Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4586

Under Locke\'s inspiration and power call, the secret treasures of seven sins successively emerged from Locke\'s body surface.

The first is the demon God crown on the forehead, followed by the God killing mask, shadow cloak, curse armor, magic shield, blood ghost ring and wind shadow boots.

The seven world-class secret treasures have different levels, of which the most powerful is the demon God crown, which is also the core of the power of the whole seven sin secret treasures.

The origin of a colorful law lingers on Locke\'s surface as Locke inspires seven sins at the same time.

Locke, who has a better understanding of the power of emotion, reads the power of arrogance, overeating, desire, greed, jealousy, anger and laziness.

The emergence of the origin of the seven negative emotions made Locke a colorful vortex centered around him.

It was not Locke\'s original intention, but just a breath of power inadvertently leaked by him, which troubled the past angels outside the realm of light.

At the same time, the Fallen Angel Lucifer in front of Locke was also dignified.

As a dominant creature who inherited the position of arrogant demon king in the demon world and personally mastered the power of arrogance, Lucifer knew how exaggerated Locke\'s power was at this time.

The power level at the peak of level 8 has made Locke stand at the top of the star world. At this time, with the help of the secret treasure of seven sins in the demon world, Locke\'s power is even more amazing.

A colorful energy beam immediately centered on Locke and gushed out of the vortex.

Under Locke\'s control, this energy beam, after lasing to a certain distance, suddenly dispersed into a little light rain and dissipated in the surrounding stars.

This is the mother plane of the bright Protoss. Naturally, Locke can\'t make any big news.

Nevertheless, there were too many bright Protoss angels marching outside the bright god world at this time.

There are still quite a number of people who are unfortunately affected by Locke\'s emotional light and rain. In a burst of painful murmur and dull hum, the holy angel\'s wings gradually darken, just like becoming a fallen angel on the spot!

Level 8 peak destruction master Locke and the Fallen Angel Lucifer are really a perfect match. If they intend to do any damage, I\'m afraid the rear of the bright Protoss will fall into complete chaos.

Although there are not many angels who have been affected by Locke\'s power and have unfortunately fallen, at present, there are more than 200000.

At this time, there were more than tens of millions of normal Angel legions gathered outside the light God world. These newly born fallen angels did not understand what happened and were surrounded by their former colleagues.

Moreover, the situation is extremely tense. It is impossible to say that the "heresy" will be eliminated under the command of a higher angel in the next second.

For such extreme religious madmen as the bright Protoss, it doesn\'t make sense to reason with them.

Locke can get along and communicate with the Lord gods of light, but it is difficult for those low-level angels to communicate.

Perhaps it is precisely because they are extremely paranoid and their beliefs are extremely pure that they can show amazing power in the process of civilization war and dimensional hegemony in the past.

The opposition outside the light world and the sudden small-scale chaos made Lucifer, the fallen angel in front of Locke, frown.

At first, he didn\'t expect this kind of thing to happen. For those angels who fell not as he wanted, looking at their wandering, helpless and afraid black winged angels, Lucifer couldn\'t help thinking of several scenes hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Lucifer knew that what these newly fallen angels feared was not the hostility between death and other bright angels around them, but the fear caused by the collapse of faith.

At this time, they still firmly believe in the God of light, but they are afraid of themselves because of the change of their original strength and the alienation of their appearance and form!

A black light was emitted from Lucifer\'s hands. Soon, the black light enveloped those unfortunate "fallen" angels, providing them with a visible film to distinguish them from normal angels.

"The war of civilization is in a critical period. The power of every angel should be used."

"These angels have not betrayed the God of light. In the future, they will follow the destroyer and continue to devote all their strength to the battlefield of the desperate world." Although the voice of the Fallen Angel Lucifer was calm, it spread to the ears of every angel outside the realm of the God of light.

Perhaps low-level angels cannot understand or even tolerate these heretical angels who have been "polluted".

But the more high-level angels, the more they understand the truth. They also know that the command of the Fallen Angel Lucifer is the only standard they can implement without the oracle of the LORD God of light.

"I need to report this to the great lord of glory and the Lord of eternity." Among the tens of millions of angels, a ten winged Archangel flew out and said respectfully to Lucifer.

It did not disobey Lucifer\'s order, but indicated that it would report the matter to the police.

In fact, it also indirectly proves the authority of Lucifer\'s discourse.

"Yes." Lucifer just nodded and said nothing else.

Next, under the coordination and operation of the ten winged archangel, the starry sky outside the light God world was slightly confused for a while, and order and normality were restored again.

Tens of millions of angels showed their sharp and meticulous side again, and the orderly picture appeared outside the bright divine world again, as if the confusion and hostility just now were just an illusion.

The ten winged Archangel has hurried into the gate of light to report to the LORD God of light.

And listen to his words just now, the ten winged Archangel should belong to the seat of the glorious Lord.

The order of tens of millions of angel legions makes the more than 200000 fallen angels in front of Lucifer look very different and dazzling.

Just this moment, many fallen angels have chosen to burn their souls on the spot because they can\'t bear the collapse of faith and inner condemnation.

The speed was too fast for Lucifer to stop.

"Alas." With a long sigh, Lucifer controlled the remaining fallen angels with absolute dominance.

He repeated what he had just said, "now the bright Protoss is at the time of civilization change and the survival of the century. The power of each of your angels is extremely important to the bright Protoss."

"If you waste your life here, it\'s better to go to the battlefield of the desperate world and prove your faith in the God of light!" Lucifer said.

"Will the great God of light feel our faith?" A six winged angel flew out of these hundreds of thousands of angels. He is also the highest level of angels inadvertently \'demonized\' by Locke.

For the inquiry of the six winged angel, Lucifer, the fourteen winged archangel, nodded and said, "yes."

Lucifer\'s words, like a shot in the arm, restored the faith of these fallen angels.

I don\'t know whether it\'s sad or lucky.

For these angels, they are fearless because of their faith.

But similarly, the only thing in their hearts is faith.

They may not have felt other emotions in the world, and they don\'t know whether they are a living creature born in the star world or the war weapon of the light Protoss.

Just like the origin of the Five Angels, they were created after all.