Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 480

Not only the Morgan family, but also the whole wizard world in the three western islands. As long as they are aristocrats, they generally have their own surnames.

For example, Angelina, her full name is Angelina foster, Grace\'s full name is grace Philip, and Christine is Christine Philip.

People from the bottom, such as Locke, Leah and Raffi, don\'t have their own surnames.

Locke was qualified to choose or create a surname after he became a Faustin aristocrat, but he didn\'t. He felt very troublesome

After reading the contents of the contract, Locke is generally satisfied. What Locke needs to do is to solve such events when there are irresistible factors or forces in the Morgan family.

Correspondingly, he will receive 100 high-level energy crystals from the Morgan family every year.

The Morgan family has industries in several provinces around Princeton and DIDU. Together, it can have millions of golden Moore sales every year. It should be noted that sales do not represent profits.

After removing the production cost and basic needs to maintain the family, the annual salary of these 100 advanced energy spars is the biggest discount that the Morgan family can give at present.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. The Morgan family hopes to fully obtain the olive branch of Locke, a first-class strong man.

The annual offering of 100 high-level energy crystals has greatly surprised Locke. Locke is very satisfied with this business. He didn\'t bargain to lose his identity.

He was sure that if more than ten or twenty energy spars were added to the existing contract, the Morgan family would agree.

But is this necessary? It\'s just a dozen or twenty energy spars. Everyone is generous, which is convenient for continued cooperation in the future.

In addition to the Morgan family, Locke is also interested in their business alliance with other small and medium-sized families.

Old ORF clapped his chest and promised that he would go to find those families to negotiate. He believed in the friendship of a first-class strong man. Those small and medium-sized families were too late to participate.

"A month later, still here, I called all those old guys." Old man Oliver said to Locke.

"A month... Well, I\'ll do it again." After thinking about himself for a month, he has probably returned from visiting relatives in Santa tower. Locke nodded and agreed.

Old man ofer takes a month to prepare. He wants to do a big job.

The old guy not only wants to lead the families who have cooperation with their family in Princeton, but also pull the local powerful families in several provinces outside Princeton and around the imperial capital into the chariot.

"This is the opportunity for our Morgan family to take off again!" In the family meeting after Locke left, old man Oliver said to his younger generation.


On the floating ship from Princeton to Santa tower, Locke and Raffi went to visit their relatives after a lapse of nearly a year.

Most of the passengers on the floating ship are knights like Locke. 90% of them are middle and high-level knights, and the remaining 10% are powerful first-class and second-class knights.

The atmosphere on the floating ship was good. There were more people, and it was also lively. About 100 Knights gathered together in twos and threes to chat.

Locke once grabbed a high-ranking attendant and asked them what they were doing in the Santa tower. The answer was business.

Locke couldn\'t help thinking of the trading area composed of knights in the knight palace around the holy tower. There were no fewer people with vivid minds. Regardless of their strength, at least in terms of quality of life and insight, these Knights exceeded a large number of dead thinking knights who built cars behind closed doors.

Locke and other first-class knights on the floating ship are rarely bothered by low-level knights. They don\'t have a long journey, so they should travel with Raffi.

When the floating ship docked outside the Santa tower, Locke took Raffi in his hand and showed the Santa tower pass he had obtained. In the shocked eyes of a group of knights and patrol magic apprentices, Locke swaggered to the center of the Santa island.

Locke\'s identity medal is still very useful. It was obtained by assar magician when he was an experimental assistant.

In addition to some sensitive places, Locke can access any area below the 100th floor of the holy tower with this medal solidified with a trace of Ashar magician\'s spiritual power.

Of course, you can\'t go anywhere. Before crossing the air corridor and entering the Santa college, Locke was stopped by two black stone ghosts in front of the door.

The body surface is covered with dark golden metallic luster, and the whole body shows perfect alchemy technology. The joints all show the advanced magic pattern Rune array technology without Lun PI. These two puppet alchemy creatures represent the culmination of the alchemy technology of the holy tower.

"If you are an unregistered level-1 strongman, please stop moving, or you will trigger level-1 defense alert!"

"If you are an unregistered level-1 strongman, please stop moving, or you will trigger level-1 defense alert!"


What is the first level defense alert? Locke is not interested in trying. He can only stand outside Santa college and wait.

Fortunately, there are many magic apprentices around here. Someone has informed the first-class magician on duty.

"Not registered? I don\'t remember it well in my identity medal?" Locke said silently.

They all came here from the periphery of the holy tower. Unexpectedly, they were stopped.

