Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4595

In front of the curtain of light, Locke roughly negotiated with the Lord of glory about the time and some details of the coordinated attack.

Locke is a powerful master who has participated in countless wars and battles. Similarly, the Lord of glory has experienced many wars in recent years.

These two masters are combined with each other, and the combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

The great victories in the No. 5 and No. 6 theaters hundreds of years ago may be repeated on the skeletal battlefield in front of us soon!

After the divine power communication with the Lord of glory, Locke examined the middle and bottom combat forces in the theater he was responsible for.

Dimensional hegemony can never be achieved by relying solely on dominant creatures. Locke\'s personal combat power is indeed unparalleled. However, in order to flatten the countless source energy civilized legions on the battlefield of the vast and desperate world in front of him, it must be assisted by the corresponding middle and bottom combat power.

The Eternal Lord of the fourth theater next door gave Locke little help in war support, and sometimes even delayed, but Locke benefited in logistics supply and angel Corps distribution.

Even Locke himself didn\'t think that one day he could lead tens of millions of bright Protoss Angel legions.

But the Eternal Lord gave it to him, and because war zone 5 was far more vast than war zones 6 and 7, the Eternal Lord allocated a total of 20 million angels to Locke.

Hundreds of gates of light stand in the rear behind Locke, which means that once the front-line Angel Legion is excessively consumed, there will be new angels in the rear in time.

Locke can underestimate the personal strength of the Eternal Lord, but he has to admit that with the Eternal Lord as the housekeeper of the bright Protoss, his war on the front line will be easier.

In the past, Locke also participated in countless wars. At that time, he was responsible for the mobilization of the whole wizard civilization corps and was the high-level strongman of the major forces in the wizard world.

Where there are people, there are fights. There is no way to avoid it. Locke is dominated by the most powerful Knight of wizard civilization. Sometimes he has to face these things that make him feel headache.

But on the bright Protoss side, the Eternal Lord controls everything. All instability and small contradictions are eliminated under the threat of external war.

The all-round stimulation of civilization strength and heritage can make the bright Protoss in an efficient and powerful operation on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony in the desperate world.

This is also the state of the bright Protoss, which makes Locke recall that many years ago, when the wizard civilization faced the extinction crisis brought by the brain eater, the underworld and Mesopotamia, it was also the internal forces that abandoned all contradictions and made every effort to deal with the extinction crisis of racial civilization.

"The development mode and civilization system of the wizard world are not suitable for dictatorship. Similarly, there is no dictatorship on the side of the bright Protoss, but the reputation and status of the Eternal Lord can let him control everything in the rear." Locke shook his head.

"This war of civilization, after all, depends on the actual strength to divide the final result."

"Since the Eternal Lord trusts me so much, and I want to draw on the power of destruction with the help of war, this first battle, as the Lord of glory said, fight well, which is also the spirit of civilization!" Locke said solemnly.

With Locke\'s right hand raised, tens of millions of angels looked at Locke here.

These angels on the battlefield used to regard Locke as an evil heresy that must be purified, but because of a bright Oracle, these angels have become Locke\'s subordinates and adjustable forces.

This also shows that there is no accurate division between the so-called justice and evil, and different descriptions will be given only according to the positions of the parties and the superior.

An oracle of light can turn once evil into justice.

Although it is true that many angels cannot accept this change at the moment, under the unshakable majesty of the oracle of light, all angels obey the orders of the Eternal Lord.

Obviously, God\'s orders are more important to these angels than justice and evil!

"All angels go to the established combat area according to the Oracle\'s instructions. Angels with more than eight wings report to me." Locke ordered.

The 20 million angels sent by the eternal master are the absolute elite of the bright Protoss. In addition to reaching level 1 or above, there are hundreds of four winged and six winged angels.

There are 32 eight winged angels with level 6 life level, and seven ten winged archangels comparable to level 6 peak combat power.

In addition to these powerful angels, Locke\'s destruction Legion is also his absolute lineage.

The total number of destruction legions is more than 10 million, and the total number of middle and bottom combat legions is 30 million, which is all Locke\'s support in theater 5.

In order to recognize the specific strength of these six level angels, Locke contacted these angels with more than eight wings.

Although the angels of the bright protoss have gender, the angel intensity seems to have nothing to do with gender.

The proportion of men and women of these angels with six levels of life is very balanced. Considering that the strength of angels is directly linked to their beliefs, it seems that there is no gender limitation in the field of beliefs.

Male angels are handsome and female angels are beautiful. Locke has been in contact with the bright Protoss for so many years and has never seen an ugly angel.

However, Locke did not have a crooked heart for these female angels.

With their fanatical belief in the God of light, Locke seems to do nothing harm to them. It can be solved by an oracle of light.

But instinctively, Locke didn\'t want to mess with these angels. At least now he has no sexual interest.


The full-scale attack of theater 5 and theater 6 was suddenly launched six months after Locke took command of theater 5.

Before that, although there were fierce collisions and clashes between the bright Protoss and the yuanneng civilization Legion in the two war areas, they were fundamentally different from the full-scale war at this time.

The overwhelming legion of bright Protoss angels is like a bright morning star that lights up the gray sky of the whole desperate world.

In Locke\'s body of destruction, hundreds of millions of angel legions attack each other!

According to the ratio of the angel Legion to the destruction legion, the angel side is responsible for two-thirds of the area in the whole No. 5 theater, and the other one-third of the area close to No. 6 theater is responsible for the destruction Legion under Locke.

The power of light and destruction put Locke in the dominant field of vision and saw the interweaving and coordinated operation of two legions with different attributes: white and black.

Obviously, the sudden attack of the bright Protoss disrupted the Legion deployment of the source civilization on the battlefield in front of us.

As the front advanced step by step, Locke was curious about which master the source civilization would send to confront him.