Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4573

After kakarot flew to the master super fleet group newly supported by yuanneng civilization, as the shining Lord of the highest commander in this theater, he quickly reacted after a short period of stupor and ordered his angel Legion to move towards the "Explorer master fleet".

The super fleet, which can dominate and rival the combat power of level 8, is not so easy to fall in the civilized war, and with the power of the shining Lord, it can\'t intervene in the battle of that level for the time being.

However, the Lord of glory, as the LORD God of light, with countless Angel legions under his command, can bring heavy damage or even destruction to the two dominant level source energy fleets comparable to level 7 combat power on this battlefield.

In just over half a year, the "strong wall Guardian master fortress" and its fleet have completely dispersed the bright Protoss.

When the battle has approached the periphery or even the interior of the master fortress, the fierce battle has not ended, but the result is very clear.

A large number of angel legions make the final attack around the "strong wall Guardian dominant fortress", which can break through the suburbs and even the interior of the strong wall Guardian dominant fortress in such a short time.

Locke\'s heavy damage to him in the early stage of the war was the absolutely primary factor, and the secondary factor was from Locke\'s destruction Corps.

The coexistence of the power of light and the power of destruction on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony in the desperate world is an extremely rare story in the star world.

Thanks to the extraordinary command and prohibition ability of the angel legion of the bright Protoss, and the destruction Legion under Locke is completely obedient to Locke.

Therefore, the combat corps with opposite attributes can better complete the task of cooperative war and create all kinds of incredible results in the war.

The end of the strong wall Guardian dominating fortress is doomed, and the Explorer dominating fleet also suffered heavy losses after a rampage in kakarot.

These two dominant war fleets of source energy civilization are the brilliant achievements that the bright Protoss is most likely to win first in this war.

The Lord of glory also showed his outstanding combat effectiveness and excellent command ability different from other gods at these critical moments.


More than half a year later.

The two star killing and dark star super fleets of yuanneng civilization have not yet arrived, but all the high-end forces that can support the Galaxy star Safina have appeared one after another on the whole dimensional hegemony battlefield.

Regardless of the dominant biological and source energy fleets in theater 5 and theater 6 next door, only two large-scale source energy sub cities appear in the sky of the desperate world.

The source energy sub city is an important part of the source energy city. It can be regarded as a reduced version of the source energy city or a part of the source energy city.

There are 32 source energy sub cities in the whole source energy civilization. Considering the war wear and consumption and the newly constructed source energy sub cities, the number of source energy sub cities has been maintained in this range.

If we say that the newly supported source energy civilization Legion will first bring great pressure to the bright Protoss Angel army in this theater, and then transfer part of the pressure and power influence to Locke\'s battlefield in the main god field.

Then the emergence of the two source energy sub cities undoubtedly directly fed back to Locke and brought substantial power bonus to the opposite Galaxy star Safina.

Like their parent source energy city, as a reduced version of the source energy sub City, it also has extremely outstanding space-time special means.

When the two source energy sub cities ignored Locke\'s destruction field and directly entered the battle center of the two eight level masters, Locke gradually realized something.

At this time, he is facing not only a simple level 8 mid-term master, but also a war machine of top civilization.

At this time, in the field of boundless destruction, the situation of galactic star Safina is quite bad.

Obviously, Locke also sensed the fierce battle taking place all the time on the external battlefield and the rapidly changing process of the war of civilization.

The source energy civilization will not give up the Milky Way star Safina. Therefore, Locke has almost put out all his strength to dominate the middle of the eighth level in the battle for more than a year.

The original luxurious and perfect purplish combat suit looks pitted under the continuous impact and attack of Locke, the savage master.

As an advanced world-class secret treasure, this science and technology battle suit representing the peak of science and technology of yuanneng civilization obviously also has the ability of self-maintenance and recovery.

But after such a long time, it is still like this, enough to see how crazy Locke\'s attack on the Galactic star Safina was during this period.

The massive loss of the dominant soul made the Milky Way star Safina pale.

Yes, Locke tore Safina\'s mask four months ago.

Although Safina\'s complete cheek was not exposed in front of Locke, Locke also witnessed half of her face.

It has to be said that this is a perfect woman who is extremely in line with the human aesthetics of the wizard world.

Her figure and face are enough to reach the world-class level. Although in Locke\'s view, the delicacy of her face may be a little worse than the Lord of glory, it has a little more mature temperament than the Lord of glory.

The orange shawl and long hair were forced to be exposed to the air because of the fragmentation of the purplish combat suit.

At this time, the dark silver energy blades held by the Milky Way star Safina are much dimmer than a year ago, because the power consumption of the two energy blades is very exaggerated in more than a year.

Although she has only fought with Locke for more than a year, for the Milky Way star Safina, it is more tired than her game with the Lord of the rising sun and the Lord of eternity for hundreds of thousands of years.

Because the former Locke brings her a fatal crisis, while the latter is only a confrontation under the same strength, or even a stronger suppression.

The sudden arrival of the two source energy sub cities across time and space makes Safina, the Galactic star under Locke\'s triple blockade and repression, look happy.

Especially through the internal communication channels of yuanneng civilization, Safina also learned that yuanneng Council granted her several special permissions this time One of them, even the God of source energy, is very eager, but always does not have the ultimate authority.

"Shua!" "Shua!"

After the arrival of the two source energy sub cities, they launched their unique space-time power means at the first time.

The blue and purple energy beam makes Locke feel familiar, because many years ago, Locke was imprisoned in different time and space by such a beam, and then subjected to the siege of many dominant combat forces of source energy civilization.

In fact, that battle, to some extent, deepened Locke\'s determination to join the dimensional battlefield in the future.