Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4594

For the issue of changing the theater proposed by the Lord of glory, the bright Protoss passed it directly without too long discussion.

It\'s a state of war. Everything will give way to war.

Locke joined the battlefield. For the bright Protoss, the theater they can radiate and control is larger and more than before.

After Locke joined the dimensional hegemony, the rising sun Lord, who was originally in theater 5, continued to move backward in order and went to theater 7.

Don\'t think that the war zone ranking of the Lord of the rising sun is lower, and his area of responsibility and the scale of the war will be smaller than that of the glorious Lord of war zone 6.

Because the dimensional hegemony war in the desperate world is not invariable. New achievements and changes appear all the time, which means that the battle area and scale of each Lord God are changing.

As an eight level Lord God, the Lord of the rising sun, who fought with the galent Federation all the year round, has a slightly higher theoretical foundation than the Lord of glory.

It may be to prove his strength, or he doesn\'t want to perform on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony, which is inferior to a young generation like the Lord of glory. The war territory of the Lord of the rising sun who went to theater 7 is almost twice the size of the Lord of glory.

The expansion of war territory means that the rising sun Lord needs to bear greater war pressure.

However, the main gods of the bright Protoss, so far, Locke has not seen the existence of fear of war and death.

There will be no market for their minds and practices within the bright Protoss, such as the fire master of the purple chayan soul world, the ash master of the Qatar star theft group and the king of the world.

With the deepening of the dimensional hegemony, Locke had more and more close contact with the bright Protoss. Locke was glad that he didn\'t completely tear his face with the bright Protoss in the past.

Such top-level civilizations can never stand alone in the wizard world at this stage. Even with the support of immortal civilization, they are barely equal to the bright Protoss in the field of high-level combat power, but the middle and bottom battlefields are definitely a big weakness and hidden danger in the face of the fierce and fearless Angel Legion.

And such an alliance must not be completely obedient and dependent on others.

It is a very stupid thing to look up to other people\'s noses for survival. Only when you are strong can you settle down in this star world.

Especially after the fall of Tongtian cult leader, who has a close relationship with the wizard world, I\'m afraid that only the ancestors of Styx and Nvwa saints can be close to the wizard world and Locke.

Although the relationship between other saints and Locke is still harmonious, it\'s hard to say how much they can rely on when the time of racial extinction and civilization crisis comes.


Theater five.

Compared with when Locke just arrived at the battlefield of desperate world, the No. 5 theater in front of him is not the same as that hundreds of years ago, but the code name is the same.

This is the hinterland of the battle between the bright Protoss and the frontier of source energy civilization. Due to the great victory of war zones 5 and 6 not long ago, the "new war zone 5" looks like a prominent handle on the front battle territory of the whole bright Protoss.

For the time being, the Eternal Lord is in charge of the adjacent theater 4.

The overall scale of theater 4 is larger than that of theater 3, but compared with theater 3, which is in the charge of the battle Angel Michael, the overall situation of theater 4, which is in the charge of the Eternal Lord, is not too flattering.

As the housekeeper of the bright Protoss, the Eternal Lord is responsible for all aspects of things, and can be called an "omnipotent" Lord God.

But in the astral realm, there will be no truly omnipotent master.

The weakness in strength makes the strength of the Eternal Lord not outstanding in the middle of level 8.

Moreover, for a long time, too many minds have been assigned to the layout of the overall war situation, as well as the scheduling of rear resources and angel legions. Therefore, the haggard Eternal Lord can not suppress the source energy civilization in the theater he is responsible for.

So for Locke, who has just been in theater 5, it is unlikely that he will get support from the Eternal Lord of theater 4 next door. Sometimes he even has to devote his energy to help the Eternal Lord.

But the brilliant Lord of the sixth theater next door is a reliable God who can advance and retreat with Locke.

Including Akron, the seventh level master of the Department of light, who is fighting under the seat of the Lord of glory at this time, is also a reliable master level force that can be mobilized and used by them on the nearby battlefield.

"The No. 56 theater has been newly opened up soon. As the forefront battlefield of our bright Protoss and source energy civilization, I hope to give a major impact to the source energy civilization in the shortest time, so that the follow-up battle will be easier." In the light curtain in front of Locke, the pretty face of the shining Lord appeared in it.

5、 At this time, there are two level 8 masters and two level 7 masters in theater 6. With such strong and high-end combat power, it is no wonder that the Lord of glory just led his subordinates to push out a large source energy civilization base and wanted to rebuild the war results.

The suggestion of the Lord of glory was also what Locke thought at this time.

With the passage of hundreds of years and the surge of life energy in paradise lost.

Although Locke has not yet recovered to his heyday, it is enough to support him to launch one or more dominant wars.

This is not only the strength of the eternal soul of level 8 creatures, but also the expression of Locke\'s personal strength and ability.

In contrast, Safina, the Galactic star who just fled under Locke not long ago, even if the energy supply and resources of the active energy civilization are inclined at all costs, it will take thousands of years for the source energy master to join the dimensional hegemony battlefield.

In terms of strength and combat endurance, we can\'t speak the same language as Locke.

"I will let kakarot sit at the junction of our two world war zones. Everything is easy on my side. If there is a problem on your side, he can support you at the first time." Locke said.

For Locke\'s kindness, the Lord of glory did not refuse too much, but thanked again.

With Locke joining the battlefield of the desperate world, the first seven war zones of the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization are terrorist war zones invested by level eight masters.

The Lord of glory sits in theater 6 with a seven level peak, which is an extremely risky thing in itself.

However, from here, we can also see the disobedience and frustration of the Lord of glory and her trust in Locke.

And I don\'t know if it\'s an illusion. Since Locke gave the star beads to the Lord of glory and didn\'t ask for other treasures in the Lord\'s God treasure house, the Lord of glory\'s attitude towards Locke has changed a little.

Locke, who has the origin of emotional rules, is very sensitive to this subtle emotional change.

To say when the Lord of glory\'s feelings for Locke became, Locke thought carefully. It should be when he just arrived at the battlefield of the desperate world, defeated the Galaxy star Safina with supreme posture, and repulsed multiple dominant war fleets of yuanneng civilization.