"You heard it say that it is an unregistered \'first-class strong person\'. Maybe the problem lies in that first-class strong person." Said the careful Raffi.

"Well, that\'s the only reason." Locke nodded and agreed. When he was in the holy tower, he really didn\'t see a strong man. Those who entered the inside of the holy tower were the attendants, who could only move outside.

After being surrounded by the coming and going magic apprentices like sculptures for a few minutes, the nearest on duty magician finally came.

"Who are you? How did you come to the center of the holy tower? Don\'t you know that outsiders are not allowed here?" Far away, a harsh reprimand came.

Why is the sound so familiar? Locke looked up. He was really an old acquaintance.

"Magician bosh, is that you?" Locke stretched out his head and tried to ask.

Bosh magician is a first-class magician who led a Santa army together with three first-class magicians babrina, Keira and Ashar during the plane war to activate the goblin world.

At that time, except for the three female magicians who were very close to themselves, the remaining two were magician bosh and his friend magician Leona.

In the later stage, the magician Leona was seriously injured, and the magician bosh accompanied Locke and them in the whole plane war.

"Are you... Locke?" Magician bosh narrowed his eyes, first looked at the first-class knight, and then asked in surprise.

"Yes, it\'s me!" Locke came forward to make friends with magician bosh.

Speaking of it, Locke has a good relationship with the magician bosh. During the plane war, Locke completed the orders issued by the magician bosh many times and was taken care of by the first-class magician with good nature.

Compared with a few years ago, mage Bosh\'s appearance has not changed much. He is still a middle-aged, short and fat look. He is surging with burst fire elements. This Fire Mage is stronger than before in terms of strength.

"Hehe, good boy, I\'m promoted to first-class knight so soon! Good, good!" Magician bosh smiled and patted Locke on the shoulder.

He also had a good impression of Locke. He was smart, able to handle affairs and easy to use. When Bosh was too lazy to take charge of the general task of encircling, suppressing, killing and activating goblins in the plane war, he was directly handed over to Locke to lead slave creatures to do it.

The conversation between them was very happy, which really attracted the attention of a large group of magic apprentices around again.

Seeing that there were more and more people nearby, magician bosh said, "did you come to see Angelina? I\'ll take you to get a temporary ID card."

Magician bosh knows the relationship between Locke and Angelina. Angelina\'s special teacher also needs bosh to lay down his body and communicate with Locke in an equal way.

"Master, don\'t be so polite to me. What should we do? You can treat me as your former soldier!" Locke saw that magician Bosh was a little uncomfortable. He quickly took the initiative to lower his posture and took the lead in saying.

Magicians always despise knights, which exists not only in the stage of Knight attendants and magic apprentices, but also in the strong people above level 1.

Locke boasted of being a "soldier" and amused magician bosh. He held his big belly and laughed. He pointed his finger at Locke meaningfully and said with emotion, "you!"

The estrangement between the two people was really much less. Magician bosh not only lost some magician\'s pride in his words, but also showed a little more enthusiasm for Locke.

"You\'re here at the right time. I\'m on duty today. This temporary ID card can let you stay in the holy tower for three days." Magician bosh photographed Locke with a brown diamond medal.

"Thank you, master!" Locke thanked.

"Don\'t thank me. If you\'re just an ordinary first-class knight, I really don\'t have so much power, but Angelina\'s little guy is unusual. It\'s an exception this time." The magician bosh smiled.

Locke knew that magician bosh said Angelina was unusual, referring to Uncle Jos, who was suspected of being a third-class magician.

"Also, you know what? Assar magician was promoted to level 2 magician two years ago." Magician bosh suddenly said to Locke.

"Really?" Locke\'s face was full of surprises.

After saying goodbye to the first-class magician, Locke and Raffi went to the residence of magician Keira on the 78th floor of the Santa tower.

Assar magician must have changed his residence when he was promoted to level 2. If Locke wants to visit, he must first ask Kaila magician for the number of floors and room number.

This time, the two stone statues and ghost puppets guarding the gate didn\'t stop them from entering the holy tower college again.

These two stone statues and ghost puppets put more pressure on Locke than the Black Knight summoned by the necromancer in the Deere sea area. I\'m afraid the arrogance of this alchemical creature is approaching the peak of the first-class creature.

This is also the alchemy puppet guarding the gate outside Santa Fe college. What about the teaching area in Santa Fe college? What about the tower? Just thinking about it, Locke must be convinced by the profound details of the holy tower.

The knight\'s palace is not as rich and magnificent as the holy tower.