Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 520

"Master." Locke put his mouth next to sorcerer Randa and whispered.

"Negative energy shield?" Sorcerer Landa was surprised.

"If it\'s a negative energy shield, we hide in a negative energy storm. We can\'t say how much your shield value can provide?" Landa used her mental power to communicate with Locke.

They have Ron around them. They can\'t take care of themselves at this time. Who cares about other guys.

"Twenty thousand." Locke said in a deep voice.

"There\'s hope. Let\'s go." Suddenly there was a possibility of life. Mage Landa swept away his decadent mood and pulled Locke to fly into the negative energy storm above his head.

"Wait." Locke said, and he went to the knight of Garcia. "Sir, don\'t you really leave us? This is the land of death."

"No, I have my pursuit. You go. I believe you are a young man with potential. You can live." Garcia knight was open-minded. She looked down on life and death.

"All right." Locke stopped dragging his feet and flew up with mage Randa.

At this time, Ron, who has always been a little clever, immediately reacted. He didn\'t know how to live, but his intuition told him that following Locke and Landa was the right choice.

So it also inspired the fighting spirit to catch up with Locke and Landa at a faster speed.

Just approaching the energy storm, Locke\'s gas shield was unstable and there were signs of collapse.

"Go to the negative energy storm. The positive energy storm is not something we can stay in!" Cried the sorcerer Randa.

Locke held his breath and flew to the negative energy storm.

In the energy storm, the manic force of elements attacked Locke\'s body, with many bone fractures and elementalization in some areas. If he doesn\'t take action immediately, he will also become a part of this negative energy storm and become countless insignificant element particles.

A black bead with starlight appeared in Locke\'s hand. After inputting spiritual power, the dark round cover wrapped around Locke and them.

"It worked." Sorcerer Randa\'s face was more happy.

"Come on, come on, come on, fly up, we have to get through here right away!" Sorcerer Landa urged.

As a last resort, Locke flew towards the center of the storm.

"Wait for me!" Behind him, Ron\'s call for help came. He was only more than ten meters away from Locke.

Looking back at Ron coldly, Locke ignored his call for help.

The strength of the negative energy shield has a lot to do with the internal volume. Adding one more person means increasing the surface area of the shield and reducing the strength of the shield. Locke doesn\'t want to put himself in danger because of this unpleasant guy.

Let alone Locke, the kind-hearted Landa turned a deaf ear to Ron\'s call for help at this time.

The black ball composed of dark black shield flies to the center of negative energy storm. The closer it is, the more Locke can clearly feel that the negative energy fusion bead in his hand is about to reach the limit.

In addition to the turbulent energy around, there are also some black lightning.

Seeing this scene, Landa\'s face changed, "no, even here, time and space collapsed."

"What should I do?" Asked Locke.

"Continue to fly up and rush! We can only hope that we won\'t be so unlucky and hit a space crack." Randa gritted her teeth and said.

When Locke flew here, Ron had disappeared behind him. Not only Ron could not see, but all the second-class knights and first-class knights who flew in earlier could not see.

Needless to say, Randa, Locke knew that most of them died in it.

Suddenly, a black flash of lightning hit, and Locke was cold.

The negative energy fusion bead in his hand broke into several pieces with a sound of "pa", and the light black shield was about to break.

"Come on! There\'s a space-time window in the lower space. Go through it! It\'s a big deal to be exiled by space-time. At least we still have life!" Landa shouted.

Locke looked around and a dark blue space-time window appeared.

At this time, no matter what happened after the space-time window, Locke gritted his teeth and flew over.

At the moment of entering the cave, the shield was broken, the surrounding mountains and tsunami like energy storm came, and the threat of death was near at hand.

"Sorry." Locke sighed.

Instantly, in the frightened eyes of the magician Landa, Locke threw Landa back and rushed into the space-time cave first.

Randa, who was abandoned by Locke as a stepping stone, turned into nothingness in the turbulent energy storm before she screamed.

As soon as Locke entered the lower space, the space-time window behind him was ravaged and crumbling by a massive negative energy storm.

Locke, who rushed into another space, was in a bad state. He was falling rapidly. Below, a blue world appeared in front of him.

"Micro plane?" Locke murmured, turning into a fireball and falling somewhere in the middle of the world.

There is no fighting spirit. Locke is unable to stimulate the fighting shield. If this goes on, he may be the only unlucky guy who escaped the energy storm and the turbulence of time and space, but was burned to death because of the heat generated by atmospheric friction.

"Ai, come out!" Locke ordered.

AI, who came out of the dimensional bag and knew the master\'s current situation through spiritual communication, immediately held Locke in front of his chest, then curled himself into a ball and fell rapidly to the ground.

From a distance, it looks like a dark blue meteorite.

AI didn\'t master the skill of energy shield. He can only rely on solid armor skin to help Locke offset atmospheric friction.

