Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4569

A fierce quarrel always ends.

Galaxy star Safina is not an ordinary source energy master. She is a member of the Sofina family, the three giants of the Source Energy Council.

Due to the progress of civilization war and the huge star territory controlled by the rear of source energy civilization, it is impossible for no one to govern.

Therefore, the total number of emergency meetings held in the source energy city at this time, whether it is the arrival of the body or the arrival of the projection, is only more than 50, accounting for only a quarter of the total number of members of the source energy civilization.

The sophina family can not be underestimated in the source energy civilization. Among the three giants of the Source Energy Council, the sophina family ranks second in terms of comprehensive strength.

This is a behemoth that masters the source energy civilization, medical treatment, education and some military development.

Among the more than 200 members of the whole Source Energy Council, in addition to more than a dozen of them themselves from the sophina family, there are also more than 20 members following the sophina family.

If you add the political allies of the sophina family, they can easily get more than 50 votes in the source energy parliament, which is a force that can not be underestimated.

Perhaps for the vast majority of the high-level leaders of source energy civilization, the members of the source energy Parliament are already high above, and it is their lifelong goal.

But for the members of the source energy parliament, the three giants of the Parliament are the goals that even they must look up to.

The three giants are the real uncrowned king of yuanneng civilization!

Thanks to the fact that the owner of the sophina family and the well-known iron fisted congressman, chairman of henatos, was not here because of some affairs.

Otherwise, the chairman dared to slap the dissenting member in the face of other members of the parliament, and put forward the application process for the thorough dismissal of the member in the later source energy Parliament.

This is the true high-level and giant spirit of yuanneng civilization. Of course, the congressman dared to raise an objection at the risk of provoking the sophina family, which itself represents another camp and position in the parliament.

In other words, the congressman who does not agree to send out dark stars and dead stars to dominate the fleet also has a backstage.

A series of wrangling and subsequent quarrels made the emergency parliament in yuanneng city as chaotic as a vegetable market.

Moreover, the debate topic of those Congressmen of energy sources has gradually shifted from the assistance of Galaxy star Safina to other places.

Even if the master soul of Galaxy star Safina is quite abundant, and as a level 8 medium-term master holding two advanced world-class treasures, it is impossible to be killed by Locke in a short time.

But such quarrels and meaningless discussions are undoubtedly ignoring Safina\'s life and death.

If Safina really falls on the battlefield of the desperate world, these members of parliament must bear unshirkable responsibility for it.

Although then It is estimated that no one will and no one dares to take the responsibility.

Fortunately, the fierce quarrel did not last long. The sophina family and their allies could not really ignore Safina\'s danger.

Even the reason why the sophina family can rank second among the three giants of the source energy parliament, has level 8 medium-term strength, and has great reputation and influence in the source energy civilization military is an extremely important factor.

In addition to these groups, there are also many neutral and other influential members in the yuanneng civilization Parliament who want to win the dimensional hegemony of the desperate world, so they can\'t sit back and watch Safina in danger.

The final vote was 32 votes for dispatching two dominant source energy super fleets comparable to level 8 creatures, 17 votes negative and 6 abstentions.

Considering a total of 23 votes, that is, nearly half of the opposing opinions, this bill will be reviewed by the 10000 year high palace of source energy civilization in the future.

At that time, more than 200 members of the whole yuanneng civilization will send at least one projector to attend, whether they have any other important matters or not.

The deployment of two dominant source energy super fleets comparable to level 8 creatures will undoubtedly bring more variables to the dimensional war in the desperate world.

Because the joining of these two super fleets in the battlefield not only represents themselves, but also represents the advance of the war plan of the next stage of source energy civilization, as well as the investment of other dominant fleets and secondary war fleets.

It is precisely because of the great relationship involved that there are 17 negative votes and 6 abstentions.

Therefore, the occurrence of this situation is not entirely caused by the power struggle and aggression within the Source Energy Council. It also has a certain rational element.

This is why this bill will be reviewed by the supreme palace of source energy civilization in the future.

The deployment of the two dominant source energy fleets is a foregone conclusion, but according to the area where the two source energy fleets are currently stationed, even if the active energy city assists in space-time jump, it will take a long time to reach the target area to rescue the Galaxy star Safina.

Therefore, in order to speed up the rescue and avoid accidents, several members of the emergency parliament put forward a plan that was debated by the Source Energy Council in the past, but always wanted to come up with an accurate experimental scheme - the combination plan of the source energy city and the source energy master.

"Galaxy star Safina is one of the most precious treasures of our source energy civilization. She has made indelible contributions to the development and growth of our source energy civilization."

"Therefore, in order to rescue Safina faster and avoid some unexpected accidents, I propose to dispatch the five yuanneng sub cities that have not entered the state of war on the front battlefield to reach Safina\'s area for reinforcement."

"Even when necessary, mobilize the space-time power of the main body of the source energy city, or the main body directly comes to assist and increase Safina\'s power." The congressman\'s speech once again detonated the conference room that had been quiet for a while.

Even this time, the shock and violent discussion he caused were more serious than just now.

The source energy city has always been the foundation of the Source Energy Council. Avoiding too much contact between the source energy warrior group and the source energy city is a major means for the Council to restrict the source energy warrior group.

It is also thanks to the Galaxy star Safina who is in danger this time. If it is dominated by other elements, members of Parliament will definitely not put forward this rescue plan.

Because in the view of those congressmen, it is obviously more important to be a city of source energy than a life dominated by level 7 source energy.

They will not say that they are doing this to resist and limit the source energy warrior group. They will make a high sounding statement that this is to prevent the source energy city from being in danger.

As the only treasure of source energy civilization, source energy city is too important.

Just because it can produce and manufacture the core components of the source energy sub city and the dominant source energy fleet, it is destined to have an extraordinary position in the source energy civilization.

The wrangling and debate of the Source Energy Council continue. Where the source energy legislators can\'t see, hundreds of millions of trillion source energy civilized combat legions are still fiercely colliding with the angel legion of the bright Protoss on the battlefield of the desperate world.

Including the Galaxy star Safina, who has level 8 medium-term strength, is also in danger under Locke\'s stormy attack.

Perhaps from the current situation, the source energy civilization is the one that occupies the initiative and certain advantages.

However, from the long-term consideration and the comprehensive comparison of the two world civilizations, it is obvious that the bright Protoss is the existence with more potential and the ability to compete for final victory.

Only in the context of the current civilized war, the two sides in a state of war can not see all this clearly.

Both sides believe that they have enough cards and inside information to win the final victory.

Including Locke himself, he doesn\'t think that the bright Protoss will be able to laugh to the end. He will only try his best to help the bright Protoss, but also to help him enter level 9.

As for the result At least Locke tried his best!