? Exploring the universe?" Locke analyzed the obscure words.

The earth is the name of this plane, and science and technology is the leading force of this plane. It has initially begun to explore the universe, marking that this plane has just had the strength to break through the standard plane, which is fully in line with the sign of the micro world.

"Is this the third level of power in the world?" In the room, Locke played with an alchemy product called "computer". The information he searched out was marked with the word nuclear bomb.

"Grenades, artillery, missiles, raw materials, bullets, hydrogen bombs..." Locke is trying to rank the forces of these local planes to see which ones match the first level, which are the second level and which are the third level.

There is no doubt that the atomic bomb and hydrogen named nuclear bomb After playing, Locke judged the effect of at least three-level creatures hitting with all their strength. He could draw this conclusion from a few words of the information he found.

As for further subdivision, Locke needs to personally take a risk and observe it closely.

"After all, it\'s a perfect micro world. It\'s not that simple." When Locke found that there were no users of energy elements in the indigenous world, he was not arrogant, but thought calmly.

The space-time window outside that plane may be burst by the negative energy storm on the other side at any time. This plane has no element energy now, and it is uncertain in the future.

Locke judged that once the negative energy storm on the other side poured into this side, this plane was bound to enter the element activation stage immediately. He could not guess what would happen at that time.

However, with the carrying capacity of a micro plane, Locke does not worry that he will be crushed by negative energy storms.

"Settle down in this position first. When your strength is restored, find a way to go back." Locke sighed.

In planning for the future, Locke temporarily decided to sneak into an institution called "University". If the knowledge in the minds of the three aborigines is true, he can find a lot of things he wants to know in the University.

Finally, he took a look at the three aborigines who were living and dead in the courtyard. Locke put on his clothes and walked out.

His destination is to go to the original University, the best university in the city.

In the headmaster\'s room, Locke launched spiritual induction, tampered with the memory of the fat headmaster, and created his identity as a sophomore of the school of dynamic sciences.

The spiritual power of indigenous creatures in the world is as weak as their physical power. Locke can\'t use special spiritual magic and can tamper with memory.

For this fat man, Locke can\'t turn him into an idiot. At least this fat man has some status in this humanoid society. If something goes wrong and is found by the high-level of this position, he will be in great trouble.

There are countries in the world. The state machine controls nuclear bombs and other large equivalent weapons. Locke, let alone nuclear bombs, is a second-class intercontinental missile, which he may not be able to carry.

Therefore, it\'s better to keep a low profile.

After much effort, he finally revised the president\'s memory. Locke vomited his turbid breath and was ready to welcome his upcoming college life.

Zhang Ling is 22 years old. She was a girl in her prime, but the cruelty of reality is about to bend the girl\'s waist.

She was born in a remote mountain village in huaguojin province. At the age of 14, she added a brother to her family. Before that, she had three brothers and sisters. The heavy family burden made Zhang Ling have to give up her junior high school studies early and turn to society.

Zhang Ling has worked as a cleaner, handed out leaflets, picked up garbage and served as a waiter. She does everything she can earn money. Over the years, she has no fixed residence. Where the house is cheap, she lives. It can be said that she travels from south to north.

At the age of 18, she worked in the canteen of a private middle school in Shangyuan city. Because of her self-reliance since childhood, Zhang Ling\'s good cooking was appreciated by the master of the canteen at that time. The master also knew the difficulties in Zhang Ling\'s family, accepted her as an adoptive daughter, and then entrusted her to the best university canteen in Shangyuan city as a catering clerk.

A caterer is a job that provides meals for students at middle school and dinner. It\'s easy to say that he earns much better than in a private middle school. This is four years. Zhang Ling is 22 this year.

"Elder sister, I want this vegetable." A girl with freckles on her nose said to Zhang Ling who was busy.

"Hey, hey." Zhang Ling promised and immediately called the little girl after she had finished cooking for the last person.

