Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 518

Locke, who was busy in the magic array, secretly looked at Lord Felix, the three-level sky knight who stood in the center of the array and presided over the element extraction array from time to time.

Locke, who had expected to have a close contact with the level 3 sky knight, was disappointed when he really saw the adult.

Some weak, of course, this weak is not compared with Locke himself, but Lord Locke took Felix and his master Jose secretly compared.

How to say, if Uncle joss had given him 95 points, Locke could only give 70 points for the pressure of Lord Felix.

"Lord Garcia." Locke took the time to ask Garcia.

"Is there any hierarchy on Level 3 creatures?" Asked Locke.

"Yes, there is a demigod level above level three and below level Four." Garcia Knight wondered Locke\'s question, "these are common sense. If you don\'t know, you can go to the database of the knight hall after you go back. There are all there."

This time it was Locke\'s turn to be embarrassed. He was promoted to a first-class knight. At least seven or eight years later, Locke was called a man who didn\'t know common sense by the Garcia knight.

Embarrassment is embarrassment. Locke has a thick skin and doesn\'t let others see it at all. Locke plans to leave from the Garcia knight.

There are two kinds of results, either uncle joss is a strong demigod, or Lord Felix is at the lower level of the third level creature.

Locke tends to conclude that both results exist at the same time.

Level 3 is too far away from Locke. Put aside these trivial ideas. Locke continues to follow wizard Landa and help him complete some things within his power.

The knight of Garcia once told him that this task often takes only two months. After completing the task in these two months, Locke can end his journey in the dark blue prison fire world ahead of schedule. Can\'t Locke be excited.

I\'m not tired, but I\'m burning my brain. Locke\'s calculation of spatial coordinates is enough dizzy these days. Master Landa seems to like Locke\'s ability. He still pulls him from time to time and asks him to help calculate some array orbital energy requirements.

Locke had to fight to get home early.

It\'s not without reward. Well done, master Landa will give Locke a few bottles of his own alchemy potions as soon as he is happy.

Locke preliminarily judged that master Landa\'s Alchemy ability was not much worse than master Kaila, so he was not polite to master Landa\'s gift. Ron drooled next to him.

Another month later, the element extraction array was almost completed, and the energy charge reached 97%.

"Lord Felix, next, you just need to put these two three-level energy essence into it to start the big array." Randa, the white wizard, came up to Felix and said.

"Yes." Felix nodded. He was also a second-class fire element division. Naturally, he could see the completion of the element extraction array.

"It\'s just... The space-time fault tolerance rate has increased from 1.7% to 2.5%." Sorcerer Landa told the sky knight the data calculated not long ago.

There is still a word in his mind, that is, with the energy charging, the element extraction array begins to operate, and the value of space-time fault tolerance may continue to rise.

Felix knew what Landa was thinking. He said, "don\'t worry. As long as the space-time fault tolerance rate is less than 5%, I can bear it."

This sentence gave Landa a reassurance and made him a little relieved.

"After the battle array opens, you can stay away from this place. After all, it\'s dangerous." Felix said that he was always so concerned about his subordinates and had little airs.

Being concerned by a knight, Elanda, an old man, was very grateful, not to mention others.

"Is that your safety?" Landa hesitated. Like him, there was Garcia, the land knight standing nearby.

"Don\'t worry about me. This is the way I choose." Felix held his head high and the sky knight had the confidence of the sky knight.

"I\'m waiting for you at the edge of the array." Garcia said that this level of magic array is not the aftereffect that primary and secondary creatures can bear. She turned to the second.

"Good." Felix gave Garcia a soft look.

Felix could see his feelings for Garcia. If he successfully promoted to level 3 magician this time, he would promise to marry Garcia.

Felix is a rare heavenly Knight without direct descendants in the knight palace.

Two days later, a three-level energy essence of the light system and a three-level energy essence of the dark system were respectively inserted into the Liangyi center of the element extraction array by Felix. The surrounding fire elements gradually gathered, representing the official opening of the element extraction array.

At the same time, all the Knights and magicians who participated in the construction of the array retreated to 2000 meters outside the array.

In the distance, you can only see an inverted funnel-shaped fire cloud, slowly rotating, and countless fire energy that makes Locke feel palpitating, injected into it from the sky outside the funnel and the dark blue prison fire world under the funnel.

The heaven and earth changed color, the energy tide began to sweep the northeast of the dark blue prison fire world, and the energy pressure inside the navel of the world began to rise.

