Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 481

Unexpectedly, it took a lot of effort to find mage Kaila\'s room.

Mage Kaila also changed the number of living floors and moved from the original number of floors to 89 floors, which indicates that mage Kaila is in a superior position among all the first-class mages in the holy tower.

It was Xia Xi who opened the door for Locke. I haven\'t seen her for nearly a year. Xia Xi has changed more than before. She doesn\'t look like a "person" any more.

Long silver hair, sharp banana ears and light green eyes are still beautiful Boss Yan.

The only thing that hasn\'t changed is Xia Xi\'s deep feelings for Locke.

"Master Kayla said that my half elf process is surprisingly smooth, and I already have 78% half elf blood." Xia Xi pulled up her long hair on her temples and said a little uneasy, "don\'t you care if I become ugly?"

"Become ugly? Even if you become ugly, I won\'t care, let alone you become more beautiful now." Locke gently kissed Xia Xi\'s forehead and said.

He didn\'t lie. Elves are a race whose aesthetics is very similar to human beings. Xia Xi\'s semi elvish blood integrates her dual advantages of human and elves. Her appearance has increased several grades than before, close to Angelina\'s beauty.

Xiaxi doesn\'t care whether she becomes beautiful or not. She cares more about Locke\'s feelings. If Locke thinks this face has become ugly, she may beg master Kayla to change her face back.

It\'s not too difficult for magicians above level 1 to change their appearance. Many female magicians who have lived for two or three hundred years like to pretend to be tender. Under the shell of a girl, you can\'t imagine that the soul inside is an old witch who has lived for hundreds of years.

After entering the door, Xia Xi introduced that this was master Kayla\'s new residence, and they had just moved in less than a month.

At this time, Angelina is doing an experiment with master Kayla in the alchemy room. Generally, they won\'t come out until dinner time.

In the chat with Xiaxi, Locke knew that Xiaxi would take on some housework during master Kaila\'s meditation or experiment, in addition to cooperating with master Kaila to do some physical examination experiments.

Master Kayla has a great habit of cleanliness. In the past, the laboratory was cleaned by magic. In some corners, even magic could not be considered. Master Kayla was happy for a long time with Xia Xi\'s appearance.

In order to please the first-class light magician, Xia Xi did housework very seriously.

Seeing that Xia Xi had a tendency to continue to work, how could Locke, as a man, let his woman work alone, so he threw up his sleeves and helped.

Raffi then joined the battlefield. Raffi, who was born as a maid, was a couple of Locke and Xia Xi.

So there was such a strange scene in master Kaila\'s room. A man and two women were busy cleaning the table and pouring water

It\'s been a long time since I did housework. Two hours later, Locke sat on the floor and thought about it.

Like the last time I did housework was twenty years ago? No, I joined the army at the age of 14. That was 21 years ago!

At that time, Locke not only had to do housework, but also had to go down with old Locke during the day.

I still remember that at that time, the first thing Locke did when he came back from farming every day was to go to the kitchen and turn over the lid of the pot to see what his sister Leia and mother cooked for him.

Also at that time, my sister always beat her dirty hands with her face.

For Locke, memories are always beautiful. He will try to forget those unhappy things. It was a little bitter in the past, but his relatives are alive and happy.

If foster didn\'t start a war with Sherlock because of drought and famine, what would Locke be like at this time? Would he still know these confidants and have such a powerful strength as a first-class knight.

Locke found that he had the potential to be a philosopher. He shook his head and scattered these thoughts.

After finishing the housework, Xiaxi and Raffi discussed going to the kitchen to cook dinner. Master Kayla was not very picky about the food, but only asked for light taste.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa, Locke played with a magic prop he found in the room.

Not long after, the door of the alchemy room opened, two familiar spiritual fluctuations came, and Locke looked up.

One is Angelina with a surprised face, and the other is master Kayla in a white magic robe.


After all, the dinner was quite sumptuous. Master Kaila\'s home was full of precious magic ingredients, and all kinds of things Locke had seen and had not seen were put on the stage.

Locke discovered another skill of Shaxi. During the days when she lived here, Shaxi learned to cook countless magical ingredients. Some of them are said to be special products of ectopic noodles.

With a sound of "sucking and sliding", he sucked a conch meat with fire red strange patterns on the surface into his mouth. Locke narrowed his eyes and experienced the fire element and vitality contained therein.

