Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4641

The debate that took place in the city of source energy could not last so long, and the God of source energy solved all problems and disputes without thinking about it.

Therefore, what happened in the central hall of the city of source energy was only "debate" rather than "confrontation".

Now is not the time to completely tear your face, and the God of source energy is not willing to completely tear your face.

The external contradictions brought about by dimensional hegemony are still in front of us. The God of source energy has at least one thing in common with those senior leaders of source energy conference, that is, they all want to win the final victory of dimensional hegemony.

A series of compromises and discussions were completed quickly in a short time.

The source energy conference needs the masters such as the God of source energy to withstand the war pressure brought by the front-line bright Protoss, while the God of source energy and others need to obtain more power through the Source Energy Council.

Where does power come from? Of course, it was snatched and stripped from the Source Energy Council.

Therefore, the time period pinched by the God of source energy is very accurate.

Some members of yuanneng, who are full of conspiracy theory and paranoia, even suspect that the provocation of the dimensional hegemony war is also a plan long arranged by the God of yuanneng.

He wants to thoroughly master the source energy civilization through war and clean the inherent power class of the source energy civilization through external force!

These extremely dark and skeptical views obviously do not have much market in the Source Energy Council.

The vast majority of members of the source energy council are still rational. Of course, they are angry that the God of source energy is trying to separate power from their own hands, but they do not doubt that the God of source energy will betray the source energy civilization.

The contradiction between the source energy warrior system and the source energy council has gradually become apparent through this debate.

At present, these debates only focus on the dominance of source energy and the high-level of source energy parliament, and have not endangered the foundation of the two systems.

In this debate, the only thing that makes the God of source energy have some regrets, but it makes sense is that the Council of source energy once again rejected the suggestion that the God of source energy wants to control the city of source energy.

The city of source energy really contains too many secrets and details of source energy civilization. Other factors aside, just one source energy city controls the cardiac nuclear pacing device dominated by all source energy, which is enough to make the source energy council dare not let the God of source energy control the city of source energy.

Why has the source energy council always been able to give orders to the source energy masters, and even once regarded them as a "human weapon" rather than a great master.

A very important factor is that the source energy council controls the "life and death" dominated by these sources.

Calling for life and death is indeed exaggerated, because with the characteristics of the dominant soul, those source energy masters can recover quickly regardless of multiple injuries.

But even the masters, if their dominant heart core or the main divine personality is destroyed by external forces, will inevitably suffer huge losses and trauma.

This is one of the external means for the Source Energy Council to control the source energy domination. It is not just the source energy domination. Every source energy soldier will be implanted with this special device by the military when mastering the source power.

There are few examples of the source energy council limiting the source energy masters with the cardiac nuclear pacing device, because the small pacing device is only the last bottom line of both sides.

However, if even the final bottom line is handed over to the other party, the senior leaders of the source energy council have to doubt and worry about whether the God of source energy will lead his subordinates to directly separate from the source energy civilization, resulting in the complete division of the two systems within the source energy civilization!

Those who are familiar with the God of source energy know that he will not do such a thing to split civilization.

Including the God of source energy to vigorously promote the opening of the dimensional war, itself is to prevent the internal forces of source energy civilization from invading, and finally lead to the disintegration of civilization.

But being familiar with the God of source energy and being rational about one thing are two different things.

At least until there is no more serious crisis, the source energy council will not compromise the God of source energy in this regard.


When the God of source energy led many masters to the front line of dimensional hegemony, the discussion of source energy meeting in the rear was not over.

Although the decentralization of the God of yuanneng made almost all yuanneng members angry, the current fact is that how can yuanneng civilization stop the war front of the bright Protoss, especially the level 8 peak combat power.

The God of source energy made it clear in the previous meeting that he was not unable to beat the Supreme God, but that he lacked a treasure of civilization compared with the supreme god!

This kind of naked and undisguised words made many members of yuanneng parliament look at each other.

Give the city of source energy to the God of source energy?

Many members shook their heads. Even if it was only the power of proxy, these members did not dare to hand it over easily.

Although these councillors can\'t imagine what great power the eight level peak master has, they can also predict that as long as the city of source energy falls into the hands of the God of source energy, it will really become his thing.

If there is no city of source energy, how can we improve the combat effectiveness of the God of source energy?

Many parliamentarians have thought of substitutes for the source energy city, those source energy sub cities.

With Safina\'s personal combat experience, the source energy civilization has determined that the "source energy armed" provided by the source energy sub city will greatly improve the strength of the source energy masters.

Especially now, many source energy masters have suffered a lot in the decisive battle not long ago. If they want to block the next edge of the Lord gods of light, it seems that there is only one way to "source energy armed".

This is the dual combination of science and technology and cultivation system, and it is also one of the highest achievements of source energy civilization as a top civilization.

As for whether a series of subsequent derivative problems will arise if the authority of the source energy sub city is handed over to those source energy masters, it is not something that can be considered now.

Sure enough, the confrontation between the power classes is the result of compromise in the end.

Both the God of source energy and the source energy conference have stepped back, but I don\'t know whether the bright Protoss is willing to compromise due to the change of source energy civilization under this new background and war environment?


Will the bright Protoss compromise because of the desperate struggle of yuanneng civilization and the improvement of local forces such as yuanneng armed forces?

Of course not!

In fact, from the start of the dimensional war to the fall of many bright gods such as the Eternal Lord, there was no compromise in this war.

Only life and death!

The God of source energy and the source energy council are both the internal forces and strong forces of source energy civilization, so they will compromise for various reasons.

However, as an external opponent, the bright Protoss now only wants to completely destroy the source energy civilization, rather than talk about any compromise or negotiation with them.

The nature of the dimensional war itself indicates that the bright Protoss cannot live in harmony with the source energy civilization.

The two sides are separated by the unimaginable boundless starry sky. Is it difficult to come to the desperate world to play a friendly game?!

It is every Lord God of light who is very firmly aware of what he should do and what his purpose is, so they have more explosive power than source energy civilization.