Countless direct or indirect far-reaching effects spread to other parts of the dark blue prison fire world.

In a volcanic group in the southeast of the dark blue prison fire world, honestly collected the fire helmet dwarf ash with red crystals for a lifetime for the knight hall, looked up curiously and looked at the crater with black smoke not far from it.

Is this year\'s volcanic season ahead of schedule? The idea of grey has just come into being.

"Boom! Boom!" A towering pillar of fire spewed from the crater, and hot magma spread all over the surrounding earth.

"No!" Ash stared and ran to the corner of a volcano. His tribe was there. He had to hurry back immediately.

Then there was another "boom!" Loud noise,

Not only the crater in front of the ash, but all the craters within a hundred miles around, like ignited explosives and repressed chimneys, detonated in an instant.

The pillar of fire in the sky and the dark blue sky are rendered red at this moment. The whole space is jumping with hot energy.

The ash running on the road knelt on the ground at some time. For a second, it saw a dazzling molten slurry drowning its tribe.

Gray looked at the tribe that had turned into a sea of fire in the distance. In his eyes, the voice and appearance of the newborn children seemed to be still around him. The surrounding molten slurry poured up and flooded Gray\'s body, but he could not feel the slightest pain.

Because it heard his wife and children calling it.


In addition to the Volcanic Group in the southeast, the molten sea in the west, the sulfur plain in the north and the fire Rock Island in the middle, at this moment, every place in the deep blue prison fire world happens to produce large-scale natural disasters.

"What\'s the situation! Check it for me!" In the city of borth under the command of the Northern Santa tower, a level-3 magician angrily smashed the test-bed.

The surrounding energy fluctuated and scattered, indicating that the old woman was about to go into a violent state.

"Go to iron fortress and ask what they should know." In Bono city in the west, a level-3 sky Knight wiped his cold sweat. He knew the status of the dark blue prison fire world in the hearts of Gaya.

What\'s wrong with this plane? He, a three-level sky knight, can\'t bear the anger of Lord Gaia.

On the other side, in the iron fortress in the South and the city of FICO in the East, several level II and III knights who knew some of the facts also changed their faces.

"How could there be so much movement." In the iron fortress, the level 3 sky Knights sent by Odyssey to garrison here pace back and forth.

"There was a riot in the Western Volcanic Group!"

"The fluctuation value of surface molten slurry increases!"

"News came from 21 mountains within the sphere of influence that there was a large-scale earthquake!"

"The earth\'s crust is moving violently!"


Bad news spread into iron fortress and FICO City, which can no longer be borne by the two heavenly knights.

"My Lord!" A knight hurried into the conference hall.

"What?" The third level Knight asked impatiently. He had heard enough bad news.

"The plane will of the world begins to shrink!" The ground Knight reported with a pale face.

"What are you talking about!" The sky Knight\'s eyes widened.

"Connect me with Lord Odyssey\'s magic array. I want to report it myself!" The sky Knight left a shadow and hurried away.

The will of the plane is aroused, which is too big.

Far away in the northeast of the dark blue prison fire world, Locke and others also found an unusual trace.

The most remarkable feature is that Locke obviously feels that the suppression effect of the plane pressed on him has weakened a lot.

It used to play 80% of its strength, but now it can play 90%.

The liberation of strength did not slow down Locke\'s mood. He is now shocked by the surrounding situation. The surrounding fire element has been strong to a certain extent, and the solid fighting shield did not give Locke a sense of security.

Instead, he felt his morale shield thinning slowly.

Can burn fighting flame! What happened to the world?

The fire cloud in the sky has become a real fire cloud. A large amount of steam is exhausted and replaced by boundless flame.

The huge element extraction array is now like an engine equipped with a motor. It tirelessly draws the fire energy of this plane and injects it into Felix at the center of the array.

The energy convergence of the whole plane is enough to make Locke stunned. What\'s more incredible is that two energy storms, one bright and one dark, slowly form in the sky.

"No, the positive and negative energy storm has exceeded the scheduled value! The value is growing too fast!" Landa screamed, holding a roulette in her hand.

Locke noticed that the pointer of the wheel in the white robed magician\'s hand was rotating at a high speed. It turned nearly 20 times in the blink of an eye, and the speed was accelerating.

"Let\'s go!" Landa was very interesting. When she ran, she didn\'t forget to pull up Locke standing next to him.

Locke, who came back to God, was surprised. He ran out with Randa and called the Garcia knight.

"I\'m not going!" At this time, the knight Garcia said stubbornly.