Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4572

Locke\'s super Saiya warrior kakarot is very strong, and the Lord of glory and his angel army are not much different.

The "strong wall Guardian master fortress" has completely fallen into the skeleton continent of the desperate world under the continuous attack and impact of the bright Protoss army.

According to past war experience, this fallen master fortress, especially the iron giant that has lost a large number of follower fleets and has been invaded by the angel legion of the light Protoss The distance is completely destroyed and detonated. It\'s only a matter of time.

The fall of the strong wall guardian\'s master fortress also marks that the war situation in this theater is completely biased towards the bright Protoss.

Under the constant attack of the angel army led by the Lord of glory, yuanneng civilization has always been the party forced to retreat and resist.

For the bright Protoss, the focus of the war has gradually shifted from winning the local war to creating more results before the support Army of source energy civilization arrives.


A few months later, there was a loud bang.

In the southwest corner of the vast theater, a well-equipped and disciplined source energy civilized combat Corps arrived at the battlefield.

This is the war fleet that the source civilization first supported to the region of the Galactic star Safina, and this war fleet is also the direct Legion that Safina has always commanded.

Sure enough, at any time, only one can be trusted.

In the discussion plan of the high level of source energy civilization and the Source Energy Council, there was no operational plan supported by this source energy civilization Legion at first.

Because this war fleet cluster has many capital ships and its overall strength can be compared with level 8 creatures. Their original task was to take command of theater 5 and contain the rising sun Lord and the main force of the bright Protoss there.

When the top level of source energy civilization considers things, they often think more comprehensively.

Theater 5 has always been the dominant theater of source energy civilization. The transfer of this war fleet cluster will inevitably lead to the loss of the advantages of source energy civilization in that theater.

Therefore, after considering for a long time, we still choose two source energy sub cities as the first means of support, and the subsequent two star extinction and dark star warship clusters as the real support for Safina from the source energy civilization base, as well as the response to the emerging strong alien master Locke.

In other words, the source energy civilization war fleet cluster, which came all the way from the core of theater 5, was determined independently in violation of the order of the Source Energy Council!

This happens in the field of personal emotion, which is enough to see the prestige and personality charm of Galaxy star Safina in her own Legion.

But in the context of the whole civilization war, when the war is over, some people will be unlucky inside the dominant warship cluster of yuanneng civilization.

However, no one will care!

The S-level help order of Galaxy star Safina is not only for the high level of source energy civilization, but also for the help of all source energy civilization legions in all directions.

Their own generals and supreme commanders are in a desperate situation of life and death. Maybe those members of yuanneng Parliament can afford to quarrel, but general Klein, as the temporary commander-in-chief of this dominant war fleet cluster, can\'t stand it.

Not only admiral Klein can\'t stand it, but the main forces of source energy civilization in the whole No. 5 theater are pouring into the battlefield in this junction area, which is enough to see how many senior military leaders and Safina\'s direct subordinates have contributed to this.

In fact, the reason why general Klein and other military generals of source energy civilization came to rescue at the risk of such great condemnation is also directly related to the slow response speed of the high level of source energy civilization and the support fleet after Safina issued the S-level help order!

The attack of the main warship cluster of yuanneng civilization in theater 5 tore a hole in the corner of the angel legion of the bright Protoss at the first time.

Low level creatures are limited by their own vision and can\'t find out what changes have taken place in the battlefield in front of them, but the glorious Lord, who has been reminded and reported by the military Angel Solent, discovered the emergence of this powerful fleet group at the first time.

The fleets that block out the sun appear in the sky of the desperate world.

Because this is the first batch of source energy legions to support, the number is not very large, but even so, it can reach the boundless scale, which is enough to see how exaggerated the number of source energy civilized combat legions is on the civilized battlefield.

And as a main warship cluster that can compete with Class 8 creatures, it is conceivable that this vanguard Corps is elite!

His face was gradually replaced by dignity. Rao was the Lord of glory. When he felt the strength of the cluster of source energy civilized warships, he couldn\'t help feeling tricky.

After all, there is a big gap between level 7 and level 8. Before that, the Lord of glory could fight one enemy against two and face two source civilization dominant fleets at the same time.

However, this does not mean that the Lord of glory can directly face the terrorist fleet groups with several source civilizations, which can be compared with level 8 creatures.

Take a deep breath, and the full-bodied divine power of light ripples on the surface of the shining subject.

The world-class secret treasure prophecy has made a page turning sound of "clattering" and appeared in front of the shining Lord. The star ring also emits dazzling and blurred starlight.

Just when the level-7 peak light Lord God was ready to harden his head to meet the front edge of a warship cluster comparable to level-8 biological power, a silver light column rushed up much faster than the shining Lord!

It\'s super Saiya kakarot!

As a true warrior looking for the meaning of life from battle, kakarot\'s prediction of threats and strong enemies is more acute than ordinary masters.

The Lord of glory had not informed Locke and kakarot that the enemy would come.

Because the two foreign aid masters also have their own battle at this time. As a member of the light Protoss, the Lord of glory knows that this battle belongs to the light Protoss. Whether it is dangerous or pressure, it should be fought by the light Protoss themselves.

In dealing with the enemy and most things, the bright Protoss is obviously more "aboveboard" than most of the world civilizations in the star world.

This may also be the characteristic of the belief type world civilization, and it also belongs to the excellent quality of the bright Protoss.

At least Locke doesn\'t have to worry too much when he follows the bright Protoss. The other party will sell himself.

Kakarot took the initiative to rush to the newly supported source energy civilization fleet, not to please the light Protoss, nor to win the war in this theater.

He just followed his purest intention of war and spontaneously chose the most powerful opponent and the most dangerous place on the battlefield.

In fact, the strongest in this war zone should be the Galaxy star Safina, but since Locke has chosen her as his opponent, as a horse boy, it is naturally impossible to rob prey with his master.

This new cluster of warships has obviously been watched by kakarot, and a beam of silver light cuts through the sky.

The speed of kakarot\'s action and his determination made even the shining Lord on the other side of the battlefield a little stunned.