Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 517

With a fly missing from his ear, Locke\'s efficiency in completing the task is much higher.

In just one week, many people found the coordinates of 20 spatial nodes. The Garcia knights who came to inspect praised Locke\'s ability.

Thanks to Locke\'s knowledge of magic and his careful work, the magic of measuring the coordinates of spatial nodes can achieve such great results The roulette is in his hands. It\'s really handy to use.

The brown wheel pointer in his hand pointed out a direction again, and Locke flew in the direction of the target.

He has completed the survey of the direction he is responsible for. Now he is surveying in the southern area. When this area is completed, he is going to help Gunter in the West. As for Ron in the north, who likes to go, he has no leisure.

They are located in the northeast of the deep blue prison fire world, where the terrain is depressed, the average altitude of the mountains is less than 500 meters, half of the land and half of the molten sea all year round.

Due to the special environment, the indigenous creatures living here are small in size, and the scales have strong high temperature resistance. If they don\'t pay attention, they flee into the molten slurry sea and disappear, which is more flexible than loach.

It is such a special area, which has a high status in the dark blue prison fire world - the navel of the plane, and the birthplace of all continents in the dark blue prison fire world.

A few years ago, the dark blue prison fire world was promoted from the micro level to the low level, and the expansion of land and molten sea on the mainland was initiated from here.

If the plane will of the world had not been crippled and the powerful biological groups bred in the plane had been enslaved, this place called the navel of the plane should be guarded by plane guardians all year round.

No matter how bad it is, there should be local tertiary creatures to suppress it here.

Unfortunately, there is nothing here. Only a famous Knight like Locke suddenly appears, scattered like a little bee, looking for the coordinates of spatial nodes, and then the secondary Knights calculate the battle points.

A huge magic array spanning one-third of the navel of the plane slowly took shape in two months.

In the core control area of this huge magic array, a middle-aged man in a red and gold robe looked deeply into the ground.

It seems that through the earth\'s crust, you can see the geocenter of the dark blue prison fire world, pointing directly to the essential composition of this plane.

Felix, the third level Knight of heaven, has become famous for more than 2000 years. He is the veteran leader of the knight palace and the second level fire element division. He is a mythical existence in the eyes of the first and second level knights.

In fact, who knows, this powerful knight in the eyes of the first and second level knights is not so satisfactory among the strong men at the same level.

Facts have proved that countless bloody examples are correct. The knight\'s blood breaks through the road and the magician explores the truth Road, it is best not to carry out at the same time.

Felix, who has become famous for more than 2000 years, has broken through the sky knight for a thousand years. He is still in the early stage of level 3. Some of the new sky knights who are younger than him and only over 1000 years old can ride on him. How can Felix be reconciled.

Although he had to admit that he had gone the wrong way when he was young, Felix still had to go on. He couldn\'t retreat.

Now the only reliable way to significantly improve his strength is to push the level of magician to the level of level 3 great magician.

If he is also a level-3 sky knight and level-3 magician, Felix\'s life will not increase much, but his strength will produce fusion. Through precise calculation and inference, it is not impossible to have semi divine strength at that time.

It\'s the so-called step by step! Felix decided to take the risk.

Seven years ago, I had a toss in the world of huoyun mountain and sea. Finally, I found that the content of water element in that world was high, which was too dangerous for his fire fighting spirit and fire element users.

So seven years later, he came to the dark blue prison fire world. The overall situation of the world is still not so satisfactory. Felix still plans to fight.

Because there is no better world for him to choose from.

In fact, he wants to go to the purgatory magma world. However, the actual controller of that world is the purgatory demon blood family on the west coast, extracting the umbilical element power of the world. How can people allow you to do such a great harm to the plane.

On the palace of Knights of the three western islands, Felix managed up and down, and personally communicated with two level four knights for several times before being allowed to give him a try.

Power, power! Felix Gu Jing had no waves for many years, and his heart was palpitating.

Life is nothing but fame and wealth. Felix can\'t wait to master the power of the demigod. He has been buried for too long!

"Lord Felix, the space gravitational flow is currently stable, the element extraction array is charged by 27%, and the space-time fault tolerance rate is less than 1.7% A white wizard flew up to Felix and said.

"Well, please." Felix subdued his impatience and said calmly.

The white robed magician is a first-class magician. Felix is so polite. In terms of personality charm, Lord Felix can eat on both sides of the holy tower and the knight hall.

