Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4516

The true spirit tower of the dragon mother danilis gives Locke a feeling that it is more magnificent than Lilith\'s.

This is not only more in line with the temperament and identity of the dragon mother, but also shows the overall heritage and strength of the blood warlock family on the west coast, which is a little higher than the Mamet alliance.

The configuration of two dominating halls and three true spirit towers has set up a special backbone in the whole wizard world.

With Vivian\'s promotion to level 7, the construction of the fourth true spirit tower is also scheduled and planned.

Without accepting the invitation of level 6 Fire Dragon warlock SANOS, Locke and his party returned to the original starting place - the western islands after only stopping on the west coast for half a year.

It was also at the moment when Locke and others set foot on the continent of Saint Laurent that Hera, the fifth level God from the distant Titan domain, finally returned to her mother plane in another sense - the wizard world with her grandmother.

The overall rules, thickness and environmental differences of the wizard world are still very different from those of the Titan world.

Originally, the girl was reluctant to be forcibly pulled back from the front battlefield by several grannies, but when she really felt the beauty of the rules and environment of the wizard world, and received some attention and blessing from the will of the wizard world, the little girl\'s eyebrows were full of curiosity and excitement.

Klopp and his entourage left after Locke returned to the western islands.

It is no longer appropriate to discuss official business, because it will be Locke\'s private family time.

Sharafa has also faded the temperament of the top level of the wizard world. His face has shown some old looks. He is like an elegant lady, wearing a white mage robe and holding Locke\'s arm together, quietly waiting for the return of other family members in the sunset.

"Grandpa!" A surprised but lively voice came from the sky.

The mortal Python yemenga is like an insignificant silver hair patch hiding in Haila\'s long hair. People can\'t imagine that the little thing that looks like a silver hair band is a terrible giant that has reached the peak life level of level 6 Things.

But what gives people a greater surprise is Haila herself.

During the years of the war between the pan star domain and the tower star domain, the little princess of the Titan world, who was unknown at first, has now made a great name.

"Goddess of death" is the most famous title of Haila. It doesn\'t mean that her power source contains the power of death, but her arrival often indicates death

Locke\'s granddaughter is just like Locke in the field of violence and killing.

This may be the biggest characteristic of Haila\'s inheritance from Locke?

As the granddaughter of the God of destruction, Haila brought killing and death to those alien creatures on the battlefield of civilization.

However, such a goddess of terror, who showed great prestige in the civilized war, now shows a lovely and vibrant side among Locke and his wives.

Looking at Haila in the sky rushing towards him, Locke, who was in a good mood, laughed and then opened his arms to welcome this lovely little granddaughter.


The next life in the western islands was one of the happiest times of Locke\'s life.

In addition to the company of many wives, the existence of granddaughter Haila also adds color to Locke\'s life.

However, Locke did not forget that he would go to the desperate world to participate in the dimensional war. The bright Protoss had signaled Locke to go to the desperate world to participate in the war as soon as possible through the channels of the dark star domain.

Even in order to win over Locke, the eight level peak strongman, the bright Protoss has delivered part of the blank star domain, just waiting for the wizard world to send someone to occupy it.

However, due to the tower star domain war and false words, the war of civilization is surprisingly smooth. Locke, who contacted the two large star domain wars earlier than expected, can have more time to recuperate and accompany his family in the wizard world.

The iron Castle world group mentioned by master Douglas is indeed a threat, but at this moment, Locke has no spare energy to solve the king of steel.

Not to mention that a level eight master in the heyday of a breakthrough is not easy to kill. It is only the war legion of wizard civilization. After tens of thousands of years of war, it is temporarily insufficient to support the consumption of another large-scale civilization war.

Therefore, the wizarding world will have to wait at least twenty or thirty thousand years before launching a full-scale war on the iron Castle world group.

Considering the non aggression treaty previously signed between the wizard civilization and the iron Castle world group, if you don\'t want to violate the treaty and pay a large price, the war between the wizard world and the iron Castle World Group will even drag on nearly 50000 years later.

Therefore, compared with the war of civilization against the world group of steel castle, the only scientific and rational way is to find an opportunity to kill the king of steel quietly with Locke and kakarot in the star world.

As long as the king of steel falls, even if Locke has left the star world, the wizard civilization and the world group of steel castle can take the absolute initiative in the future, whether war or peace.

But it\'s a pity that the king of iron and steel doesn\'t know whether he smells any danger or whether he breaks through the promotion soon and hopes to consolidate his foundation in the parent position.

So many years have passed, not to mention the world group of steel castle, even the position of steel castle, this guy seems to have never gone out.

The eighth level peak does represent the top of the combat power of the star world, but it does not mean that the dominant level at this stage can do whatever it wants.

It is obviously not a reliable idea to cross the vast world group of steel castle and kill the eighth level king of steel in the position of steel castle.

This is not to mention that in addition to the king of level 8 steel, there are several other level 7 masters in the world group of steel castle.

Not only the king of steel, but also the disappearance of the ashes master of the Qatar star theft group, which attracted Locke\'s frown in the nearly 1000 years of happy time with his family.

Of course, the ash master did not disappear alone. He disappeared with him, as well as the small half of the senior management of Qatar star thief group and the huge wealth of nearly two-thirds of the whole star thief group.

Ariba chamber of Commerce and Qatar star theft group are the large-scale interstellar organizations that the wizard alliance most hopes to acquire and be compatible in recent years.

But one is in the light and the other is in the dark. The wizard world can\'t claim that they control the notorious Qatar star theft group.

The disappearance of the level-7 biological ash master has made the wizard world\'s high-level some passive. As for the huge wealth it coerces away, it is nothing to the wizard world\'s high-level.

"Negor, the black magician, was promoted to level seven six thousand years ago. The demons and demons from hell and the demon world are occupying more and more power and position in the Qatar star thief group."

"These may make the ash master smell something, so it will quietly escape from the nearby star domain in the middle of the tower star domain war."

In the magic screen in front of Locke, danilis, the dragon mother sitting in the star domain of the iron tower, crossed the channel with him.