Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4587

Locke, who gradually recovered from the seven sins combination suit, soon found the difference in the surrounding star world.

Rocklock was slightly surprised at the appearance of more than 200000 fallen angels.

What was more unexpected to him was that the power of his emotional origin obviously remained on these fallen angels.

Obviously, these fallen angels appeared because of Locke.

But sadly, Locke hadn\'t noticed before.

This is the tragedy of the weak. As the master of the eighth level peak, Locke, after mastering the seven sins suit, just inadvertently released his power, which caused so much trouble to the low-level lives around him.

This is also due to the general firmness of the belief of the angel legion of the bright Protoss. If the original emotional power of the seven demons is invaded in the general medium and small planes, it will inevitably lead to a large area around to become a place of chaos and tyranny.

Countless creatures at the bottom will be completely reduced to evil creatures like demons due to the invasion of the power of heterogeneous emotions, and will breed evil thoughts and negative emotions in their hearts.

This is the expression of the power of the real tyranny and hidden rules of the secret treasure of the seven sins.

Only a creature with a firm belief like the angel of the bright Protoss can keep itself awake after being inadvertently "demonized" by Locke\'s seven sins.

They just change the source of power, but the heart is still towards the light Protoss.

In other words, the demon world is doomed to be destroyed by the light Protoss.

Because these angels with firm faith are the devil family in Tianke demon world.

The appearance of more than 200000 fallen angels made Locke look embarrassed and ashamed.

However, considering that the light Protoss already knows that Locke has a group of destruction angels under his command, with Locke\'s current relationship with the light Protoss, this mere 200000 fallen angels will not affect the relationship between the two sides.

As Lucifer just said, the best destination for these inadvertently demonized angels is to follow Locke to participate in the dimensional hegemony of the desperate world.

The seven sins suit is integrated into one. At this time, what appears on Locke is no longer a single seven world-class treasures, but a set of glass armor that completely covers Locke\'s whole body.

This set of glazed armor is very similar to Locke\'s close fitting bone armor. Its defense performance has not only reached the level of advanced world-class secret treasure, but also has various other incredible abilities.

The abilities of demon God crown, God killing mask, shadow cloak, curse armor, magic shield, blood ghost ring and wind shadow boots are undoubtedly shown in this complete suit.

No wonder it will be revered as a suit comparable to the treasure of civilization. At least in terms of omnipotence, any world-class secret treasure Locke came into contact with before can\'t compare with the glass armor on him.

The unprecedented increase in strength has increased Locke\'s strength by at least 20% over the past.

If the Milky Way star Safina appears in front of her this time, even if there are two source energy sub cities to provide her with combined defense, Locke is sure to kill her.

Also at this moment, Locke has the confidence to compete with the Supreme God.

Before that, Locke\'s destructive power was the main source of his level 8 peak.

Now, with the seven sins set together, Locke feels that its emotional power has reached the same level as the power of destruction!

The strong power made Locke full and excited, but he didn\'t forget where he was at this time.

In order to avoid the embarrassment that just happened again, Locke summoned twelve products to destroy heilian, supplemented by self sealing, to suppress the overflow of excess emotional power.

The appearance of the twelve product destruction Black Lotus caused Lucifer, the fallen angel, to look at it again.

Looking at Locke, his eyes were dignified, but more afraid.

After discovering that Locke was not eroded by the power of the seven negative emotions, Lucifer was relieved and said, "the secret treasures of the seven sins are integrated into one and have the power comparable to the treasure of civilization. The will of the demon world did not deceive me."

"And obviously you are the better Lord of the demon world than myself." Lucifer looked at Locke and said.

Lucifer\'s words caused a strange look on Locke\'s face.

Locke shook his head and said, "Lord of the demon world? A woman once told me that I am the king of hell."

Locke\'s words seem narcissistic. If the Lord of glory is here, it\'s impossible to turn his eyes.

But the Fallen Angel Lucifer looked at Locke, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "with the degree of destruction you have mastered, you really deserve to be the king of hell. At least the former Lord of hell, Satan, has not achieved as much as you do today."

"But both hell and the demon world have been destroyed, and those titles are just empty names." The Fallen Angel Lucifer sighed.

Lucifer\'s exclamation resonated with Locke. He didn\'t care what his title was.

The devil\'s world and hell have nothing to do with him, and Locke has not taken too much special care of the devil and demons.

Locke is the most powerful knight in the wizard world. From beginning to end, he only recognized his identity and dedicated himself to the growth of wizard civilization.

"Once when I arrived in the demon world, the arrogant demon God of the previous generation in the demon world had disappeared. What was missing with it was the demon God crown, one of the seven sins."

"Although later I killed the second generation of arrogant demon God, and with its dominant body and the blood essence of the whole arrogant royal family, I gathered the original power of the demon world to shape the sword of falling angels."

"But compared with the original demon God crown, the Fallen Angel Sword can not be perfectly integrated with several other seven sin suits, and naturally can not play a power comparable to the treasure of civilization." Lucifer, the fallen angel, introduces Locke to an ancient Simi.

"Where did you get the demon God crown? Was the previous arrogant demon God still alive?" Lucifer looked at Locke and said.

When Lucifer said this, his tone revealed a killing intention. Locke also practiced the law of emotional origin. Naturally, it can be seen that Lucifer\'s killing intention was not aimed at Locke, but at the arrogant demon God of the previous generation.

Lucifer slaughtered his son and the whole arrogant royal family, and re occupied the identity of the arrogant royal family as the Fallen Angel family. Although they had never met, they were obviously incomparably antagonistic.

In Lucifer\'s nature, he is not a good man.

If you are an absolute good man, you can\'t choose to betray the light God world and join the demon world camp.

Lucifer clearly understood the truth of cutting the grass and eliminating the roots.

In terms of human nature and emotion, Lucifer is more like a complete "person", a perfect life in the star world.

In that year, the creator God created five generation angels and left the angel reincarnation pool, the treasure of civilization.

Now, the most successful achievement of the creator God in that year should be the Fallen Angel Lucifer whose current thinking is not understood by other Lord gods and angels of light, but whose power is extremely powerful.