Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4643

The situation in theater 5 has changed faster than expected.

Galaxy star Safina is not a pedantic master of source energy. If she is really pedantic, it will be impossible to agree to the subtle solicitation of the God of source energy several times.

Another level 8 light dominates the present world, marking that the situation in theater 5 has completely reached the irreparable decline of source energy civilization.

Even without the arrival of the eight level master, Safina can\'t hold up the war by relying on Locke alone.

Without the slightest hesitation, Safina immediately separated from the battlefield with the help of her own space system original magic power and the only part of the elite fleet of Galaxy star.

Locke, who has been paying attention to the battlefield situation, naturally found Safina\'s move, but a dominant fleet comparable to level 7 biological combat power suddenly crossed from the side, which briefly stopped Locke\'s tide of destruction.

The order obedience mechanism of yuanneng civilization Legion is more rigid than that of other world civilizations.

Sometimes, knowing that it is a mission that must die, the yuanneng civilization Legion will not hesitate too much.

This source energy fleet, which originally fought with Akron, the master of the light system, apparently received a blocking mission from Safina.

Even Safina can\'t stop Locke\'s sharp edge. How can this seven class fleet do it.

However, it should be admitted that the horizontal interference of this seventh class fleet did interrupt Locke\'s pursuit of Safina.

The rage of the master of the eighth level peak suddenly came to the seventh level fleet, and the flames of destruction and the tide of death began to sweep the nearby battlefield.


The battle of domination sometimes goes on for a long time, but sometimes it ends quickly.

Locke had been deadlocked with the Galaxy star Safina and its fleet for thousands of years, but it took only 20 years to destroy the dominant fleet with level 7 combat power.

The arrival of the Lord of glory has made the victory situation in theater 5 more clear.

After all, Galaxy star Safina led less than one tenth of the remaining Galaxy star fleet to leave in a hurry, but the Legion of billions of Yuan energy civilization in the whole No. 5 theater has become a sacrifice for the failure of this dimensional hegemony war.

Twenty years later, the entire theater five was in a mess.

The arrival of the Lord of glory obviously greatly inspired the Legion of the protoss of light in theater 5.

Whether it is the angel legion, the believer legion, or the light Protoss\'s own legion, they have erupted many times more power than before.

The Lord of glory, who has just entered level 8, has a slightly unstable breath at this time.

Considering the time flow rate of the material star world and the desperate world, although Locke has fought for thousands of years, for the Lord of glory, maybe she just hurried to return to the front line of the dimensional battlefield after she was promoted to level 8 in a few hundred years.

The defeat and retreat of Galaxy star Safina and the heavy damage of its fleet indicate that these two levels of combat power of source energy civilization will not be able to return to the battlefield in a short time.

Locke knew how serious she was. Although Safina escaped from her again with the power of time and space, she suffered no less serious injuries than when they first met.

In addition to the seven level source energy fleet that has been destroyed by him, Locke can be said to have destroyed the dominant combat power of the three source energy civilizations in the battle of theater 5.

And it is worth mentioning that, compared with Safina who is unable to fight next, Locke still has spare strength at this time!

A less stable realm requires a long time of precipitation, including frequent battles. It is also a way for the Lord of glory to get familiar with level 8 power faster.

Although it was a great pity to let the Galaxy star Safina run away again, when the war was coming to an end, the Lord of glory who came to Locke was obviously in a very good mood.

"What are you going to do next?" Locke asked the Lord of glory.

In the context of the whole civilized war, the victory of theater 5 is only a victory on a local battlefield.

So Locke didn\'t choose to rest because he was a little tired, but asked the Lord of glory in front of him.

As the LORD God of light, the Lord of glory obviously has a deeper grasp and experience of the overall situation of the whole civilization war.

In particular, this successful promotion to level 8, a series of powers that used to belong to the Eternal Lord, have gradually begun to be handed over to the Lord of glory.

From the perspective of civilization, the Lord of glory even sees farther than the Lord of the rising sun and the Lord of infinity.

"The army Angel Solent has also been promoted to level 7. The real good play of our bright Protoss is in theater 3."

"However, the chaotic battlefield needs to be unified again. Since the war in theater 5 is about to be settled, let\'s divide our surplus forces and send more troops to the adjacent theater 4 and theater 6." The Lord of glory said to Locke.

Theater 4 was completely in decline due to the fall of the Eternal Lord, while theater 6 was ordered to retreat because of Akron, the master of the light system, and was also occupied by the source civilization.

The victory of dimensional hegemony requires all-round promotion, not the victory of some advantageous theater.

The Lord of glory obviously saw this, so he explained Locke in this way.

In terms of the intensity of the war, theater 4 and theater 6 are far from comparable to the previous theater 5.

Although the source energy civilization captured those two vast war zones, because of the tension of high-level combat power, the elite dominant combat power of those war zones must be transferred to other battlefields early.

Rao Shiluo was also a little tired after fighting with two class VIII fleets of yuanneng civilization, and then scuffling with Galaxy star Safina and Galaxy star fleet.

Then he sent troops horizontally to attack theaters 4 and 6, and Locke was finally able to rest for a while.

However, compared with the relaxation of spirit and body, Locke is more curious about what the Lord of glory said about the "good play" in theater 3.

Is that the real turning point of the bright Protoss in the battlefield of dimensional hegemony?


Battlefield three.

As the battle Angel Michael is on the battlefield, the situation in theater 3 has always tended to be stable, even at a disadvantage from time to time.

No way, Michael is not as powerful as the Supreme God and the endless Lord.

Even because he was promoted to level 8 for a short time, many of Michael\'s fighting instincts were not fully stimulated.

Since the fall of the Eternal Lord thousands of years ago, the intensity of war in theater 3 has increased more than one notch.

Because many of the dominant forces that originally besieged the Eternal Lord moved to battlefield 3, including the arrival of the Fallen Angel Lucifer in theater 3, which makes the source civilization pay more attention to this theater.

For the source energy civilization, the decline of theater 1 and Theater 2 has been difficult to reverse. It is impossible for them to accept that theater 3 has also been greatly superior by the bright Protoss.

Even in order to defeat the Fighting Angel Michael and the Fallen Angel Lucifer, the source energy civilization not only invested two level 8 fleets and one level 8 source energy master in this theater, but also another level 7 fleet and one level 7 source energy master to fight together.

In terms of the number of dominant combat forces, theater 3 is definitely the battlefield with the largest input of source energy civilization.