The fire grain shell, a specialty of the fire crystal world, is imported from the west coast. A powerful blood warlock family monopolizes this small plane and continuously transmits resources from the world to the wizard world every year.

"Oh, monopolize a small world?" Locke, incarnated as a foodie, didn\'t forget to marvel when he chewed all over his mouth.

"Well, the west coast is more powerful than you think." Master Kayla nodded, and her eating posture would be much more reserved.

Like Angelina, these two teachers and disciples, like the people coming out of the picture, are very literate.

Angelina did this because of the court etiquette she developed from childhood. Master Kayla did so because her cultivation was so profound.

"Bigger than the east coast?" Having been to the east coast once, Locke had a rough estimate of the overall strength of the east coast, which was stronger than that of the three western islands, but the organization and tightness were not enough.

It\'s really a 50-50 situation. The key point still depends on those big guys above level 4.

There are three level-4 knights and a level-4 magician on the three western islands, and there are two level-4 magicians and a reclusive level-5 magician on the bright side of the east coast.

"Well, it\'s much stronger than the east coast." Said master Kayla.

"Isn\'t that a bitter and cold place?" Locke vaguely remembered that mage Ashar had told him that it was best to go to the east coast if you want to travel.

"The hard environment is just suitable for those blood warlocks to boil their physique and integrate the power in their blood." Said master Kayla.

Locke stopped eating, sat up and asked, "how strong is the strength of the west coast?"

Master Kayla glanced at Locke and said, "one of the five level 6 magicians in the wizard world comes from the famous Dragon warlock family on the west coast."

Locke opened his mouth wide and looked unbelievable.

For him, the level-4 strong man is the existence of heaven. He suddenly knew that there were level-6 creatures on the west coast. When locketon wanted to travel there to see how the level-6 strong man\'s divine power reached the Jedi.

However, the level 6 strong man is already the highest combat power in the wizard world. How can Locke, a small level 1 knight, look at it at will.

"Not to mention the level 6 warlock, the level 5 warlocks on the west coast are not comparable to our three western islands." Master Kayla shook his head and said.

Although the population of the three western islands is 10 billion, they are only three larger islands in the wizard world.

Hoporo is comparable to the main continent of the wizard world. Only there is the cradle of countless amazing people.

After dinner, Locke took out a pile of gifts for master Kaila. Master Kaila just nodded to know, and then went back to the alchemy room to continue her experiment.

"My tutor gave me half a day off." At this time, Angelina whispered to Locke.

Locke\'s heart was hot, and Angelina\'s invitation was obvious. Angelina rarely took the initiative before.

"Here we are?" Asked Locke cheekily.

"I\'m dying. How can I be here! The tutor is still there! Let\'s go to my room." Angelina looked slightly angry and kicked Locke. The room she refers to is the dormitory assigned to her by Santa Fe college, not here on the high floor of Santa Fe.

"Will you call Xia Xi and them?" Locke tried to ask.

The position of Angelina\'s wife is there. Rock wants to enjoy the same fortune at the same time. He needs the Royal Highness nod.

Angelina rolled her eyes and didn\'t have a good way. "Do you still want to call Leia and grace, too?"

Locke nodded. "It\'s not impossible. I haven\'t seen my sister and grace for a long time. It\'s strange, and Christine\'s girl."

Angelina helped her forehead and almost fainted.

After joking, Locke, led by Angelina, went to find Leia and grace.

During her study in Santa Fe, Leah\'s talent and strength were average, but she was just in line with the rules. So far, she has not been paid by a first-class magician. Now she lives in the apprentice dormitory of Santa Fe college.

Grace and Christine are the same. Mage Ashar is not as cheerful as mage Kaila. She won\'t take outsiders to live in her house, even if he is her apprentice.

It is gratifying that the living rooms of Leah and grace are right next to each other, and Christine usually lives with her aunt grace.

This is a five story row building. Leah and grace live in two rooms on the fourth floor above.

This row building is located behind the holy tower college and before the high-rise of the holy tower. It is very convenient for the magic apprentices who usually live in it, whether they go to class or ask for tutors in the holy tower.

And Angelina climbed up the fourth floor and knocked on her sister Leia\'s door. A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal the fresh and lovely beauty inside.

Locke opened his white teeth and said with a smile, "sister." Came forward and gave Leah a hug.

Leah also held Locke tightly and didn\'t want to separate for a long time.

When she recovered and found that Angelina was standing in front of the door in addition to Locke, Leah blushed and took a step back.

Next is grace and Christine next door.