Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4581

The Lord of glory said so. Naturally, Locke would not be polite to her.

Under the gaze of the Lord of glory, Locke then said, "I heard that the Fallen Angel Lucifer\'s fallen angel sword is also one of the famous seven sins in the demon world. I wonder if I can have a close look?"

Locke wanted to look at the fallen angel\'s sword, naturally in order to see if it was one of the seven sins.

Now, Locke has collected six of the seven sins, which can be gathered together with a wind shadow boot.

Under this premise, Locke naturally wondered what the Fallen Angel Lucifer\'s fallen angel sword was.

Are the seven crimes composed of eight world-class treasures?

For Locke\'s request, there was a trace of embarrassment on the glorious Lord\'s face.

"The fallen angel\'s sword is still in Lucifer\'s hands. Since the dimensional hegemony was opened tens of thousands of years ago, the supreme god returned the fallen sword to Lucifer."

"If it\'s just a close look, I\'ll try to get in touch with Lucifer and make it happen as much as possible." Although his face looked pale, the Lord of glory said firmly.

"Even if it\'s too much trouble, I\'m just curious about the falling angel\'s sword. Wind shadow boots are enough." Locke smiled at the Lord of glory.

When Locke talked to the Lord of glory, a lot of buildings and temples with the characteristics of the bright Protoss appeared below them.

Yuanneng civilization built large steel cities in the occupied area of the desperate world. Similarly, Guangming Protoss also arranged many buildings in their occupied area.

Seeing these magnificent and shining buildings, Locke couldn\'t help thinking of countless ancient civilization relics buried under layers of bones in the desperate world.

Will these buildings in front of us be the relics in the eyes of future desperate world explorers.

There is no doubt that tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people who fell in the battle broke out at the junction of the No. 5 and No. 6 theater, which has been connected with the skeleton continent of the desperate world.

The unique rules of the desperate world make the corpses and metal debris of organisms particularly vulnerable to air drying and dilapidation under the influence of the world\'s environment.

Therefore, no matter how fierce the war breaks out, the smell of blood and the residual dead gas factor will soon disappear in a period of time after the war.

What remains is only endless emptiness and silence.

This is also characteristic of the desperate world.

In the most striking palace in this temple complex, Locke saw the Supreme God.

The Supreme God also threw himself into battle in the No. 1 theater of the desperate world, but the great changes in the No. 5 and No. 6 theater have greatly changed the situation on the front line of the whole civilized war.

The Eternal Lord and others are still in the front-line command of the war. With the help of the advantageous changes brought by theater 5 and 6, the bright Protoss is slowly turning from defensive to offensive.

With his absolute strength and the blessing of the revelation of the treasure of civilization, the Supreme God can come to the front or return to the rear in the shortest time.

Therefore, when Locke and the Lord of glory temporarily withdraw from the front battlefield, it is most appropriate for the supreme god of the same level to receive Locke.

In other words, the Supreme God was driven back from the front line for Locke.

This also confirms from the side that the God of source energy, the eight peak of source energy civilization, has no pressure on the supreme god holding the revelation.

At least until the God of source energy has not mastered the city of source energy, the Supreme God is always pressing the other side on the frontal battlefield.

Compared with many years ago, the Supreme God has not changed much.

The LORD God of light, who can break his wrist with the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, should be an extremely rare extreme life in the star world, and it can be matched only at the peak of the desperate spider mother.

Absolute strength makes the Supreme God feel like he has no desire and no desire.

Even Locke has the illusion that this guy with incomparably deep and depressing atmosphere is about to reach the level of omniscientism.

Also at this moment, Locke suddenly had a clear understanding.

Even if the bright Protoss does not open the dimensional hegemony, and even the potential and strength of the high God, he will be sure to ascend level 9 with his own ability in the future.

Especially after the collision with Taoist Zu Hongjun in the immortal realm, the Supreme God\'s understanding of the nine level realm is probably deeper!

The reason why he led the whole family to start the dimensional hegemony, Locke\'s guess is that the Supreme God can\'t wait.

After a long time, I don\'t know when the Supreme God can touch the nine level realm.

Instead of waiting for the unknown opportunity, it\'s better to enter the battlefield of the desperate world and fight for one.

Locke\'s guess is just a guess.

He did not know that the Supreme God found the trace of the creator God in the desperate world, so he led the whole family to start the dimensional hegemony.

Who is the "God of light" in the belief system that the bright protoss have always respected?

According to Locke\'s understanding of the light God family, this\' light God \'is only a general reference. He can represent every light Lord God.

When praying, the believers of the light Protoss will not be accurate to whether the object of prayer is the Lord of glory or the Lord of infinity.

The occurrence of this situation not only makes the bright Protoss more united, but also makes the use of the power of faith by each main God more efficient and convenient.

But there is one thing that few people know, including the LORD God of light who has been promoted in the post era.

That is the original template of the \'God of light\', which is actually the creator God!

As the leader and founder of the development of the whole civilization, the creator God has irreplaceable significance in the older generation of the LORD God of light and the next generation of angels.

It is precisely because the power of the light Protoss is still in the hands of the Lord of light gods such as the Supreme God, including the Lord of glory, who is also heavily influenced by a generation of angels, including the military angel solint, that the dimensional hegemony plan will be fully promoted in such a short time.

Even the anti light Protoss alliance such as the galent Federation, which has a bad relationship with the light Protoss, did not respond.

Locke didn\'t care much about the beginning and end of the light Protoss opening the dimensional war.

After meeting with the Supreme God and obtaining the meeting, in addition to some daily courtesies, the Supreme God directly asked Locke what help he needed.

For friends, the light Protoss is not stingy.

And Locke is also the first foreign friend of the light Protoss in the real sense!

"I need a lot of life attribute plants or spiritual materials!"

"The progress of dimensional hegemony consumes a lot of my master\'s omnipotent soul."

"It\'s hard for me to make ends meet just by relying on the destructive power drawn from the battlefield."

"Because I can\'t return to the wizard world for a long time and nourish my soul with the help of the dominating palace. Only through the feedback of the life energy of the paradise lost can I be on the front line of the civilized battlefield for a long time like you." Locke said positively to the Supreme God.


Today, I finally have 10 million words, tears, hesitation, excitement and excitement!

Thank every reader for their support. Without you, Xiaodou would never have come to this point today.

This 10 million words is also a big mark in Xiaodou\'s collaborative career. I don\'t know when the future 20 million words will be achieved. I hope there will be familiar readers around Xiaodou at that time.