"But, my Lord, is there such a big deviation from the space-time fault tolerance rate of less than 0.5% we originally calculated? Is it really no problem?" The white robed magician brewed language for a while and hesitated.

The deviation of 1% is already extremely high in the eyes of magicians who are strict in the law of truth.

If you can, before the experiment, every magician wants his experimental data to be consistent with the estimated value in advance, and the deviation rate is 0%.

However, this is impossible. Magicians\' errors and failures again and again on the road of exploring the profound meaning of truth are actually their fun.

Every failure encourages magicians to move forward to success, wrong views and conclusions will always be overturned, and the proponents of new knowledge will be longed for by later generations of young magicians.

"The 1.7% space-time fault tolerance rate is already very low. I don\'t think there is any problem." Felix cut the railroad.

"Go and see if the energy spar is enough. If it is not enough, go to find the Garcia knight. She still has more than a dozen secondary energy essence I gave her." Felix commanded.

As soon as the white robed magician left, Felix\'s face sank. "The space-time fault tolerance rate is so high... Damn it, if Carl Bakken would help me."

Karba is one of Felix\'s best friends in the holy tower. He is a secondary wind element master and is proficient in the magic knowledge of the space Department. Felix once invited karba to help him complete the experiment, but he responded with karba\'s eyes as a madman.

"Even if you only extract 1% of the fire elements from a plane, the complex fire elements will burst you. I advise you not to waste time on these crooked ways. What you should do now is to study knowledge and rules."

Karba\'s words were like a loud slap in the face. Not only did they not wake Felix up, but they gradually made a gap between the two friends who had made friends with their lives, and finally they didn\'t communicate with each other.

"The facts will tell you that my choice is right!" Felix said word by word that the space-time fault tolerance rate of 1.7% is indeed very high, but he had to start at this time.

It\'s just a space-time fault tolerance rate of 1.7%, which can achieve today\'s status. Felix thinks he has been lucky and believes there will be no problem this time.

Felix comforted himself.

Below the burning cloud, Locke looked at the large array of elements larger than the cloud, and his expression fell into a dull state.

Such a large magic array, on the knowledge system and the resources used, is completely beyond Locke\'s imagination.

Not only Locke, but every first-class knight who saw such a great deal for the first time would admire Felix, the third-class knight.

"Don\'t be silly. Go to help the Landa magician replenish the array energy." Nearby, the Garcia Knight sent Locke a task and pointed to the magic array near the center, said a white robed magician.

Unfortunately, I went with Locke and Ron.

Randa, a white robed magician, is a kind-hearted old man. Locke always thinks that magicians are a group of knowledgeable wise men. Randa\'s appearance is very consistent with that of a powerful magician in Locke\'s mind.

"Master Landa, let me help you." Locke flew forward.

Ron didn\'t want to fall behind and followed him.

"Place these energy spars at k187, m132, s580, f2117 and o901 coordinate points." White robed mage landaser gave them a pile of first-class energy essence.

This was the first time Locke had seen so much energy essence. Locke was about to fly over with energy spar, and Ron grabbed him.

"Brother Locke, cough, can you help me? These coordinate points... I\'m not very good at finding them." Ron scratched his ears and cheeks.

Sorcerer Landa is still nearby. Of course, Locke can\'t not give this guy face. He took several energy essence from Ron and left him only the amount of coordinate points.

"You are only responsible for the o901 coordinate point, no problem?" Locke asked angrily.

These coordinates are distributed to them by the Garcia knights Roulette can be judged and found. It only takes a few steps of very simple calculation. Ron is not like a person with simple mind and developed limbs.

Ron smiled awkwardly and agreed with Locke.

Landa, the white robed magician, looked up at Locke and left a snack on the knight\'s ability to place the energy spar alone in charge of the four coordinate points. This young man is good.

The element extraction array will be opened soon. No one is idle now. Mage Landa handles the matter here and flies to other places of the array for inspection.

Locke also held seven or eight first-class energy essence in his hand and hurried to the four coordinate points that mage Landa told him.

Two of these energy quintessence are the wind energy quintessence that Locke lacks most, but he dare not move.

There are seventy or eighty first-class Knights around, and there are several second-class knights. The number of magicians is less, less than ten. No matter who finds his little moves, Locke has no good fruit to eat.

After mixing for so long, Locke knew what could move and what could not move.