The flame on Locke\'s body surface was extinguished, but AI\'s body surface slowly lit up the flame.

Fortunately, Hellfire has rough skin and thick flesh, and has strong fire resistance. You know, this is a race that can roll and take a bath in the molten slurry.

The flame of AI\'s body watch is the fat she is burning slowly.

Such a rapid landing, the heat generated by friction with the atmosphere, in an instant, is higher than the heat of the molten slurry!

AI\'s fire resistance is also unbearable.

The flame on the body surface is getting stronger and stronger. AI bites his lips and bears the pressure silently.

"Boom!" With a sound of, AI began to ignite.

Except for Locke, who was held in the center by her, all the other body fat began to burn violently.

AI\'s breath is getting weaker and weaker. She can\'t bear the task of forcibly descending on a micro plane.

The plane barrier (also known as the atmosphere) gave her a sense of oppression, which made AI fall into serious injury in less than three minutes.

Closer and closer to the ground, Locke has even seen high-rise buildings lined with steel and many humanoid creatures that look very human walking in the streets.

If it goes on like this, Locke may live, but AI will die before he lands on the ground.

Between the choice of life and death, Locke was not as decisive as abandoning wizard Landa. He was still cruel.

"Go back." Locke takes back the dimension bag of AI who is seriously injured and dying.

For a moment, the burning light blue meteorite disappeared, leaving only Locke with scars all over.

He will take the last part of the fall with his remaining body.

"Bang!" A loud noise came from the deep lane.

Although Locke tried his best to stimulate the remaining fighting spirit and minimize the falling movement hundreds of meters before landing, he still left a two meter deep human mark on the brick road.

"Hmm ~" Locke coughed a mouthful of blood stasis and tried not to vomit blood. He was in a bad state at this time. With the strength of a mere first-class knight, Locke could not bear through the turbulence of time and space, whether it was the cutting of space debris or the raging of energy storm.

Fortunately, with the negative energy fusion beads given by master Michelle, he blocked the baptism of the energy storm, and he took the opportunity to hide into the lower space of the turbulent flow of time and space, so he arrived in the unknown world.

Although not dead, Locke was also badly hurt.

The body is torn by the energy storm, and the fighting spirit in the body is in disorder. It has fallen to the stage of entry-level Knight attendants. This is not the reduction of the total fighting spirit, but the weakening of the overall strength. The assimilation of the energy storm and the cutting of space debris can not be borne by a small level knight.

Locke is glad that he is a knight. If he is a caster, he will never persist until the energy storm reaches the end.

Locke\'s state at this time looks very bad. His demonized armor is broken and his clothes are completely spontaneous combustion. There are only a few pieces of cloth left, and he loses more than 70% of his blood. If he doesn\'t have the weak fighting spirit of the entry-level attendants, it\'s still a question whether he is aware of it.

Not only was his fighting strength suppressed, but because his body was badly hurt, Locke felt weaker than an ordinary person.

This should be a humanoid world. Even if there is only the fighting spirit of entry-level attendants, Locke can roughly judge the situation of surrounding species by virtue of the essence of first-class creatures and spiritual induction.

There is only one standard species closest to him, only 15 meters away, blocked by the night. I wonder if the man has found him.

Locke can\'t gamble. It\'s a micro world at least.

Judging from the development of the power system of the endless world, this world absolutely has power above level 3 and below level 4.

Although the world gives him a strange feeling. No plane suppression? There is little free energy in the air?

The human creature 15 meters away from him should be female, 1.65 meters tall, without energy fluctuation. He is an ordinary person, which Locke judged through mental power.

"It cannot attract the attention of this plane native and plane guardian." Locke thought.

Slowly walking towards the alien aborigine, Locke plans to kill people.

Zhang Ling, who had just bought vegetables from the farmers\' market, found something moving in the nearby alley.

This alley is uninhabited all year round. It\'s gloomy and terrible. Zhang Ling never goes in,

But the unique curiosity of women made Zhang Ling stop and wait for a while.

Zhang Ling\'s heart tightened when a dark shadow appeared.

The dark figure finally came out, covered with blood. Sen\'s white bones exposed the flesh and blood of Locke, just like a ghost crawling out of plasma.

Zhang Ling\'s eyes turned white and she collapsed and fainted.

When she came to Zhang Ling, Locke smiled bitterly. Why is this aborigine so timid.

Stretch out the only sound right hand, ready to end this weak aboriginal.


This novel is still a Western fantasy novel. This plane is just a special plane among countless planes. Brothers, don\'t think crooked.

As like as two peas, all faces are special. There are no identical planes in the endless world.

More background on this plane will be introduced in subsequent chapters.

You can also go to the "Knight\'s journey" QQ book group: 678816703 to discuss with Xiaodou.