Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4570

The intersection of theater 5 and theater 6.

It has been less than half a year since Locke arrived in this theater and collided with Safina, the eighth master of source energy civilization.

Such a long collision is enough to show that Safina\'s hope of trying to escape alone from Locke has been dashed.

For Safina now, the only thing she can do is to continue to stick to it, try to maintain her energy and be in a relative stalemate with Locke.

Yuanneng civilization can\'t ignore her danger. Safina has this confidence.

Nearly half a year of confrontation and battle made Safina have a clearer understanding of Locke\'s strength in the field of God.

I don\'t know whether all level 8 peak creatures are like this, or whether she happened to meet Locke. From the initial self-confidence to the final fear and heavy pressure, it is the real mental process of Galaxy star Safina.

The absolute strength gap makes Galaxy star Safina only passive defense.

But it\'s a pity that Safina is not a good defender. Her strong point is her flexible attack.

Therefore, in this small half a year, Safina not only lost a lot of energy, but also suffered a lot of damage to her body.

A large amount of source energy is lost from Safina every minute. In addition, many areas injured by Locke need to dominate the omnipotent soul to recover instantly, so as to ensure that Safina\'s combat power will not decline in a short time. Therefore, she suffered more losses than expected.

The purplish combat clothes have been scratched on the surface during the battle with Locke.

This advanced world-class secret treasure, which is close to Safina\'s skin, perfectly shows Safina\'s proud figure.

The appearance of countless scratches also gives Safina a special sense of beauty.

Locke in the combat state is obviously not in too much mood to pay attention to the beauty of his opponent.

What really interested Locke was that he could feel Safina\'s weakness.

Although it is not yet tottering, Locke enjoys the process of personally destroying and severely damaging an eight level master.

One is struggling to resist Locke\'s stormy attack, the other is enjoying the battle.

This absolute power gap is quite rare at the level of eight masters.

At this time, in the dominant field, the dense dark red rule network, like a complex and tough cobweb, trapped the Galactic star Safina.

The power of special rules from the emotional field interferes with Safina\'s judgment. The reason why she consumes so much power now is also greatly related to the interference of these emotional rule networks.

She has consumed nearly 10% of the soul of the master so far by unilaterally bearing the crushing force given by Locke.

In other words, if Safina and Locke fight each other in a normal astral background, she can only hold on to Locke for about five years when both sides are in a state of full outbreak.

This is purely from the perspective of data. In fact, in the battle of domination, the later the battle, the faster it will end.

This is why Galaxy star Safina issued the most advanced "S-level help order" instead of the next level of help order.

"Boom!" Another explosion and force impact occurred on Safina\'s chest.

Under the impact of unparalleled frontal force, the purple combat suit was broken into a big hole.

A lot of blood gushed from Safina\'s wounds, but compared with those superficial injuries, it was obviously more serious that the destructive factors that had invaded Safina\'s body.

After hitting the target, the killer gun flashed and appeared again in Locke\'s hands.

In Locke\'s view, although Safina\'s battle suit has begun to repair the damaged areas as much as possible, including Safina\'s bleeding skin, which has also completely solidified and recovered for the first time, the weak color of Safina\'s face is becoming more and more obvious.

"It seems that you haven\'t given up because of other reinforcements?" Locke looked at the Milky Way star Safina in front of him.

Anyway, both sides have been fighting for nearly half a year, and there are countless exchanges during this period.

Safina knows Locke better than Angelina and other women. Similarly, Locke, as an opponent, knows this level 8 medium-term source energy master better than others.

If it weren\'t for the different positions of the two sides, on the premise of such familiarity, it\'s impossible for them to become friends.

At least in Locke\'s past history and achievements, he rarely targeted female alien creatures. More importantly, the shape of each other is not much different from that of humans in the wizard world.

Locke\'s joking inquiry annoyed Safina.

She is the source energy master that hundreds of millions of source energy warriors of source energy civilization yearn for. Among the many source energy masters born by source energy civilization, Safina ranks second in popularity, and even is only one line away from the God of source energy ranking first.

She is the absolute protagonist of the source energy civilization in the recruitment and publicity of the vast star region under its rule. At least half of the countless billion creatures of the whole source energy civilization have heard of her name.

In the past, she was a symbol of strength, intelligence and beauty.

But at the moment, she is just a weak person who has suffered humiliation and can only defend passively under Locke\'s continuous attack.

The huge drop makes the mood of the Milky Way star Safina gradually get out of control.

It can be said that this is also the effect of the surrounding blood color rule network.

Under the influence of Locke\'s emotional rules, Safina, who makes some wrong judgments and choices, performs worse than under normal conditions.

In fact, she can persist in Locke\'s hands for a longer time. If she can give full play to her space and the original power, even with Locke\'s ability, it will take more than 20 years to completely erase her.

However, it is not so easy to exert all his strength in the war. Locke\'s ability to influence and control each other\'s emotions is the embodiment of his absolute strength and overwhelming power.

Facing Locke\'s joking inquiry, Safina narrowed her eyes, then her body flashed on Locke\'s side, and the dark silver energy blade in her hand cut off Locke\'s cheek.

The dazzling spark burst and the impact of the force of rules. Safina\'s hate blow was blocked by Locke\'s magic shield again, and she has gradually lost her mind.

Twelve product destruction Black Lotus appeared at Safina\'s feet like a close cage.

If we say that the space force means that Safina haunted before has caused great trouble to Locke.

Then, with the emergence of the double bondage of the blood color rule field and the twelve product destruction Black Lotus, the flexible Safina is like being handcuffed at this time.

The slower speed and more obvious fluctuation of space force make Locke stop Safina\'s every attack like walking around in the battle.

On the contrary, Safina can\'t bear too much impact from Locke.