Looking at Zhang Ling\'s large order, the girl with freckles liked Zhang Ling very much. She cooks at Zhang Ling\'s window almost every day. She is sincere for her eldest sister for nothing else. Unlike other windows, she only plays half a spoonful of vegetables and can\'t eat enough.

In fact, many students who eat in this canteen know that Zhang Ling has a lot of food at this window. Many students come to her window to play, which also makes Zhang Ling very busy as soon as she arrives at the meal point.

"I want this dish."

"Elder sister, I want this tofu."

"This green vegetable."


In fact, Zhang Ling is not big at all. She is only a few years old from these college students at the age of 22, but it may be that the years have smoothed Zhang Ling\'s vitality and made people around her always think she is 28 or 9. Others call her eldest sister, and she doesn\'t say anything. Anyway, she is not a world person with these students.

Zhang Ling likes to take advantage of small things. She knows where the dishes near the University City are cheap. She also knows the cheapest route from the university where she works to many nearby scenic spots.

She longed to eat whatever she wanted and go wherever she wanted, but she couldn\'t. She has never been to any of those scenic spots.

Zhang Ling is very satisfied with her current job. Although she gets up early and gets up late, she is really not very tired and doesn\'t earn much, but she is satisfied. Her educational level can do the current job with the help of the former canteen teacher Fu. She cherishes the present.

Zhang Ling came from the countryside. She knows the psychology of many students from the countryside, so she gives enough food to students every time. For a period of time, students love to go to her window to cook.

The canteen depends on students to buy food to earn money. The more students buy, the more they earn. Zhang Ling\'s practice obviously destroys the rules and says whether it\'s big or small. Zhang pangzi, the steward of the canteen, is the person the master asks to help Zhang Ling.

Zhang pangzi is a former apprentice of the master, and has the same surname as Zhang Ling. He is his own family. With this relationship, others turn a blind eye.

However, Zhang Ling\'s window was transferred to the vegetable area.

More students come to Zhang Ling\'s vegetable area to buy vegetables. The dishes sold at one window are related to the salary of the catering staff. Although Zhang Ling plays more dishes for the students, her income is not much different from that before.

The world doesn\'t revolve around one person. Everyone has everyone\'s life. Obviously, the world doesn\'t revolve around Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling doesn\'t know where she will live in the future.

Until one day, one night, when Zhang Ling finished buying vegetables and was ready to go back to her rental house, she passed an alley. A naked man covered in blood fell from the sky and appeared in front of her.

Forgetting the strange things she met last Friday, Zhang Ling wondered if it was a dream. Have she been tired lately?

But what happened when she woke up in the corner of the alley the next day? If she hadn\'t checked her clothes and still had the passbook hidden inside her jeans, she would think she had met some gangster The wolf.

She shook her head. Zhang Ling didn\'t think about anything else. She took a spoonful of shredded potatoes and put them on the student\'s dinner plate in front of her. Zhang Ling said formulaically, "next, what are you going to eat?"

No one answered her. Zhang Ling looked up in surprise.

"Bang!" The spoon fell to the ground. In Zhang Ling\'s mind, the bloody man was clearly not standing in front of her a few days ago?

"Zhang Ling, what the hell are you doing?" The cry of fat man Zhang, the steward of the canteen, came from the back kitchen.

After being awakened, Zhang Ling hurriedly picked up the spoon on the ground.

Locke, standing in front of her, smiled bitterly, "what a coincidence!"


This novel is also a Western fantasy novel. This plane is a micro technology plane. I just turn the humanoid race into our easterners.

Brothers, if I think it\'s OK, I may still write about science and technology in the future. Of course, I\'ll write more cattle B in the future. At least it\'s comparable to the low-level and intermediate level, and can compete with the "gods" above level 4, or even more powerful science and technology.

If you don\'t like it, I won\'t write this kind of plane. In short, it depends on you!

"Knight\'s journey" QQ book group: 678816703