Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4642

Five hundred years later.

The fierce civilized war situation has led to the creation of corresponding results in a very short time.

A level-7 source energy master fell into theater 8. It was the shining Lord of the main god in the later stage of level-7 of the bright Protoss who killed it.

As the seven level Lord God who once fought against the Lord of light, if there is no birth of the Lord of light in this world, I think the Lord of light is the leader of the growth of the protoss of light in the next stage.

The decline and deadlock in the war zone for a long time did not extinguish the flame in the heart of the shining Lord.

After showing the enemy\'s weakness and successfully paralyzing the enemy, after 500 years of fierce fighting and fighting, the shining Lord finally killed the enemy\'s source energy master on the battlefield.

The fall of the seventh level master completely reversed the situation in theater 8 and gradually tended to the bright Protoss.

Although the source energy civilization immediately sent a dominant war fleet to support it, it is difficult to turn over again in the face of the established war situation.

A considerable part of the reason why the Lord of glory can successfully kill his opponent lies in the hasty response of the master of source energy civilization.

From the perspective of personal combat power, the masters of source energy civilization are weaker than the gods of light.

Relying on the power of science and technology is a major advantage dominated by source energy civilization.

Similarly, without the power of science and technology, those source energy masters do not seem to be much different from ordinary dominant creatures in the star world.


The victory of the shining Lord seems to be a signal. Just over 1100 years later, good news came again from the No. 11 theater.

A lacquered black warship group comparable to the dominant combat power was completely annihilated by the charming Angel Raphael in theater 11.

The No. 11 theater has also completely changed from the original stalemate to the dominant side of the bright Protoss.


When there is good news, there will be bad news.

More than 1500 years later, the rising sun Lord of theater 7 suffered a great defeat.

Although the level-8 light Lord God will not fall, his eternal soul has also been worn to the end, leaving only a trace.

Yuanneng civilization clearly knows that persimmons should be picked up and pinched soft. Since the fall of the Eternal Lord, the pressure of the eight level dominant class has completely pressed on the Lord of the rising sun.

The direct impact of the defeat of the Lord of the rising sun not only makes the overall theater in which he is located face a decline, but also makes the adjacent No. 6 theater fall completely on the original basis.

The return of the Lord of glory to his mother\'s plane has not yet appeared. Akron, the master of the Department of light, is currently under Locke\'s command. Theater 6 is now basically in a semi abandoned state.


Although mixed with some bad news, people with a clear eye can see how the current situation of the dimensional battlefield is going.

The Lord of the rising sun only suffered heavy losses and did not fall directly. This is the most acceptable result of the bright Protoss.

In contrast to the source energy civilization, two more dominant combat forces fell one after another, and it seemed that the buildings were going to collapse for a time.

Battlefield five.

At this time, in the sky in front of Locke, in addition to two dominant fleets of source energy civilization, there is also an old opponent familiar to Locke.

There are two dominant fleets of source energy civilization, one is comparable to level 8 combat power, which is the Galactic star fleet, and the other is comparable to level 7 combat power. Its main target is Akron, the master of the bright system.

As for Locke\'s old opponent, Safina in a purple combat suit.

The tension of civilization war makes the deployment of the dominant combat power of yuanneng civilization in recent years a little stretched.

For example, the super fleets that originally confronted Locke left one after another.

According to the feedback from the bright Protoss in recent years, the dark star fleet is currently in Theater 2 to help the Lord of stars resist the edge of the endless Lord, while the source energy super fleet is transferred to theater 1.

The departure of the dark star super fleet and the source energy super fleet has reduced the war pressure on Locke\'s theater in recent years.

Especially in the battlefield where the middle and bottom creatures are located, those dominant fleets of energy civilization, with their unique scientific and technological advantages, do not bring much threat and pressure to the dominant creatures, but the coverage and attack degree of the bottom battlefield is higher than that of the dominant creatures.

The Galaxy star fleet seems to have suffered a lot in recent years. Although the source energy civilization has given priority to repairing and supplementing these powerful master fleets, like the omnipotent soul of master creatures, it can not recover in a moment.

Galaxy star Safina is also not much better. This woman obviously has reached the threshold of the later stage of level 8, but she hasn\'t taken that step yet because of frequent wars and the continuous delay and accumulation of injuries.

In addition to the Galaxy star Safina and her fleet, the two source energy sub cities that have been integrated with Safina have also brought some trouble to Locke on this battlefield.

It\'s not the first time to meet Locke. Safina, as the first eight level master of source energy civilization, is obviously very familiar with this power.

It is the active energy armed as a blessing of combat power that Safina can barely block Locke\'s edge when her combat power and her fleet are seriously damaged.

But Safina always had a hunch that this situation would not continue like this.

At this time, Locke, who started the transformation of the destroyer, was also looking at the "metal giant" in front of him.

Safina, armed with source energy, has a physique of 20000 meters away. Her huge metal body has not affected her flexibility, because the power of Safina\'s source law is the power of strange space.

The dense depressions and potholes are the marks that Locke left to Safina in recent years.

It is said that she killed the Eternal Lord, so Locke knows how much hatred this woman provoked in the light Protoss.

As the fighting continued, as Safina had expected, the situation gradually became more and more unfavorable to her.

No matter how much external blessing the mid-term master of level 8 gets, it is difficult to completely stop Locke.

In Locke\'s opinion, the most rational way for this woman is to leave the front line of civilization war immediately and return to the rear to seek a breakthrough in the later stage of level 8.

But Safina did not do so, does it mean that the high-level combat power of source energy civilization has been strained to an extremely serious extent.

Until now, the situation of dimensional hegemony has gradually become clear.

However, Locke knew that the key point to break the situation and lay the direction of civilization war was not here, but elsewhere.


A thousand years later, a dazzling power of light appeared in the rear of theater 5.

The Galaxy star Safina in front of Locke is exhausted. The source energy arms provided by the two source energy sub cities are almost scrapped, and the Galaxy star fleet is reduced to one-third again.

In this extremely inferior situation, Safina can\'t help looking at the rear of the bright Protoss.

The dazzling power of light seems to represent the coming of an incomparably powerful and energetic eight level light Lord God.

Feeling the familiar power of light, Locke, who was also tired, was relieved.