Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4568

Any dominant creature is not a simple existence, especially one with an eight level eternal soul.

Think about the eight level masters Locke came into contact with in the past. Which one didn\'t toss for long enough to kill each other.

Not to mention level 8 masters, even level 7 creatures are not easy to fall.

Today, only two main gods of the bright protoss have fallen, which can be seen from the extremely fierce dimensional hegemony.

As one of the last means for Galaxy star Safina to ask for help, the "S-level help order" is a special card personally reviewed and issued by the Source Energy Council before all the dominant level beings of source energy civilization go on a mission.

This is a special signal source that ignores the properties of space and energy rules. It is said that it is consistent with some cutting-edge technologies of the source energy city. No matter where you are, as long as you are still in the astral realm understood by the source energy civilization, this signal source is bound to arrive at the source energy city in the shortest time.

Safina\'s "S-class help order" shows a dark red special energy particle in Locke\'s vision.

Locke had discovered the energy particle at the first time when it appeared, but when Locke released various interception means, the dark red energy particle passed through the obstacles arranged by Locke, and the speed did not slow down at all, flying far away to the desperate world outside the field of destruction.

Safina successfully sent out a signal for help, which made Locke\'s face sink.

This also allowed Locke to speed up his speed and strength and make a stormy attack on the Galactic star Safina.


When Locke killed Safina with many cards and means, about half a month later, an emergency Parliament was held in the source energy city behind the source energy civilization.

This is a meeting representing the real high-level and power stratum of yuanneng civilization. After all, it is related to the rescue operation of an eight level master, and no one will be careless.

"This is a conspiracy of the light Protoss!"

"The God of source energy and the Lord of stars are involved by the same level Lord God of the bright Protoss at this time. The new level 8 source energy master of heavy stars obviously can\'t intervene and reverse the threat brought by such level 8 peak master!"

"I suggest that we immediately dispatch the star extinguishing and dark star source energy fleet to jump in time and space and rescue Safina!" A congressman of yuanneng said loudly.

When the source energy member expressed his views, a small half of the source energy members immediately expressed their support.

The number of members of the whole source energy civilization is not large. They add up to only more than 200. They are the real power holders of the source energy civilization.

Only in terms of voice and status, even those dominant source energy warriors of source energy civilization, or the source energy civilization generals leading the Lord\'s slaughtering fleet, are a step lower than these congressmen in front of them.

Because the terrorist funds required for the breakthrough of the dominant source energy soldiers were approved by these congressmen, and the generals of the military were also discussed and promoted by the source energy Parliament.

The honourable member\'s speech represented the attitude of some members of yuanneng at the meeting.

Just speaking, so many people supported it. It is conceivable that when the voting session comes, yuanneng civilization will send a great price to rescue the Galaxy star Safina.

However, the Source Energy Council of source energy civilization is obviously not monolithic.

Where there are people, there is struggle. The reason why source energy warrior groups such as the God of source energy have been dissatisfied with the rule of Parliament is that the existence of Parliament has reduced the war and development potential of source energy civilization to some extent.

Many times, many forces of source energy civilization are unreasonably wasted in internal friction and meaningless decision-making.

Not long after the congressman finished his speech, another voice sounded, "the star fleet and the dark star fleet are the super fleet group we have left as an important card strength."

"According to the data obtained by the computing center of our source energy civilization, the hostile bright Protoss also have a considerable degree of underhand power that is not used."

"If we expose these two super fleets ahead of time, once the bright Protoss shows stronger power, we will undoubtedly fall into passivity!" The honourable yuan Neng voiced.

This congressman\'s voice also represents the attitude of another small group of congressmen.

Although the number of these members is not as large as that of the former, the emergence of different voices will obviously lead to some variables in the process and final outcome of the meeting.

"The new level 8 peak alien master is obviously the bottom card means of the bright Protoss. In that case, why can\'t we send out dark star and Star Destroyers to support Safina!" After the same source energy member finished his speech, another source energy member immediately stood up and asked impolitely.

This kind of tit for tat high-level dialogue can not exist in general large-scale world civilizations, such as the wizard world.

However, in the source energy civilization, where the scientific and technological system still occupies the mainstream, this situation is normal.

Even because of the special civilization history and the long-standing absolute leadership of the Source Energy Council, it is also a scientific and technological civilization. The intensity of the power struggle within the source energy civilization is much more serious than that of the galent Federation.

If the God of source energy did not forcibly launch the dimensional hegemony, the ultimate destination of the top civilization of source energy civilization is civil war and self division. This sentence is not sensational.

The contradiction between the source energy civilization is too complex, the contradiction between the source energy warrior group and the Source Energy Council, and the contradiction between different forces within the Source Energy Council.

The emergence of this situation is also related to the fact that the source energy civilization has been unable to find a sufficiently powerful external enemy in recent hundreds of thousands of years.

There is no external deterrent force, so all the unnecessary forces will be used for internal friction.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that since the opening of the dimensional hegemony in the desperate world, the contradictions between the major forces and interest groups within the source energy civilization have indeed eased and suppressed a lot.

Some of the source energy warriors represented by the God of source energy are trying to break the barriers of dimension, follow the God of source energy to explore the mystery of the end of dimension, and unlock the mysterious veil of level 9 creatures.

Some of the forces and interest groups of the Source Energy Council hold similar ideas to the God of source energy.

There are also a large number of forces who are more interested in the plane and planet occupied by another bright Protoss in the star world

It is also a series of factors that have reunited the source energy civilization, which has intensified internal contradictions in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

However, there must be great instability in the unity brought about by such haste and external factors.

At this time, it was only about rescuing the Galaxy star Safina, and the source energy council even quarreled over the disagreement, which was enough to see the disadvantages of this top civilization.